-17 Avocados aren't that good. amirite?

by Embarrassed_Ideal 3 months ago

Did ThesaurusGPT write this?

by HeadDish8646 3 months ago

Initially, the conversation was quite informal. However, I discovered a feature on my phone that enables the conversion of text into a more professional tone. Finding this amusing, I decided to share it.

by Embarrassed_Ideal 3 months ago

Go home chatGPT, you're drunk

by Kevon47 3 months ago

nice, what phone is it?

by Kevon47 3 months ago

Galaxy s23

by Embarrassed_Ideal 3 months ago

Nope. They taste like wet soil. And chill, Shakespeare.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

When ripe they are delicious au natural, or sprinkled with a little tajin - creamy and savory, full of hearty flavor

by Brantraynor 3 months ago

Oh boy the text tone sounds like somebody that would use ‘um actually' and ‘QED' in an argument.

by nicolasblair 3 months ago

So no avocado toast for you then. Great more for me.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They tase better than they look tho

by Vestagreenholt 3 months ago

Avocados are not recommended for consumption due to their unpleasant taste.

by Embarrassed_Ideal 3 months ago

I only like them in a smoothie....I don't like the texture

by Minute_Mousse 3 months ago

They need to be properly ripened, not slimy. You'd be surprised how many people who say they don't like them have only tried underripe ones. They also need salt.

by agustinbode 3 months ago

not on their own but guacamole is so good

by FunAssociate 3 months ago

I call them salad boogers. The rest of my family does not agree.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Avocados might not be everyone's cup of tea, but their creamy texture and versatility make them a favorite ingredient for many.

by LandscapeScared9362 3 months ago

My wife bought me frozen avocado yogurt yesterday. I told her just grab me something different. She picked Avocado. Mind blown, it was the best frozen yogurt I've ever had. I'm going back. I'm not a frozen yogurt fan but damn it was good.

by zlesch 3 months ago

I think they're icky

by Awkward_Medicine8283 3 months ago

Garbage, hate them unless theyre turned into good guac which is rare

by viviane24 3 months ago