+65 Your best friend from school thinks about you as often as you think about them. amirite?

by Outrageous_Purple 3 months ago

It wouldn't be weird, trust me. If you were best friends, it's like you never left. As for what you talk about? You catch up. Trust me, I've been away for the military, and I kind of felt that way at first, like I'm just walking in and out of someone's life. But nope. Every time, it's like you've never been apart. You just catch up. You should reach out.

by Professional_Wait745 3 months ago

thank you for this. it has been almost 15 years since we last had a proper conversation. i hope if we ever got to sit down and chat again, i wish it would be like how it was back then.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well he died of a drug overdose in 2015, so maybe not.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Same, different year, one was a self inflicted gun shot, other fent. Lose a lot of people before 30 though.

by Time_Valuable409 3 months ago

Graduated HS 1991, still talk to them on the regs.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

So never until I read this title.

by Jarretrosenbaum 3 months ago

Yea I absolutely doubt that.

by Recent-Barnacle-3852 3 months ago

Wouldn't that be nice lol

by Every-Armadillo8283 3 months ago

Assuming you are a teenager.

by Marilyne71 3 months ago

I wish that were true.

by Plenty_Alfalfa 3 months ago

Haven't talked to my high school best friends in years. I text them every once in a while and am lucky to see a response. I graduate with my college degree in two weeks and tried to invite them but can't get in contact. I think of them fairly frequently (at least once a month if not more) and it feels as if they've all but forgotten about me.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My best friend from high school killed himself after I graduated (I was a year ahead). So I don't think he does.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Maybe you should call him

by Particular_Check_425 3 months ago

Nah, didn't even get invited to their wedding.

by Fun_General4048 3 months ago

Shot to death by Seattle PD in 1994, so probably not.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

He does not, we parted so long ago. Now I just see his life through Instagram even though we live 3 minutes away from each other. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even know who I was

by Superb_Ad_6602 3 months ago

I know, I've been married to her for fifty three years.

by pearlinebogisic 3 months ago

i was invisible in all my school life. they will probably remember me as) if they remember) as " what was the name if that weird guy"

by Stunning-Reaction987 3 months ago

I hope so, he should pick me up for the gym in a few minutes.

by Mean_Fill_6024 3 months ago

I don't think so, mofo won't leave me alone in socials.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I did him dirty and shattered his heart, so I hope he doesn't

by Anonymous 3 months ago

He died at 18, I think about him every day

by Exact-Brother-3477 3 months ago

Yeah Its something i hadnt considered.

by Opposite_Purpose_926 3 months ago