+31 The shorter you are, the deeper the swimming pool is. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No… no I'm pretty sure it's still about 5ft deep.

by Specialist_Emu_696 3 months ago

Well your center of mass is in fact higher up in the water when you are shorter which technically means a 5 ft swimming pool is deeper to a short person than to a tall person

by ena56 3 months ago

So...it's not 5 feet deep then? Or is 5 feet 5 feet?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Makes sense

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The taller you are the less bed you have

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The bigger the bed the more bed room you have but you have less bedroom

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I rarely swim in pools where diving is allowed, so I didnt rhink of this.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

you can dive in just a few feet of water, it's not hard to move your body after you jump in. not head first

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I hate it when I'm chilling in a 5ft deep pool and some short person jumps in and suddenly it's 10ft deep SMH

by danny07 3 months ago

Man, some of you are really bad at this.

by Deangelofay 3 months ago

Pretty sure the pool depth doesn't change based on your height

by Anonymous 3 months ago

All seven of them.

by Anonymous 3 months ago