+58 Eating alone is more enjoyable, amirite?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Eating alone at home: superb Eating alone at a cafeteria: that's mental trauma

by This-Performance-220 6 months ago

Eating alone at a restaurant bar: Excellent and relaxing Eating alone at a restaurant table: Must have been stood up.

by Eluettgen 6 months ago

Yeah I don't wanna go to a restaurant or something by myself. If I would do that, I'd just order delivery.

by ftromp 6 months ago

Yeah but if you're travelling or something I want to go out and not sit on my hotel bed eating Arby's. Or if I'm out for the day and it's lunchtime I may eat at a restaurant. but I want a small table in the corner with my phone to distract me, not like I will sit there at a giant table for 6 staring straight ahead.

by Auerlelia 6 months ago

Oh I totally agree. You can fully focus on the flavor and savor it when you're alone.

by FantasticBreakfast 6 months ago

I totally understand that perspective. I did that at Table 6 in Denver. Having someone to talk about the food with though whether it was at a Bartolotta restaurant or The French Laundry is a lot more enjoyable; If you are a foodie, I'm not sure if that applies otherwise.

by gretchenstark 6 months ago

I hate eating around people

by Anonymous 6 months ago

...Im so uncomfortable with some people that it kills my appetite. But Im invited. Mamma-in-law has made a great meal, and I DO HAVE to eat! So I eat something. When Im finaly done they ask if I want more. "No, thanks I'm good". The very "big" m-in-l almost feels insulted: "You're done already? Come on, I get you some more". Silence - everyone at the table stares at me. "Nono! Im full. I can't eat no more. Thanks!". So now, here he goes, the father-in-law: "Yeahhh right, she's full! Watching your weight, huh skinny?" He laughs derisive: "if you ask me she's anorexic!" Oh, I hate it!!!! ..after I separated I swore to myselfe that I will never ever again let someone force me to go to eat with people I don't feel relaxed with.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I don't even like to be asked if I want more, even if the person asks then drops it. Just leave me alone about it, if I want more I will get it, since at least at our family gatherings the food is left out for people to freely help themselves until the meal is complete.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

When I eat alone, others are surprised: "Are you eating alone?" When I try to eat with others, I want to say something, but they just stay silent. Oh, come on.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

"Being able to do whatever I want is better then human companionship" says the internet yet again.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

They can't differ between than and then, whyyy

by hsanford 6 months ago

it was the perfect order. Eat by myself, human companionship later 😭

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Nope. I enjoy human companionship, but eating a really good meal is definitely more enjoyable alone. Nothing better than getting all comfy with some good food and good TV. Whenever we eat at gatherings, it's still good, but you can't just purely enjoy it as much.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

you nail the point! few years ago I was very angry for someone replying to something completely different thing they made up.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

There's times where I want to eat alone and times where I want to eat with people. I really don't undertand people who have these weird opinion

by Kertzmannmanuel 6 months ago

Eating is enjoyable, but personally for me, it hasn't been fun lately as it was before.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I mean sure, if your escense is uncivilized, then yes please eat alone.

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago

Unless it's p*ssy.

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago

Even more so with dessert. I would much rather eat my dessert alone. At 2am. Over the kitchen sink. Tastes so much better

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Love that

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Even if you're alone why would you purposely make sounds while eating?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

i only make moaning sounds

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago

Oh yes. I also avoid eating with people cause the sound of them chewing or if I see the food in their mouths turns my stomach around.

by PotentialHumble 6 months ago

That's called being with the wrong people. As so many of us are.

by Latter-Butterfly 6 months ago

In a family setting: no

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Tell that to every girlfriend, ever.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

And you can people watch as well

by Beautiful_Swing 6 months ago