+34 Having sex in a car is often seen as risqué yet sexy, but masturbating in a car is seen as just plain creepy. amirite?

by oharaalexzander 3 months ago

Exactly what I said to the cop.

by Bbosco 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

As a person who has had sex in cars a number of times, it's nothing special and definitely one of those movie/porn things that doesn't translate well to actual, real life.

by Dberge 3 months ago

And the beach.

by Dberge 3 months ago

The sand! Yeeash!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Rough, coarse, irritating and it gets everywhere.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

if it worked for anakin :')

by Reasonable-Job 3 months ago

I'm not turned on anymore. 😋

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The sand isn't great either.

by Ill-Hair 3 months ago

Always take a towel! At night (seems romantic under the full moon and all that) it's the sandflies that are the real passion-killers!

by Kaylahfunk 3 months ago

I've had nothing but positive experiences in all 3 places

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Getting behind is actually the only way to make it work, and even then...

by Kaylahfunk 3 months ago

I disagree, my car sexperiences have been fantastic and memorable.

by Orpha24 3 months ago

My first car had limo tint. I got pulled over all the time, but never with my pant's down. The police couldn't catch me! 😋

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Easy to get laid in a car if you are handsome and homeless.

by MasterpieceUpbeat 3 months ago

I don't know friend, I've had awesome car sex.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think it depends a lot on the car. Sex in a Miata? Gonna be bad. Sex in an SUV? All sorts of room for activities.

by Nova20 3 months ago

Are you really living if you haven't had sex in a hearse?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well, I was living, yes.

by Kleinorval 3 months ago

Are you undead if you do?

by Kaylahfunk 3 months ago

That is situational. When you live at home with your parents, a nice comfy back seat is perfectly fine.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

very very much disagree

by Rich_Text_1093 3 months ago

I've never understood the appeal (in my experience it's usually girls who are more into that stuff too) Public/voyeuristic sex stuff is way overrated. ...And public masturbation is way over-exaggerated. I mean, apart from specific "creepier" contexts, what's the bfd? ...Guy touching his own wang, not "at" anyone in particular? lmao def not my cup of tea but it's kinda hilarious to think you could do it at a nude beach and it'd still be very taboo and might "scar" some people. Take it out; but no excessive touchy.

by OneKey6499 3 months ago

That does make the experience different.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Also, there aren't many things similar to sitting outside your car in a lit parkinglot butt naked having a smoke after. Quite freeing, really, but foolish. Luck was on my side.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Was I masturbating or having sex? The readers decide!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Try it in your own car next time?

by HorrorPerformer2817 3 months ago

that's why i got a 1 star on uber??😤

by Far_Owl 3 months ago

To be fair, you were supposed to be concentrating on driving…

by HorrorPerformer2817 3 months ago

You are not supposed to do that while you are driving! 🤣

by Anonymous 3 months ago

my bad, i know for next time.😭

by Far_Owl 3 months ago

No one knows why some people keep coming back here, and expect more.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The same is true for literally anything - sex in changing room vs wanking In changing room, sex at work vs wanking at work.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If you're a man anyway. If you're a woman, you can put it on pornhub.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Why not do it and make $40?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's just how the cookie crumbles

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Title is supposed to say it all.

by DryOrdinary 3 months ago

Depends on what you look like.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

...what about mutual masturbation in a car? 🤔

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well having sex is seen as more sexy and less creepy than masturbating period

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Name anywhere you can have sex that's seen as risque and sexy where it wouldn't be seen as creepy to be masturbating.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Only if you're a guy...

by DrawerBackground1944 3 months ago

They say that breastfeeding is natural and that a woman should be able to do it anywhere without fear of opprobrium. Well, so is masturbation ... but you wouldn't think so, if the looks I got on the train this morning are anything to go by.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Let us in on the 4chan joke.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The 'whoosh'ing sound? Yeah ... that.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ik this is a joke but comparing a mother feeding her crying baby in public to wanking off is a biiiggggg stretch

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I didn't say is this a joke, I said ik this is a joke. As in 'I know' 😐

by Anonymous 3 months ago

so you are comparing a unnecessary sexual act with feeding a actual hungry crying baby? wtf bro

by Legitimate-Chapter 3 months ago

Dear Lord ... another one - is there some kind of day release for the literal minded going on or something?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Where does a Soup Kitchen fit into this?

by Anxious-Apartment 3 months ago

If one person catches 2 people having sex in a car then their becomes a temporary shift in the social norm lol

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think the only place where it's creepier to have sex with someone than to masturbate alone is Olive Garden. "Because when you're here, you're family"

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Same could be said about a lot of activities. Going to a bar, movie, restaurant, etc with someone is great and the social norm. Do these things alone and people give you weird looks and lots of space

by zola50 3 months ago

I've never heard of anyone getting arrested for sexytime in a car.

by quintonbrakus 3 months ago