-36 Android users think more about iPhones than Apple users, amirite?

by Agitated_Broccoli_68 3 months ago

The inverse is also true. And it's the most boring argument on the planet.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Obviously I'm referring to the diehards here. As is OP. I doubt they think every Android user is walking around pissed off abut iPhones constantly.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean If you consider a "diehard" a person who wouldn't get an android (as it is today) then that would include individuals such as myself who wouldn't get one, and don't think of android, pretty much every.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, it's kinda funny. People at my work make separate group chats for android users since the iPhone people don't like seeing different colors in their messages. I've never met an android user who upheld the same segregation. But really, why does it matter?

by Prudent_Ad 3 months ago

You're right but they'll come after you for stating the obvious 💔

by Anonymous 3 months ago