+18 If people can have sex without being in a relationship, then people can be in a relationship and not have sex. amirite?

by Juanastokes 3 months ago

People can be in a relationship and not have sex. period. No explanation needed.

by Smithamgillian 3 months ago

Yep! It's sad that sex is always prioritized for every relationship. People are different. Some people might not want that and others will feel otherwise. As long as there's communication and all parties are happy, then that's what matters.

by Responsible-Monk 3 months ago

Really depends on what your wife is comfortable with.

by Smithamgillian 3 months ago

I am the wife.

by Lazy-Atmosphere-1787 3 months ago

Ok. Not sure what you're getting at. My wife was too exhausted.

by Smithamgillian 3 months ago

I was banging my girl other the day before she popped my son out her stomach

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Congrats on the baby.

by Smithamgillian 3 months ago

Uh, pregnancy sex is the best.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree 100%. I'm just sick of people telling me that it is not a real relationship without physical intimacy.

by Juanastokes 3 months ago

Don't let other people define your relationship or your and/or partner's sexuality (I mean in terms of how someone fall on the spectrum of asexual/hyper sexual).

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Maybe the "right time" hasn't come yet.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Sometimes there is no right time. Depends on the people

by EducationalReason609 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Guess what: there are people in relationship who aren't having sex. Moreover, I know such couples

by Anonymous 3 months ago

[insert obligatory "those are called married people" joke]

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yes, in fact, those are. I can't get into the details because after all no one permitted me to do so, but it happens :)

by Anonymous 3 months ago

As long as the 2 people in that relationship, are on the same level about wanting sex, then yes no problem.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Something something marriage joke something something hahaha

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Duh. There are hundreds of couples who don't believe in premarital sex and aren't sleeping with each other, at least until marriage; however long that takes.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ace does indeed exist

by rodriguezharris 3 months ago

people can be in a relationship and not have sex. But let's have enough social awareness to know that that's not the norm and you should expect people to be surprised at first when they find out.

by Joanny77 3 months ago

Of course you can be in a romantic relationship without sex, but the lack of it places limits on the intimacy of your relationship. It's always been a fundamental part of an intimate relationship. Some people are in relationships where they do have sex but do not communicate on a deeper level or share who they are with one another. That is probably an even deeper lack of intimacy. You can never pretend however, that you share the same level of intimacy as a couple that has the emotional aspects and also a healthy sexual connection.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

People can be asexual and masochist, yes, but most people are not.

by Odd_Enthusiasm 3 months ago

Me, I want to have sex while being in a sex.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But why would you do that to your partner

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

You just inadvertently made a case for open relationships lol

by Key-Acanthisitta 3 months ago

This is to common of a thing to actually happen to be unpopular, as long as your partner is ok with it it's literally who cares.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Of course they can. I won't, but they can.

by turcotteanissa 3 months ago

Casual sex doesn't exist for everyone. Ask unattractive males.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, it's called marriage.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Exactly. There is so much more to the difference between my relationship with my husband and my relationship with my friends than just sex. People who can't understand that come across as serial cheaters to me.

by Dejahwindler 3 months ago

Having sex or not having it makes a big difference in the relationship. However you want to phrase or define that in your own head

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think that's just called getting cucked

by Agile_Violinist_2620 3 months ago

That's called "marriage".

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You don't even need another human being to be in a relationship! You can be in a relationship with your computer! Or your pillow! Or your nightstand!

by Own-Strategy 3 months ago

Yes. That's called a friendship.

by Gfunk 3 months ago

Your conclusion is true but your logic is fallacious.... 🤣🤣🤣

by hferry 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

As an aroace person, I don't seek sex in my romance so this take seems normal to me. For people who are not asexual, I dunno. Sex is a big factor in many relationships, but I doubt it's so important. Relationships shouldn't be determined by how much sex you have

by Anonymous 3 months ago