-42 Watching movies and shows with sad endings is pointless, amirite?

by Ncrona 3 months ago

Sometimes art exists for people who are like... not you

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Forgive me

by Ncrona 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Ncrona 3 months ago

… pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. Some feel better about their own lot by seeing others have it worse.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I know😭 I replied in German because it's a german word lmao But also a fair point

by Ncrona 3 months ago

I tend to go into movies not knowing the ending. I like the guy punch of a sad movie sometimes, it makes me feel alive and it shows that these characters had an impact on me.

by Delicious_Maize4158 3 months ago

tend to go into movies not knowing the ending I look up the summary beforehand just to avoid the emotional beating

by Ncrona 3 months ago

What a terrible way to experience movies. My friend does this too and I hate it. It's so much better being taken on a rollercoaster even if the ending is a downer. But I respect your right to not want to be sad. The best shows and movies for me will make me cry, even a good comedy should make me cry at points.

by Delicious_Maize4158 3 months ago

But I love them. Downer endings make me happy

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Ncrona 3 months ago

Sometimes people want sad endings because they feel relatable.

by Anonymous 3 months ago