+41 I want all humans to die, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'd recommend you speak with a mental health professional as soon as possible

by vzulauf 3 months ago

This isn't mental health. This is just that bog standard faze that every little child goes through where they think stupid pointless nihilism is mature and intelligent. Most of them grow out of it.

by Plus-Sun 3 months ago

You first.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

"If you meet 5 assholes before lunch, look in the mirror"

by Tavaresbailey 3 months ago

It's exhausting, but like, I hope we all make it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The dinosaurs had their shot. Sorry no take backs. They had millions of years to get it right but how many jobs did they create specifically for you? That's right. None.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's not fair. Maybe they're a paleontologist.

by Zschaefer 3 months ago

They aren't. Pretty sure none of them were. Them dinos probably couldn't even spell paleontology.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm saying that OP might be a paleontologist, in which case, the dinos created a job specifically for OP. Pretty funny to imagine there's one t-rex out there that could spell it, though. Mental giant.

by Zschaefer 3 months ago

Thank you for once again leaving out Gen X.

by emmanuelreynold 3 months ago

I am sorry you seem to be going through something. I am Black and queer so I know how it feels to experience racism and be called slurs. But don't wish death on everyone. Good people exist, and I hope you find them.

by Rueckeravis 3 months ago

You're in luck, all humans will die At some point

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Where's the unpopular opinion? All I see is some whiny wannabe edgy circlejerk.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Start with yourself please, show us how it's done =) you'll be missed

by PresenceNo8392 3 months ago

Ye Wenjie?

by Strosinfavian 3 months ago

Dramatic much?

by Appropriate-Drop 3 months ago

you may need to smoke some weed

by Anonymous 3 months ago

5 recessions? Are you sure about that? 🧐 The other two things are hardly serious enough to warrant wishing death upon all of humanity.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

5 recessions? I'm 57 and have lived through 2 maybe 3 so you don't have much time left anyway I would guess

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Lead by example.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Let's not encourage suicide

by Nice-Peak-383 3 months ago