-24 Bluechew is 100x better than Viagra. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Crush them up and boof them with a Red Bull, your welcome

by trudie65 1 week ago

I've seen this but with NoS instead of Red Bull. It did the trick, for sure, and I had a good night.

by ulisesraynor 1 week ago

You should try squirting hot sauce up your butt.

by Terrible_Phase 1 week ago

Look at this kinky slave right here. Number?

by AlternativeNo 1 week ago

They have the same active ingredients and work the same. This could just be mentally since the only difference is being able to chew blue chew

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's actually not just mentality since the act of chewing it helps it break down faster in your stomach. Why wait for the acid to do the work when you have perfectly good teeth?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Working faster is all that matters to me here.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Be that as it may, Viagra doesn't taste like raspberries.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Never heard of it. Is it just for guaranteeing your erection? Or does it help you last longer, too?

by Anonymous 1 week ago