+30 Cops should give EVERY speeding driver a first time warning or just not give warnings ever. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

They system doesn't tell you how many times the driver has been warned or how many tickets they had in the past. It also depends on the speed you are driving and the speed limit. If someone is caught for the first time doing 150 in a 35. Should they just get a warning?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I guess I didn't think about dangerous speeds like that, but they would be charged with more than a speeding ticket for reckless endangerment right? I'm just talking a few over the limit

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I agree with you here, it's proven that a lot of people change their behavior after getting caught the first time. I think it's important to have people face their consequences, but it's also important to have a level of understanding and critical-thinking skills with each case (something that police officers aren't known for, at least here in America)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I would say no warnings ever. Warnings open up the system to biases

by Potential-Nose 10 months ago