+42 "/s" ruins the joke. Commit to the bit or keep it to yourself. amirite?

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

You'd be surprised how often an internet joke can go over the masses' heads. But is it worth it to allow that for the sake of the good joke to land on some? Perhaps!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Adding /s allows the daft audience members to give that idiotic "I get jokes. Jokes are funny" realization. Why allow the hoi polloi such satisfaction though?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is how one must be. Salute to you, sir.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Unfathomably based

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

This is the part of the take that makes it make more sense to me.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You'd be surprised how often an internet joke can go over the masses' heads If you don't have the balls for the possible negative repercussion, you don't deserve to use sarcasm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ruining a joke with "/s" makes the joke pointless in the first place. Why tell a joke poorly when you can either tell it well or not at all?

by Puzzled_Aardvark_774 1 week ago

Absolutely. People who are too stupid to get the joke are a joke in and of themselves, and when they mald we can laugh at them too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

how much how many

by Decent_Potato5697 1 week ago

how many Like 37 or so probably

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

racism /s

by Prestigious-Tap4262 1 week ago

Oh thank god it isnt only me.

by parkerselina 1 week ago

Actually now I am unreasonably upset because if you agree with me, that means my opinion isn't terribly unpopular I'm seething and malding. I might even cope, if I can locate my lucky coping socks

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

that's basically the same thing as it not existing up til now, presuming you were a baby or perhaps some kind of knave

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm actually five infants piloting a Voltron-style adult human mecha

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe OP is part of a group of serfs who now, having become literate, will rise up against us?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And that's fair! Not everyone is there though, was all I meant :)

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You forgot the /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The number of times I make the most obvious joke, then someone says "I think you forgot the /s." is annoying. No I really did mean that the presidential election should be decided by who can juggle the best while eating hot dogs...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've never seen that... /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No I really did mean that the presidential election should be decided by who can juggle the best while eating hot dogs.. This but unironically (Is he joking? We can't tell without a tag!)

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

I truly believe that women aren't real! Neither are birds! How could either exist on a flat earth that doesn't exist!?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sarcasm is best when not everyone catches it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's not exclusive to sarcasm, though. I've been disagreed with very often in a harsh manner and lectured with literally what they're responding to. Just phrased differently.

by gaylorddaija 1 week ago

Exactly that and if you play it right a couple of 1000 in a day is possible.

by Anastasiawolff 1 week ago

People with some measure of autism can also find it hard to detect sarcasm

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not everyone gets every joke, and that's okay.

by ScreenMost 1 week ago

I don't like to use it either. But there are arguments for using such tags. Often enough some dimwit is offended by misunderstood sarcasm and starts berating you, which is exhausting. Some people are really bad at sarcasm and it is not a 100% spot rate for me either. Some people are indeed tone deaf due to mental conditions. They need this. In the end it is just a little signifier. Verbally you would tell sarcasm really dry, so this just replaces tone of voice to help convey meaning. Really, I dislike it too. I often think the sarcasm was obvious, but just because it is to me, doesn't mean others understand it. Those signifiers are a good compromise. What would be awesome of course was if we had text flair signifiers, that are invisible to everyone who didn't enable them. So everyone who needs it or wants to double check can see the /s. But people would need to widely get used to it. Even though I feel I was more in the political left as a teen, I hated this sort of thing, because I perceived it as in my way. But as I got older I learned more about special needs. For some people these things ENABLE social interaction in the first place and that weighs heavier than my inconvenience.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What would be awesome of course was if we had text flair signifiers, that are invisible to everyone who didn't enable them This is the only good implementation for the tags I have ever heard and also the only good argument being made ITT

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

The closest to that I use is putting the /s in a spoiler, at least it's not in your face if you don't click it

by benedict17 1 week ago

>! i am superior πŸ’ͺ!< >! [text] !< is how u do it

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by brandon16 1 week ago

[Test] I was trying to figure this out the other day, I'm gonna forget it by tomorrow unfortunately

by Appropriate-Web 1 week ago

Using it wrong 🚫 Using it wrong on purpose, as a joke βœ…οΈ

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

In case I didn't make it clear Closing tag: !< Opening tag: >!

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

>! Life changing !<

by No-Bandicoot 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

it used to spoiler the text, dont know why it doenst work anymore 😞😞

by Similar-Attempt-853 1 week ago

Oh yeah that's a great idea /s

by Square-Two7070 1 week ago

You're not on discord lmao. It's this: >!, and then just do it in reverse for the closing tag

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah I love how so many platforms just make up their own markup syntax, it would be so much easier of everyone stuck to the standard markdown (a la GitHub READMEs or discord)

by benedict17 1 week ago

Some people don't understand jokes or social interactions, so using "/s" helps assist them. It's not that serious.

by Nyasia29 1 week ago

as someone with mild autism, yes, this. i usually get it even without the /s but sometimes it helps

by Mysterious_Stuff 1 week ago

Ops point is like saying we should remove tone and facial expressions from jokes

by Allisoncollins 1 week ago

I don't understand why people don't get this. Imagine if you had an in-person conversation that was pure text. It would be with someone standing perfectly still, speaking in monotone, with no visible features or discernible accent. If you think you can read eyes, they'd be hidden or dead. Most of us would find that extremely disturbing, not assume that everyone could tell what the person meant.

by Dazzling_Primary 1 week ago

Wait... are you being sarcastic?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The world may never know

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

I used to have that gripe. Until I realized it's just a tone indicator. In spoken language we speak sarcasm in a mocking or dry tone or highlight it in some form. In person-communication has body language and facial expression. Vocal communication has tone. Written communication has far fewer indicators, so why be mad when someone uses crutches?

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

You can't filter out how humor-killing the "/s" is

by Puzzled_Aardvark_774 1 week ago

It doesnt ruin it. If anything, it prevents them from feeling attacked/hurt. "all women suckkk" is very different from "all women suckkk /s". I agree we should find something different, but even adding "lol" by your reasoning will ruin the joke.

by nitzschemaveric 1 week ago

It ruins the entire point of being sarcastic by removing irony. I hate the /s so much.

by Any_Penalty 1 week ago

I don't like it either but I think a valid point is that irl inflection conveys sarcasm and that's completely lost over text. So in real life you basically do have a /s of some sort.

by Embarrassed_End 1 week ago

But that's just not so. Satire has existed for millennia. We've been expressing sarcasm via text for thousands of years.

by Any_Penalty 1 week ago

it's like saying "NOT!" ala Borat

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I love /S NOT!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ngl I didn't know until now if /s meant sarcastic or serious

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We all have demons

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

I like to think of it this way: if you think its useless, then its not for you. Its to convey the "sarcasm voice" over text.

by nitzschemaveric 1 week ago

Sarcasm is a tone Text doesn't convey tone by itself "Thanks, I don't know how I would have done that by myself" and ""Thanks, I don't know how I would have done that by myself" /s" are completely different when spoken outloud. the /s version will probably take twice as long to say. Inflections will be different. etc.

by schadenmeagan 1 week ago

Nuance and tone is entirely lost in text. People need to know if you're being coy, deadpan, self-deprecating, or just a smarmy little prick. So politely disagree.

by zbins 1 week ago

If nuance and tone were completely lost in text (which they ABSOLUTELY are not) then the genre of satire couldn't exist.

by Any_Penalty 1 week ago

Yes. Tools like the /s

by Allisoncollins 1 week ago

Thinking again, if your tool to express sarcasm is saying "I'm being sarcastic" maybe you're just doing your best, bless your soul

by Embarrassed_Sand_723 1 week ago

Well what are the tools you use?

by Allisoncollins 1 week ago

Nuance and tone are entirely lost in badly written text.

by kesslermyrtis 1 week ago

How do I know you're being serious with a /serious indicator? /serious

by warrenborer 1 week ago

Why do people need to be informed if I'm joking or not when I say that arson is a net benefit to society due to how it appeases the Flaming Gigachrist

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

If we're being fair, the Flaming Gigachrist has compelling literature

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

like as a Christmas decoration? it's too early for that

by Living_Worry 1 week ago

That's not true the internette doesn't have a weather cycle at all

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

1) you are very funny 2) "internette" sounds like the internet but for girls

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's also the way you spell the word for a French boomer so that they pronounce it correctly

by Anonymous 1 week ago

🎡🎢 Internette, gentille internette Internette, je te plumerai 🎢🎡

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ya I think it's funny to watch someone who clearly had the joke go over their head blow a gasket

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As my man Mike Birbiglia said, if you have to say "I'm joking" it isn't a funny joke.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is the /S ruins the joke then it wasn't funny

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are able to read and understand sarcasm. You won't believe the number of people that cannot get it. What's the point of angering stupid people so that you get 4 likes?! Don't even get me started on Americans...but even Brits, the most sarcastic people on Earth are seemingly clueless in alarming numbers. Facebook has more things flying overhead than Heathrow Airport!

by Wittingdarwin 1 week ago

You're confusing satire with sarcasm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If I'm joking no /s, if I'm being satirical to emphasize a serious point include /s

by FishingHistorical 1 week ago

I agree but I've received way too much hate and too many "don't be a schrodinger's asshole" when making a damn joke, hell I've even been banned over it. so I'll keep typing /J or /S anyway

by CreativeStand4532 1 week ago

But then 100% of your jokes are unfunny. Might as well risk a few people don't get the joke while also making a few people laugh.

by Puzzled_Aardvark_774 1 week ago

tYpInG lIkE tHiS > /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's that Drill tweet about the racism dial, only for funny

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

Agreed, it's the written equivalent of blurting HAHA JUST KIDDING after telling the mildest joke

by eoconnell 1 week ago

No because sarcastic inflection doesn't announce itself after the joke is told. Using italics for sarcasm would be a better way to replicate tone. Or when people use all caps and exclamation points if they are sarcastically saying some crazy opinion. The audience experience of reading a sentence then immediately reading the "/s" symbol doesn't mimic tone, it mimics someone saying "I think we should eat babies that was sarcasm btw"

by Puzzled_Aardvark_774 1 week ago

Oh looky here at mr big brain IQ who can detect sarcasm through text without /s

by Possible_Ranger 1 week ago

I disagree, you can't always be so sure through text.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That makes the joke funnier imo

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

It makes a joke into a misunderstanding. And in case of sarcasm they can be really bad. Upsetting each other deeply is not funny...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Text is a difficult medium for comedy. If you don't use /s, people won't understand you're joking

by Plastic_Efficiency19 1 week ago

If you don't use /s, people won't understand you're joking If the consequence of landing the joke is that a handful of people get annoyed by my apparent stupidity, I'll pay that price

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

Skill issue

by warrenborer 1 week ago

So you take everything you read online as serious and factual?

by romagueradomeni 1 week ago

Absolutely. Unless there is an indication that it is humor, why would I ever think that something is being exaggerated for comedic effect?

by Plastic_Efficiency19 1 week ago

I agree it's annoying. But sarcasm and some humour can be hard to portray over text. Plus, if you don't, then some know-it-all ends up replying and ruins it for you anyway.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah, it's fine, as like you said; Poe's Law.

by Fkrajcik 1 week ago

Well there are some of us with a low IQ.

by erenner 1 week ago

I'm in that camp, according to the Wechsler test. My verbal ability is weirdly off the scale, but my spatial reasoning is abysmal and my math skills are sorely lacking.

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

I do it because the line between satire and reality has become so blurry these years that I don't blame people for not knowing anymore.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sometimes sarcasm is hard through text and pe9ple often have bad takes so sometimes it's needed.

by Pristine_Rate 1 week ago

It does!

by isaiwunsch 1 week ago

Sarcasm isn't always easy to identify through text

by Sophie03 1 week ago

I think the /s is required as being reddiquette?

by Anastasiawolff 1 week ago

someone finally said it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Such an abelist opinion. Hard disagree

by HotPaleontologist 1 week ago

Hard disagree. What obligation do people have in catering to the lowest common denominator here?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah dude that's a horrible opinion

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by isaiwunsch 1 week ago