-39 Marriage In 2024, amirite?

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

I'm sorry your marriage sucks.

by Justusmosciski 3 months ago

Or their parents' marriage.

by Complete_Light5007 3 months ago

It's funny to me you think this idiot is married.

by HopefulStatement6733 3 months ago

"The divorce just came out of nowhere!" -OP

by tpredovic 3 months ago

You can never suffer the pains of Divorce if you never get married.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

No OP that is marriage to you. My marriage is doing just fine in 2024 thanks.

by ToeHopeful1946 3 months ago

Good for you. I am sincerely happy for you. However please know that you are in the minority.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

As to divorce, you are half right. Women who want a ring put on it are on their best behavior. Once they get married and become a Wife they do not feel the need to be impressive anymore. You might want to research the term 'Starter Husband.'

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

No, I am more than half right. In an age where people readily abandon their commitments, you can't count on spouses working through differences that may become apparent after marriage. Because of this, you have to choose your spouse carefully. You either didn't, or failed to do it well enough. If you married a woman with a "starter husband" mentality, then that's on you. People's opinions may change over time, but their character rarely does.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I constantly say and do the wrong thing to my wife, and she is the same way with me. Part of being in a healthy relationship is knowing your partner "has your back" regardless of your minor day-to-day annoyances.

by According_Clue 3 months ago

I Understand. You are quite right. However the idea of driving home from work five days a week asking myself, 'Gee, I wonder if I am still married?' holds no appeal to me whatsoever.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

Never had kids and I never will. However, in the WHAM way I will be your Father Figure.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

Why are so many of you marrying people you hate

by handnorval 3 months ago

so. much. this.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I am not getting married. I learned from the lessons of millions of men in America to never get married and put a woman in a position to hold half of my assets, possessions and all of my children over my head.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

I have been married for almost 30 years and never once have I lived in fear of anything. If I did end up divorced I would have paid my child support so I didn't end up a deadbeat dad. Pretty simple.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Pay your child support.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It amazes me that you think I have any kids or have been bitch slapped with a child support case.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

Certainly qualified for that kind of slap.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Sounds like a bad marriage

by hwalter 3 months ago

With the Divorce rate still at 50% in Western Countries, half of all marriages suck eggs.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

Well aren't you just ten pounds of happy in a five pound bucket?

by HopefulStatement6733 3 months ago

That doesn't mean I am wrong. Half of all marriages still end in divorce

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

It actually does mean you're wrong. It's actually between 35 and 50 percent of first time marriages end in divorce, and not all of those are triggered by lying, being a "deadbeat dad", etc. This honestly just sounds like you heard that statistic somewhere, saw on TV how couples argue all the time, and then filled in the blanks to make yourself feel better about being alone. So go ahead and live in your little fantasy world where you can pat yourself on the back for avoiding this made up problem of yours, but don't sit there and claim your fantasy land is somehow reality.

by HopefulStatement6733 3 months ago

Seems like you had a bad day.

by Loose-Recover6112 3 months ago

Nope. Doing fine today. I have held this belief for years.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

Get good I guess. Not that "marriage bad" is even remotely unpopular these days.

by RiseEcstatic3329 3 months ago

Oh goodness no. I have never been married. I do not have to live in fear of a wife (and never confuse a wife with a woman).

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

No surprise there.

by RiseEcstatic3329 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Bro your Into electric nipple stimulation no girl wants u lmao

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I dunno my marriage is pretty good in 2024

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I can't say I have ever worried about that

by Haley21 3 months ago

Sorry your marriage didn't work out OP. I'm going to go have lunch with my wife.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You're probably one of those guys who think they're a high value man when all they have to offer is 25s of missionary and $500 in bitcoin

by QuestionDry 3 months ago

I am a man who never has to worry about half of what I have worked hard to earn being taken away from my in a Divorce.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago

well thanks so much for letting us all in on your life experience It has nothing whatsoever to do with mine

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Mine Either Believe It Or Not! I have never been married and I never will be. I learned from the mistakes made by tens of millions of men in America and England who got married and lost half of everything and all of their kids.

by Quitzonchandler 3 months ago