-28 Marrying and taking care of your partner for the average person is a scam. amirite?

by LooseFee7123 2 months ago

An easy solution to this is to just not marry someone who thinks like this. Communication goes a long way.

by Spiritual_Speaker 2 months ago

In my whole life I've never seen such a thing. Perhaps it is a cultural thing in your country?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yes it is. Majority of women have this mentality and it makes me want to never get married. These men are drowning and these women just want more and more. There is no mercy, and social media makes it worse because these type of women see their worth in what their man can get them and associate that with love. But more importantly, he isn't a man if he doesn't pay for everything. When that's not how life works, and not everyone can pay for everything now. You'll be living pay check to pay check, stressing. While she's blowing money and thinks "he can handle all of this himself"

by LooseFee7123 2 months ago

Yes you're 100% right, but what I'm talking about here is it's only you two, a man and a woman in the relationship, no kids. In that case, I think it's a scam. And I understand if a man makes much more than a women does, then I can see how he can pay for more things of course. I'm not even saying a women should go 50/50, but to tell me you don't want to take part in paying any bills as a childless working women? Sorry that's a scam.

by LooseFee7123 2 months ago

But how is it a scam, if that's what the man wants to do where is the scam?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I'm saying that dynamic is a scam. And I understand some people do this out of love and good for them, it's your own choice if you know what you're in for. But a lot of women will be single and demand this. And a lot of men think that unless they do this(it isn't out of love) then no women will be with them. So they'd rather do this, than die alone, because they think that no women will accept paying for bills. And women enforce this by saying they won't settle with a man who isn't going to pay for everything. So that whole dynamic is a scam, it's toxic. It's disingenuous and it's as if the woman wants to be in a relationship to reap the benefits off of the man rather than for love. So essentially, some men don't genuinely want to do this, they do this because they have to. But if this is what you genuinely want to sign up for, and can afford it, good for you.

by LooseFee7123 2 months ago

Depends on culture imo In Asia and Middle East , maybe South America from some cases I've heard , men are the main provider because they also have their wives to take care of the home. Or maybe the wife has an easier , low paying job compared to the guy . She takes care of the house and kids, in some cases also manage household expenses/ house affairs. Everyone has free will , they can decide for themselves wherever they are , whether they want to take care of a woman , or it's a 50/50 equal thing reg finances

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I would not say most. And I think if you think that most are like that, you're probably sad and lonely. However, I do think those women do exist.

by Zsatterfield 2 months ago

Victimhood is a currency these days. So is being successful.

by ima32 2 months ago

I don't think it's that women don't want to provide. They're perfectly capable. Society has monetized the opposite. Won't be long it'll be men too

by ima32 2 months ago