+13 Dogs are so persistent about barking at people outside because as far as they are concerned they have 100% success at driving people off by barking at them, amirite?

by Tasty-Safety 3 months ago

Not at all true. I've let plenty of people into my house that my dog has barked at.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ah, but eventually they left.

by Super_Airport 3 months ago

But they typically come back.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But then they leave again

by Henrietteorn 3 months ago

What if they move in?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Is this person immortal?

by Henrietteorn 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

And thus the person gets barked at.

by Perfect_Physics 3 months ago

And thus they get barked at.

by Perfect_Physics 3 months ago

My neighbor's dog does too. I went to meet them. It won't bark now. His wife was surprised that it was so welcoming to me. "She doesn't like anyone!" Yup. Still got it.

by Complex_Spread 3 months ago

Dogs protect their territory the best they know how, but they fall apart when food or friendship is offered.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Don't we all

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Want some tacos and a hug?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well yeah, now that you mention it I do.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Surprisingly, geese are actually more territorial than dogs.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

On my morning runs I create a wave of satisfied dogs that have successfully defended the home at 6:45am

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My mailman has broken into my house and murdered me zero times. I'd call that a win.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No, that's just poor training. Like chihuahuas are noisy, owner just never train them and just remove them from situations enforcing bad habits. The moment you teach a dog that's not acceptable behavior, they will behave. The longer you let the behavior happen, the more you need to un/train.

by Jsteuber 3 months ago

Part of the problem is that dogs try to defend their owners. If you get stressed by strangers around, the dog wants to protect you. If you get stressed by the dog barking at strangers, it counts and that reinforces the behavior. This results in not just a failure to train them, but actually training them in the wrong behavior.

by ProfessionalGuide 3 months ago

How fix?

by Dhartmann 3 months ago

Then that means you shouldn't have a dog if you can't maintain them. You're argument should never be it's hard(whining voice).

by Jsteuber 3 months ago

Na, I don't deal with dogs. I prefer someone with personality. That's why I have cats. They are trainable, and they have boundaries.

by Jsteuber 3 months ago

Ah, so you're shaming someone when you have no clue what you're talking about. I always forget the main demographic here is teens pretending to be adults.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My dog doesn't try to chase people away. He wants them to come say hi.

by Independent_Duty7035 3 months ago

This is a Garfield bit

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Untrue, I just "wee-woo" the dog until it caves and we become best friends.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Sometimes, just sometimes, I just keep standing until the yapper has a meltdown.

by Nkihn 3 months ago