+43 Coin flip, amirite?

by Due-Elevator 2 weeks ago

Each flip is an independent event. Getting 11 heads in a row has a low probability, but thats cumulatively 11 in a row. 11th flip is the same probability as the first flip.

by Hassieleffler 2 weeks ago

I know, but I don't feel it

by Due-Elevator 2 weeks ago

I think if you keep getting heads, you should think somethings wrong with the coin and that you should get another heads. The coin is rigged.

by Hassieleffler 2 weeks ago

That's natural. There's literally a fallacy for it, the Gambler's Fallacy. It's hard to think in terms of cold hard probabilities. When we have a run of bad luck, we naturally assume that it HAS to turn eventually. But a coin that is properly balanced will always be 50/50. So if you get heads 10 times in a row, the next flip will still be 50/50. If you get heads 100 times in a row, next flip is 50/50. Get heads 1,000,000 times in a row, as improbable as that is, next flip is still 50/50. It's not fun, but it's math.

by EffectiveTeach5818 2 weeks ago

OP may be right, a coin that turns up 10 straight heads is likey to be biased or being tosse in a certain way (1/1024 chance that happens for an u biased coin). Also it's not 50-50, it's a deterministic dynamical system, depends on release velocity/angle

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Because behind your back I just flipped the coin 3000 more times and you didn't realize it. Your next flip has absolutely nothing to do with what happened before it. (However, in reality, if you get 10 heads in a row you are more likely to get heads again, as you may not have a truly independent coin, it seems to be leaning heads).

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Incidentally a coin flip isn't 50/50. It's 50.8/49.2 🤯 "Scientists Destroy Illusion That Coin Toss Flips Are 50–50" - Scientific American

by TapAffectionate5023 2 weeks ago

The coin is 50/50, but your method of flipping isn't.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago