+41 Unattractive people are much more rude than attractive people. amirite?

by Gullrich 3 months ago

Yes. But a simpler explanation, is that "hurt" people, or people who feel victimized, tend to be ruder, because duh. If someone is good looking, people tend to be nicer to them, so they go through life being nicer to people because we tend to treat others how they treat us. This is obviously just a generalization. A person can be a "10 out of 10", but if they feel ugly, then they will lash out (or, as you put it, act "rude"). Always remember this is not a negative judgement call on "unattractive" people. There are those where they are just so loving and kind despite I suppose being relatively physically unattractive, that this radiates through, and you can't help but perceive them as beautiful. Like Malala Yousafzai has a facial deformity (due to gunshot injury), but her fortitude of spirit shines through, and that's why she's a beacon of inspiration, not to mention a Nobel peace prize winner.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You must be incredibly rude, then.

by Gerardo60 3 months ago

Bro woke up and chose violence.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Im fairly certain that was a complement

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You've never worked retail if you think just by being kind you'll get kindness back.

by Gullrich 3 months ago

You need to definitely relax

by Gullrich 3 months ago

I'm not the one who made a whole essay on why you're unattractive

by Gerardo60 3 months ago

It's well known that things come easier to beautiful people.

by Quinncorwin 3 months ago

People become what they are treated as.

by BisonPrior190 3 months ago

This is very profound and true, in my experience.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, only I said it in seven words in order to emphasize the point.

by BisonPrior190 3 months ago

I appreciate that, I have trouble with understanding peoples' intentions lol

by Gullrich 3 months ago

People react to how they're treated.

by Crafty-Conflict-666 3 months ago

Roald Dahl, notable ugly person

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There is nothing hotter than seeing someone be nice and giving off a kind aura. I was sort of catfished by someone, she was a little bigger than what I'd normally pursue, as I learned more about her, the work she does, and saw how she treated the people around her, I was infatuated by her. It completely changed my idea of attractiveness and helped me realize how shallow I am and how I really need to change if I do want to find the type of partner that I want. It's just too bad that she lives on the other side of the world.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I've seen the exact opposite tbh. Ive seen people who are ugly and fat be the most cheerful/happiest person on the planet and be extremely nice Vs their counter parts.

by Prudent-Cow 3 months ago

Irl people seem nice in general no matter how they look. The only rude people imo are smug or unempathetic whether attractive or not. But then imo most people aren't even ugly. The 1 person who was rude to me lately, wasn't exactly rude just I guess reserved. I don't think she was like that or trying to be rude it was just awkward bc I guess i didn't know the social conventions of a big city lol.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There's attractive people who are rude and bitter at the world too but it's less common because as others have mentioned, attractiveness tends to make your life easier. Yet there are certainly attractive people in prison who are very angry and have experienced alot of bitterness from the world. And to some degree, being attractive requires up keep. You usually have to eat healthy, go to the gym, groom yourself, etc. These are things that have proven mental health benefits, not to mention if you feel happy about the way you look, you are more likely to treat others better as well.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That is true. Since I'm so ugly I am just angry at all the hotties out there.

by Dcummings 3 months ago

How about we don't generalize people.

by Mya83 3 months ago

Lmao No

by Anonymous 3 months ago