+29 Feeling not good enough is often what fuels people to become great, amirite?

by Dangerous_Device 3 months ago

Feeling not good enough is what fuels me to do drugs

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The desire to be great because you feel not-good-enough is often what fuels people to become monsters.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well, ya know, feelin' like you ain't cuttin' it sometimes, well, that's what kinda pushes folks to really step up their game and become somethin' truly great, ya feel me?

by Jamarcus28 3 months ago

well, time to become god or something ig

by Mtillman 3 months ago

It can have different effects on different people. To some it may be a motivation to improve and become "great", for others it may be something that is actually holding them back and prevents them from becoming "great". But one thing is for sure: It makes them unhappy.

by wuckertmicah 3 months ago

This is true, but it doesn't lead to happiness.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It is a worthy tradeoff on the grand scheme of things. History is littered with brilliant minds who grappled with personal demons, and we stand of their shoulders today. Their unhappiness may well have fueled their drive. How many happy people do we celebrate?

by Top_Vanilla 3 months ago

If you could choose between a happy but forgotten existence and a miserable existence that will be celebrated after your death, which would you choose? I'd rather be a nobody than a Van Gogh...

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree. "Greatness" is overrated. Love, be loved, and live life in a way that maybe makes your small part of the world better than before. That's all that matters.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's also an easy path to drugs or suicide, so maybe we shouldn't condone hardship wholesale.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think you mean humility.

by Xlittel 3 months ago