+28 Choking in bed is overplayed, amirite?

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

Why am I picturing the wingardium leviosa meme as u explain choking technique?

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

Its levioSAH not levioSAW

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

From my experience, I've never dated a girl that didn't like a hand around her neck. Some like you to squeeze a little, some a lot. Some don't want to squeeze at all, but they've all wanted the hand there and to feel like you're in control of them.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yep, that and hair pulling.

by Jbreitenberg 3 months ago

I totally believe u but that confuses me more. Why is breathe control the main one? Why not a light slap? What happened to dirty talk? I'm not a woman or someone who likes choking so ill never know.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

Because breathing is one of the most important elements to sexual activity.

by Awkward_Ice7736 3 months ago

Or any activity that isn't swimming.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago


by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

It isn't breath control. It is blood flow. If you're preventing breathing then you're doing it wrong af

by Short_Branch 3 months ago

Never tried. As someone with low blood pressure that also seems awful.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

I meant the generic you, not specifically you. But yeah health conditions are important to consider

by Short_Branch 3 months ago

Just messing around. I think ur right to bring it up, not sure how many people who like the act also know the difference

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

I am with you on this opinion. I am a woman and I never find choking pleasurable. I've tried it because everyone seemed to like it and yeah, my partner squeezed the sides of my neck. It was awful, I didn't feel any pleasure, physical or mental. Just me laying there red in the face and wondering why tf do they enjoy it lol

by Strict-Cheetah 3 months ago

I think it's just about control, like spanking or tying your partner (but those two are much more enjoyable imo)

by Strict-Cheetah 3 months ago

Sex follows trends like fashion or music. Smooth groins weren't the norm. Puritanical views on sex eb and flow, why wouldn't others?

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

Most of the time, people aren't looking to be strangled. It seems to be a desire to have pressure on the sides of the neck.

by Kianahane 3 months ago

Glad yall respect each others boundaries.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

I like my hair pulled and to be choked, but I more of I want to feel wanted and needed than anything. It's weird, can't explain it. Don't care. Enjoy yourself and those you are with, death comes fast.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah im not trying to change minds, I just find it interesting that in order to feel under someone's control, choking is hands down the populad option. I got my own kinks people dknt get so have fun and make sure u have enough turtle necks.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

I'll OD how I please, thanks.

by abernathyhollie 3 months ago

Has its popularity actually increased? Your whole opinion hinges on that.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Apparently. A study (i found in a tabloid so it must be airtight) says more and more women are A. Encountering men who like it and B. Feel more emboldened to ask for it. The article asks if it is a chicken or the egg sinario and what part phonograph plays into it case choking in porn has also increased. I think it said there's been a 20% increase in women 14-21 encountering choking.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

When my wife wants to be choked I do so, it's also your job to be the spotter like in weight lifting. She'll tell you if you have backed off too early if that's a concern.

by InsuranceDefiant6147 3 months ago

That's the ideal sinario. Someone told me they took a girl home who had a noncon kink she kept to herself so when she asked him to choke her she screamed bloody murder. He said he never felt ickier in his life and I dont blame him. Also as someone who's over estimated my own endurance and strength, im not trusting anyone with my pulse.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

People are into what they are into. If it's not your thing. Don't get upset

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah i know im not changing minds, just feels like I've noticed a trend in the past decade. I saw one study (on a tabloid so not fact) that says its becoming MORE popular.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

Also I dont like using that all the time cause people use that line to excuse their racial fetishes and unrealistic body standards. Self awareness is important in the bedroom too.

by Superb_Awareness_625 3 months ago

I didn't say I excused it now did i?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This is true but before I was married and hooking up a lot the girls LOVED it. Idk, I think it might be instinctual, any ladies have some insight on why it's so popular? It may have something to do with women generally loving to be dommed during sex

by FewPause 3 months ago