+52 mean people/bullies usually come from a privileged place, amirite?

by PuzzleheadedGrab 4 weeks ago

Bullies come from anywhere and everywhere. Just like a kid with everything could become a bully due to a lack of empathy and understanding (could, not always), someone who's struggled could just as easily become one due to needing somewhere to vent out their frustrations (again, could, not always) Background has very little to do with the capability to be mean.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Absolutely not. I grew up poor. In a poor neighborhood. At a school full of poor kids. Plenty of bullies.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I don't think they only mean privilege as in wealth. Also I don't think they mean all bullies, but they've correct in that not all bullies are bullying because they've been hurt.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

True, the person that bullied me never been hurt.

by veumsylvan 4 weeks ago

But can we ever truly know that for sure? I know asking for sympathy for a bully is like asking you to pull your own teeth but Im just saying, we rarely if ever have intimate knowledge into the details of someone else's life.

by StrategyThen1912 4 weeks ago

Most of the people that bullied me had been close, so I know.

by veumsylvan 4 weeks ago

The real question is "do we care?"

by Steuberorpha 4 weeks ago

The real argument here is…are some people just inherently bad? Idk about people. But I'd say if any action, attitude, or behavior could qualify as bad it would be hurting others for personal enjoyment. *without consent

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree 100%. All throughout my life, majority of the people I meat with alcoholic fathers, verbally abusive parents, or just plain neglected. We're some of the nicest people I have ever met. I've met a lot of nice kids with good homes. At the same time 90% percent of asshole that I got to know. Had a great family, all the games and toys, usually even a great social life.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

how u gonna say u agree 100% then proceed to completely disagree lmao

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The OP referred to privilege, and privilege can mean many things besides wealth.

by AdDifficult 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Pathological people exist at every socioeconomic level. However, I would say the higher up you go the socioeconomic ladder, the more pathological the people become. Its like this everywhere, has always been like this, and always will be. Our system rewards these people, their very behaviors/psychology/actions. Our system was built by these types of people. People think we are so evolved, yet fail to realize our entire society is built by predators.

by bernita17 4 weeks ago

Anyone can be a bully regardless of their gender, race, economic status, etc. Also, regardless if you accept it or not, we've all been bullies as we've said or done some mean things to people at least once in our lifetime.

by Alarming-Customer 4 weeks ago

There is no way you could possibly know what other people have been through behind closed doors. People are very good at masking what they find embarrassing, or anything they see as a sign of weakness.

by Xvon 4 weeks ago

I feel like OP actually gave a lot of good examples to support his stance. He never claimed to know what people have gone through but isn't it doing the same thing if you assume bullies must have been bullied?

by Cortezdoyle 4 weeks ago

Not really, he's assuming people have supportive families, have never been alone, have been treated well, etc. But unless they've got hidden cameras set up in everyone's houses, there's no earthly way they could know that about anyone.

by Xvon 4 weeks ago

He's drawing a logical conclusion based on his personal experiences in the way they juxtapose the common assumption which is also just that, an assumption. Honestly at least OP is assuming things based on his actual life and not just what he's been told

by Cortezdoyle 4 weeks ago

It's also likely based on the assumption that not everyone is deeply traumatized and hurt and acting on those emotions, but rather, that the average person belongs to the average home, where their needs are mostly met (in the western context) and their parents aren't abusing them, generally care about them, and don't actively try to harm them. Most people are generally cared for. They don't exist in a place where they're horribly mistreated or abused. And the assumption that they are is the reason their victims are often invalidated, whereas, there wouldn't be as much of a tendency to dismiss someone's bad behavior and let it go if it's the result of spoiled entitlement/privilege, rather than having an abusive alcoholic father, like someone said as an example.

by Select-Direction 4 weeks ago

The only times I have had to fight more than one person at a time.......they would be considered poor folks.

by mmaggio 4 weeks ago

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all

by Miserable-Routine 4 weeks ago

Did you see it's now a fact that they do much better in life and usually go on to great success and financial rewards. Now, they are suggesting we don't punish bullying because they are just smart competitors.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree 100%. All throughout my life, majority of the people I meat with alcoholic fathers, verbally abusive parents, or just plain neglected. We're some of the nicest people I have ever met. I've met a lot of nice kids with good homes. At the same time 90% percent of asshole that I got to know. Had a great family, all the games and toys, usually even a great social life.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There's 2 ways really being bullied and your soul being crushed can make someone not care or the lack of this making someone unable to empathize I was a bully till one day I watched 2ullies bully a kid that I had just bullied it was what changed me . home life for me wasn't great so my bullying was cause of learnt behaviour but when I seen him bullied right after my go at him I learnt empathy he was mine to bully but I no longer wanted to . I took this dude under my wing an no one bullied him from that day forth not even me Empathy is a hell of a drug

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's really all about the home life. Prison is a good counterargument

by shakira21 4 weeks ago

I've taught at rich and poor schools, and what you're saying is true for rich schools but definitely the opposite for poor schools.

by thegmann 4 weeks ago

That's just an insanely broad and baseless characterization. Think of impoverished inner city neighborhood schools. You don't think there's bullies there? They're not coming from much either. Think of the bullies in prisons. Who do you think it is? The white collar crime guy or the guy who grew up poor and became a violent criminal?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There's certainly an archetype of bully that is privileged, protected, and enacts their torment knowing they will be immune to any consequence. However, bullies are a varied bunch, and to say this variety of bully is the majority would be extremely shortsighted.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

100% true

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You're wrong. No flair text, you're just wrong.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Thats not a logical answer. What do you say about Gangsters then 😂😂

by Big-Shallot-1182 4 weeks ago

Anyone is capable of bullying. It's a human trait that is pervasive across every single culture and social demographic on earth. It is also a vital part of human development that doesn't always need to be corrected. Kids can often exhibit antisocial behaviours that if not corrected can lead to major problems later in life. Kids that eat snot in class will get pushed around in the playground and ridiculed until they change their behaviour and that's probably for the best so long as it's not taken to far.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Your lack of self-awareness is pretty astounding to be honest. Also as a teacher I can tell you first hand, academicly successful kids are generally the most respected. There is definitely a correlation between social success and academic success. Bullying is something I've seen from nearly every type of student and it's almost always condoned by their peers. The caveat here is that bullying kids for traits they cant easily control, weight, physical appearance, etc never ends well for the bully. That type of bullying is rarer and will quickly get the bully ostracized, although generally those bullies are already solo too-cool-for-school types who do very poorly academicly and socially anyway.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm so sorry. I made sure I was never this teacher. But I saw the same thing as a student. The bully at my elementary school was a girl who was quite literally the richest one in the school, and the teachers refused to do anything because her father would threaten to sue like a total douchebag. The teachers would encourage bad behavior because it was psychologically more comfortable to take the side of the bully than their victim. They wanted to be on the "winning" side, very clearly.

by Select-Direction 4 weeks ago

I was from a poor family and went to private school in high school and most of the kids I went to school with had literally everything handed to them and quite a few of them were bullies.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I had an opposite experience.

by veumsylvan 4 weeks ago

They come from bad places a lot to, like jail.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Most of the bullies I grew up with I would consider poor so don't agree with this at all

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Bullies are bullies. You will find them where ever you go. You will find rich bullies, poor bullies, privileged and unprivileged ones too. It is an undesirable human trait that we encounter everyday.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago