+46 In a world full of misinformation and scams, April Fool's has really lost its charm, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Even corporate April fools jokes are exhausting. They make so many bizarre and anti consumer decisions already, the jokes don't seem like a big stretch. Honestly they feel more phoned in than before, like you can feel the PR team being forced to be funny instead of only doing April Fool's when someone has an actually clever idea.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

been noticing it the past few years:( isnt what it used to be

by Lysanne56 3 months ago

It's just annoying. A whole day where I have to be on guard? Exhausting.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Every day is April Fools day when billionaires rule the world, takes the novelty out of it

by Anonymous 3 months ago