+30 Eggs change drastically the way they taste by just changing the way you cook them. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Water changes drastically the way it tastes by just changing the tempterature you drink it at.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think onions have a more drastic change based on cook time alone

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Eggs are quite the chameleons in the kitchen, aren't they? It's fascinating how a simple tweak in cooking method can transform their taste entirely. It's like they have multiple personalities hiding in their shells, just waiting to be unleashed with a bit of heat and seasoning. It's almost like they're playing a culinary game of dress-up, changing from humble omelettes to decadent soufflés with just a flick of the spatula. Though, I suppose if eggs could talk, they might crack a joke about how they're the ultimate "shell-fie" experts, constantly changing their appearance to suit the occasion. But hey, as long as they end up on our plates tasting delicious, I doubt they'll be scrambling for compliments anytime soon.

by Fun_Corner 3 months ago

Wow you're really into eggs

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Most food tastes different when cooked differently

by klockocrystel 3 months ago

No. Hard boiled and soft boiled taste different

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Eggsactly. I'm so so sorry, I couldn't resist.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No taste different for sure. The yolk tastes different soft than hard

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm a 20+ year professional chef. OP is right. Sorry.

by Fluid_Crew_2474 3 months ago

Eh, well.. I mean whites taste like whites pretty much no matter how you cook them, and yolks taste like yolks... If we're talking nom-mixed forms versus scrambled or omelette then you're mixing the two together, so it makes sense that it would have a different taste then. I guess one could argue that yolk tastes different whether cooked solid or left runny, but even that is mostly a texture difference.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I seriously think that yolk even tastes different runny vs solid not just texture.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I guess, maybe a bit. It's not very drastic. I couldn't describe the difference if I tried.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think the umami is more prominent because of the consistency

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That makes sense actually... In general moister things have a stronger taste, overcooking tends to render a lot of things blander.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It always amazes me how eggs become hardened by boiled water vs something like a potato which becomes softer with boiled water.

by Happy_Package 3 months ago

So same as babies, basically.

by ComfortableKiwi3115 3 months ago

Farn fresh eggs are drastically different tasting than grocery store eggs

by jeromewill 3 months ago