+46 People who stereotype are lazy thinkers, amirite?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

The problem is when you see the same stereotypes popping up across cultures, geography, languages, centuries etc. At that point it's basically undeniable that the stereotype is rooted in a bit of truth.

by Entire-Tadpole-7807 1 week ago

No. If it was grounded in truth, you could prove it with facts. Anecdotes aren't truth, stories aren't data

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

They also generally can be proven with facts. Stereotype is typically applied as a pejorative by people whose sensibilities are offended by the ugly truth.

by Entire-Tadpole-7807 1 week ago

Maybe you could prove your claims?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

OK, choose a stereotype for me to defend.

by Entire-Tadpole-7807 1 week ago

Nope. Burden of proof Your claim, your job to prove it

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

It's a stereotype that Japanese people have small penises. From studies into this, this is statistically observable.

by Sea-Battle 1 week ago

Lol thanks for taking one for the team.

by Entire-Tadpole-7807 1 week ago

At least he tried.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Cite it and saying a group has a genetic disposition that you can prove isn't a stereotype it's a fact. I assume you aren't saying all stereotypes are provable right?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

I'm on mobile, but search "penis length by country" into Google scholar. You'll find plenty, as well as self reported data collected online that find the same outcome. I don't get what your point is though. Are you saying a stereotype is only a stereotype if it can't be supported by evidence? I don't think this is a definition that anyone else would use. Why don't you share an example of what you think a stereotype is?

by Sea-Battle 1 week ago

I am saying that a stereotype is a claim based on anecdotal information

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Claiming they can generally be defended with facts is a claim? No?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

What part about "generally" makes you think "specific"? Nincompoop!

by Entire-Tadpole-7807 1 week ago

Ha. Prove a claim? You won't even try

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

This is objectively wrong lol

by Western-Wealth 1 week ago

Proof? Again. Nothing offered

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Stereotypes emerge from collective experiences. Although each experience is different, theres a reason they emerged. The Stern German, the Fighting Irish, the Rude French, the Loud Latinos, etc. Its a general experience. No one ever says all french/german/irish are that way, but its a general experience. And yes, there is validity in them, as proven by the fact that the actual stereotype emerged. Stereotypes cant survive without some level of truth otherwise it couldnt have emerged. I used to be like you, dont stereotype etc but as time goes on you see within each demographic, be it teens, be it ppl from wherever, ppl of whatever age and gender, there are certain "inconsistent consistencies", you start to see patterns in all demographics.

by Dee03 1 week ago

General experience? How many people do you need to know in a group to lump them together Do you dispute that you know far less than 1% of those groups.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

I have met a lot of demographics over my lifetime and yes, there are many congruent behaviour patterns. When scientists or ppl conducting research or conducting studies, should they get results from all 8 billion of us to get a good assessment?

by Dee03 1 week ago

You know less than 1% of each of those groups, let's try again Do you dispute that?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

I answered you with an analogy. Dont get your panties in a twist.

by Dee03 1 week ago

So we agree So using that logic how does knowing less than 1% of a group entitle you or anyone to lump them together based on anecdotes and general experience

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Do you research crime stats in Aspen then? Or Rio?

by Dee03 1 week ago

Your specific example is very different than your stereotype based on general experience I think your argument isn't as good as you think.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Democrats vs republicans, boomers vs gen z Easy everyday examples

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

A lot of stereotypes are rooted in truth. Sure at the end of the day they are exaggerated generalizations, but there is a reason why that generalization is being made in the first place.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes, in my opinion it's because people are too lazy to think critically or they want to dehumanize a group by ignoring them as individuals My opinion can't really prove it.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

It's inherently lazy

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

I respectfully disagree. It's more like it's reflexive. When we see someone before talking to them, we form an opinion about them without realizing it based on their appearance. That's stereotyping.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's the laziness I don't think everyone does that. I think some people react to the person as an individual

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Everyone does do it. They might not realize they are doing it, they might not be doing it intentionally or consciously, but it still happens. And that's ok.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

In your unsupported opinion sure, Can you prove it

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Do they say we all do it. You can cite that part

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

The problem is, when confronted with data, you will continue to deny them

by HumanIndependence 1 week ago

Some people do for sure.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

I completely agree.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Isn't that the primary criticism of stereotyping?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't know. It's one of mine and I think it's unpopular so it fits. I don't try to speak for others

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

It's not unpopular. It's very popular. It's taught in school.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree and violated continuously Think of all the boomer and gen Z critiques as some easy examples

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

That's a stereotype but it does seem to be pervasive

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Hahaha you got me there๐Ÿ˜‚

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Everyone uses stereotypes at one point or another, especially when you don't know the person. If the only thing you have to go by is the way the person looks, you're going to base your opinion of them on the way they look. Now if you are a reasonable person, your opinion will change as you gain more information about them. But you have to base your opinion on the information that you have.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I disagree I don't use them. People are individuals first. Period,

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

People make their assessment of other people based on the information that they have. If the only information you have is the way someone looks, then that is going to be how you are going to assess that person. That's a fact.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's not enough information to judge anyone

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

And yet everyone does it. If you see someone on the street with long greasy hair tattered clothes and living in a box, you are going to judge that person differently than if you see a mother and three kids, or a guy in a business suit. That's simply the truth. You can deny it, but it's true.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think you are trying to stereotype me. It's ok, you do it. Because you do it, it doesn't mean everyone does it

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Deny all you want. I guarantee that if you saw a person with long greasy hair tattered clothes and living in a box. You are going to assess that person differently than if you saw a middle-aged woman with three kids, or a businessman in a suit, or an old couple. Those are the facts. Deny all you want.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Luckily some people don't live in a world where they judge others based on looks You really can't fathom that?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Deny all you want. I guarantee that you will assess those people differently. You are the one in denial.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can't fathom the ignorance to see a better way, not be able to refute it, and the use a stereotype to make myself feel better about doing it

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Nah. Stereotypes always come from exposure to a demographic. They aren't true all the time, of course, but stereotypes aren't lazy. It's the result of first hand experience by many people that later is taught to people, which is why stereotypes are dangerous. It's the teaching of stereotypes that is the most damaging. Hard to tell some young Asian woman in college who is constantly sexually harassed by black men (something that happened to a friend of mine) that she shouldn't stereotype black men (which she did... By avoiding them). But teaching her kids or friends this stereotype can be super harmful, when others might not have the same experience. Anyway, it's complicated. Not lazy.

by zturner 1 week ago

They always come? That's your opinion right? Your strawman examples are pretty funny to. Using that example would that mean all black men sexually harass people?

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Woosh. Looks like you missed my point entirely. A person creating personal stereotypes is totally natural based on personal experiences. Teaching those stereotypes to others is where the damage comes. Hope that makes it more clear for you.

by zturner 1 week ago

I agree that that is your opinion. I think you missed my response That's your opinion, it doesn't make it true. My opinions don't make my claims true either. We can agree to disagree

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Sigh. Good luck in life.

by zturner 1 week ago

Sorry if my claim disarmed you. I am happy not using stereotypes and confirmation bias, I don't think they are really defendable

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Brah... Good luck in life.

by zturner 1 week ago

Ironically I am fine. Think of all the things and people you miss out on with your lazy stereotypes

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

If the only thing you have to judge a person by is the way they look, that is what you are going to use. That is a stereotype. That is a fact.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If that's all you have, you dont have enough information to judge them

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Stereotypes exist because they are real.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

All of them? Or any specific examples.

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Come on now You said they are real which ones

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Truth his based on empirical evidence? Your opinion might be Truth is based on facts

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

Read my last sentence, because your literally proving my point.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The gypsycrusader has a riddle for you

by KitchenPapaya2684 1 week ago

Ok go

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

No you have to look it up because I'll get the ban hammer. (he's a right extremist streamer that got jail time, i want to make it very clear that I'm making fun of him, not advocating his message)

by KitchenPapaya2684 1 week ago

Oops I will sorry wrong person

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago

You must be a white person ๐Ÿ˜‚

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I like the irony

by Rutherfordmerl 1 week ago