+42 Women are more shallow than men. amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It is statistically harder to find a fat virgin woman than a fat virgin man, which shows that women are more picky about physical appearance than men. As a 21M virgin Not by choice but because of rejection, I had to learn the hard way that looks, masculinity and lifestyle are the most important things to most women, especially looks.

by bahringerthad 9 months ago

Source for your statistics?

by Frosty-Business 9 months ago

Oh I'm sure there's alot of shallow men out there too don't get me wrong. But way more shallow women on dating apps.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Women on dating apps have significantly more matches and attention due to the saturation of male users. If this were reversed men would be the ones acting shallow, abundance makes people shallow, similar to wealth, status and attractiveness in the real world

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Men would have sex with a mop of they could. They would never be picky

by Shyannemurray 9 months ago

Speak for yourself

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think you tend to see the worst side of the opposite gender while dating

by Beneficial_Math_3886 9 months ago

No i see the worst people

by Anonymous 9 months ago

And seemingly the most shallow of all is everyone on tinder. Oh you are using dating apps as a source. That actually indicate about your quality more than the quality of the whole gender.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think generally speaking, men find a greater percentage of women attractive than women find men attractive, if that makes sense? So like, you mention tinder. It's possible men and women are all swiping JUST on people they find attractive, but since men find more people attractive in general they swipe more, which can come off as being less shallow when it kinda isn't? Idk, just a theory. I think dating apps are designed to be shallow. If I want to learn anything about someone other than their name I have to scroll.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

are you familiar w/ the "doesn't matter, had sex" meme? the idea we're running around banging apple pies but suddenly become super discerning when on tinder is kinda funny to me.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think this is another reason fewer women swipe right lmao Many men go in thinking "Would I have sex with this woman?" while many women go in thinking "Would I consider a serious relationship with this man?" You're gonna be more discerning with the latter. Sometimes I read a guy's profile who liked me on hinge and wonder what on earth he thinks we'd have in common, and then I remember he probably just wants a hookup.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think this is another reason fewer women swipe right lmao that's a fair cop :)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I have a different theory. How many men do you see wearing make up? Now how many women do you see wearing make up.

by Hardy66 9 months ago

I think that's part of it. Women are more socialized to put effort into their appearance. A lot of women put time into their profiles to make sure they look as gorgeous as possible, a lot of guys use selfies they take in their car. But yeah, I'll say I only have one picture with makeup on the apps, and it came up as the "most successful" first picture with their algorithm. So it definitely helps.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The problem I believe is, we aren't pressured into looking 'pretty'. While women are made to thing looking pretty is a better of life or death. This probably stems from past mentality of girls having to try and find a husband quickly. Unfortunately it seems we haven't moved past it yet.

by Hardy66 9 months ago

It's tough, I know a lot of women report being treated way better when wearing makeup. I know it matters a lot for women who work in sales, or tipped jobs like waitressing and bartending. I'm in a position where as long as I'm clean an appropriately dressed I'm good to go, which is great because I'm not a morning person and refuse to wake up even a minute early for mascara. But yeah, I don't think men should be surprised fewer women find them attractive when they do less to look attractive.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Looks go further for Women than it does for Men because Men prioritise looks in a partner more than Women do. The reason Women wear make-up isn't because "they take care of themselves more" it's because Men find it attractive There the saying that's mostly wrong but contains a little truth, Men fall in love with their eyes and Women fall in love with their ears. That's why Women wear make-up and Men lie

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The issue with some women on dating apps, is they think they actually look like they do in their filtered photos. Fake hair, nails, eyelashes, make up, padded push-up bras, photo filter. The amount of layers.of deception is crazy.

by Top_Tour6001 9 months ago

Shallow people don't exist, everyone has something interesting to say/you didnt know

by Senior_Meet9317 9 months ago