+34 Hangover is not worth being drunk the night before, amirite?

by Miserable_Dig 1 week ago

More alcohol cures hangovers, I just don't recommend it.

by ImaginarySimple5496 1 week ago

This is the most dangerous realization I've had

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The hair of the dog

by Hour_Heat3878 1 week ago

To my experience (and I've been a fan of drinking for probably 15 years), this is the only cure that actually works.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I drink so little that I had to look out up lol. "Hair of the dog", short for "hair of the dog that bit you", is a colloquial expression in the English language predominantly used to refer to alcohol that is consumed as a hangover remedy (with the aim of lessening the effects of a hangover). Many other languages have their own phrase to describe the same concept.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you just have a little bit and then go back to sleep, you can skip the whole hangover

by Anonymous 1 week ago

it's not long until your whole life is a hangover and you associate the hangover feeling with the urge to drink

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It just buys you a little more time until the hangover returns

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hangovers are a result of 2 things, to much sugar for the body to process, your body actually having withdrawals, that's why hairs of the dog makes you feel better

by Same-Independent2344 1 week ago

I feel like dehydration is a big thing as well. If I, piss drunk, make sure to drink a lot of water before going to sleep I almost always feel a lot better when waking up next morning.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Enough alcohol and hangovers cease to be a problem, although liver damage enters the conversation.

by GasLevel6794 1 week ago

It doesn't really "cure" it so much as it just kicks the can down the road a bit.

by corrine36 1 week ago

Not totally sure what you are experiencing it's an hangover at that point

by Beginning-Point1998 1 week ago

If you're hungover enough, this becomes impossible.

by Camryn23 1 week ago

Unpopular opinion #2: You aren't curing a hangover. You're delaying it.

by icie90 1 week ago

I read one time that people who get very mild hangovers or none at all are more likely to develop alcoholism later on in life. And I believe it because I'm people. Thing is either way a person will end up feeling sick. Either they get hangovers and they avoid drinking often or the hangovers are very mild and if they have the predisposition for addiction they will eventually have a bad detox. Nobody wins with alcohol, it's poison regardless of how your body reacts to it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm people too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

sounds like you need to start mixing in waters

by Anonymous 1 week ago

or drink some pedialyte or sports drink before going to bed

by EmotionalEchidna 1 week ago

I swear I rarely get hungover if I just chug a couple of glasses of water before sleeping.

by Expert-Kale6119 1 week ago

Wait till you hit 40...

by Braundarius 1 week ago

I'm 31 went to college and never got hungover. To this day it's my super power

by Llewellyn77 1 week ago

Because dehydration is the major issue when dealing with hangover.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My friend chases her tequila shots with strawberry pedialyte.

by Friendly_Koala 1 week ago

I take an Alkazetzer cold and flu before I go to bed. Then have a pedialyte in the morning. Good to go.

by Fast-Claim8702 1 week ago

Nuun for the low sugar and fizzy win

by Bartolettidevon 1 week ago

Um excuse me it's sports drank. 😋

by mayertdorothea 1 week ago

That and certain alcohols will get certain people more hungover than others. I could drink a copious amount of vodka sodas and wake up fine… two glasses of wine and I feel like my brain is trying to exit through the front of my skull the next day.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Probably the sulfites. Natural wines are way better.

by Ornery-Lifeguard 1 week ago

Some people are just more prone to hangovers regardless of what they do to avoid one. I speak from experience because I'm like OP and get really bad hangovers ever since I started drinking at like 16. Doesn't matter how much water I drink or any other tips I try I'm still gonna get a bad hangover, and I know people that don't drink as much water as me, and take no steps to prevent a hangover, but they never get one

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You know everyone is different yes? I drink plenty and I have never seen double in my life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It took me way too long to learn this, and so many don't realize it. Water is the cure for getting overly drunk. Water is the cure for next morning hangovers. Hydrate before and while you dehydrate.

by Plus-Dimension 1 week ago

What's worse though? The pain or the hangover

by Qzieme 1 week ago

Fresh air, rollin down the window

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Too many Urkels on your team, thats why your wins low

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Can we get much higher?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's an unpopular opinion only for people in their 20s and early 30s. After that, it becomes a very popular opinion. lol

by PowerfulMedia 1 week ago

Mix in water and drink less sugary cocktails if your doing so

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The best advise I ever got from my dad was to drink whiskey and waters instead of whiskey sours. Because it truly is the sugar that kills you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Goody's Headache Powder mixed into Pedialyte. It's not pleasant to drink, but it's an excellent hangover relief.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sounds like that would work as a prophylactic if you drank it after you finished drinking. Would it work for that purpose?

by fadelayla 1 week ago

What! Not drinking alcohol prevents hangovers? Does the government know about this?!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just drink light beer. I can drink them like nothing and never get a hangover.

by Frequent_Profile 1 week ago

We don't all experience the same hangover. I see guys waking up after being drunk and be like "OMG I can't take i- oh well, I got better let's go !" More than once, did I have to stay in bed for a whole day, feeling like I was gonna die. To me, hangover isn't worth being drunk once in your life. To other, it only seems like a minor inconvenience.

by Willing_Associate852 1 week ago

Two words for you - hard ketones. Look it up.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So the juice is not worth the squeeze

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Its true. I feel that today. A Wednesday… smh

by arnaldoaufderha 1 week ago

Drink like one liter water before going to bed.

by Hudsonhollie 1 week ago

Agreed, I'm never drinking so much that I'll get a hangover next day anymore.

by Morissettejoshu 1 week ago

If i am well hydrated before I start drinking it takes me about 5-6 drinks before i notice any kind of hangover.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Going through withdrawals is worse. It's a living hell .

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's literally what a hangover is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As someone who used to drink 38 beers a week plus liquor on weekends and/or parties and/or just because...alcohol just isn't worth drinking in general. And it's EXPENSIVE

by Vegetable_Heart1665 1 week ago

Smoke weed instead. No hangover.

by bechtelartracy 1 week ago

I wish this was the end all be all solution. Sometimes weed makes me feel like I'm the most drunk I've ever been. I've called out sick once in the last five years and it was after a night of THC bevs and smoking. Now I just stick to the occasional 5mg gummy before bed.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You had too much.

by bechtelartracy 1 week ago

Man I wish this worked for me. My body thinks it's ready for a cage match with a lion when I smoke. Induces a lot of anxiety

by DealAccomplished7191 1 week ago

Alcohol isn't worth it period. I have no idea why people are okay with the idea of putting a known toxin on their heart. On the regular. >_> But yeah dude, I agree. Alcohol is extremely overrated to me, and I'd take a good cannabis session any day.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"Alcohol is extremely overrated" Recommends cannabis.. 😂

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I actually forgot to mention this, but I concur with your opinion on this. Cannabis is pretty overrated unless the environment is just right, and even then...half the time it's still overrated!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, if it makes you feel any better, it only gets worse as you age. Hangovers became so debilitating even after just a few I've barely touched the stuff in the years.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I get drunk regularly and 99% of the time I'm not hungover the next day, while my flatmate, who rarely drinks, feels sick the next day even if they just had a couple of drinks. If you are used to drinking you'll very likely feel fine the next day.

by Wonderful-Tooth 1 week ago

It can be lol.

by lolaprice 1 week ago

I barely drink these days, but in my 20s I would drink a lot. I would always take 1000mg paracetamol and 400mg with a pint of water when I got home before I went to sleep. Worked like a charm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Eat before, during and after drinking. Mix in water and you'll be fine.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lucky for me I've never had a hang over. I drink a fair amount 2-3 nights a week. I drink a water every couple beers and that works for me. No hard liquor, don't smoke tobacco also seems to help me.

by Itzelstoltenber 1 week ago

Hangziety is a bitch. This happens to me, too. Then I repeat the same mistake the next weekend. I did quit drinking for over a year and it was awesome. Then I drank again and the hangovers got worse. It gets worse with age. So if you're young it won't get easier or better.

by Legitimate_Hyena 1 week ago

My tolerance for hangovers was pretty good from about 19-25 but it dropped off quickly after that. I used to be able to cure it with some ibuprofen, coffee, and a greasy breakfast. These days, all it takes is one beer and I'll wake up with a pounding head.

by Livid_Towel 1 week ago

Hops and Gluten may be the reason your hangovers are so bad. Maybe there are alternatives so you don't have to give up getting drunk.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Agreed. I don't really drink anymore. If I do, it's only socially and I have one or MAYBE two drinks just to get buzzed and I drink a lot of water and make sure to have food with the drink. Hangovers are not worth it. Is rather just have a strawberry lemonade.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've been drunk a few times. I've never had a hangover. Still don't like drinking, though.

by Own-Inspection 1 week ago

As you get older its get harder and harder to bounce back. at 50 a bad hangover can last 5 days,

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I find that a nice throw up and going back to bed after is a great cure for my hangovers

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have also come to this conclusion

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can handle them as long as I stay away from liqour. I can drink regular strength beer all night and be alright, but when someone starts buying rounds of shots its game over.

by Friendly-Cobbler 1 week ago

As long as I do not have to work, hangover is fine

by ShortParticular 1 week ago

drink more water

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would get so hungover at college to the point where the heart palpitations, shakes, and anxiety were definitely not worth it Now that I'm out of school I find that drinking lots of water, diet soda, and other mixers with no sugar basically prevents me from getting hungover I would still like to cut back sometime despite hardly ever feeling sick. There are many risks involved even if you don't feel them the next morning

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Avoid hard liq and sugary drinks. Can't remember them right off the bat but if ya goggle it there are things you can do beforehand to worsen your hangover before you start drinking Jus don't drink and drive

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I get you, and I feel like a lot of people won't. I didn't get bad hangovers for the longest time. I have a family history of alcoholism and was far along on that road myself. Then I started getting terrible migraines from drinking. It completely ruined drinking for me and got me to quit. People don't realize how big an effect a hangover can have on your drinking habits if you get them all the time.

by Luna57 1 week ago

Bro I ask you to consider that you suffer from migraines and alcohol is your trigger. It took me a long time to figure that out for myself and get a diagnosis. I'm a lot happier and healthier not drinking.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Drink a bunch of water (at least 2-3 glasses) and take a couple of Tylenol before bed. You'll be right as rain in the morning.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I guess I just don't understand the concept of drinking to be drunk... some alcoholic beverages have an exceptionally good taste. But, seriously, don't mix many alcohols and consider the quality of what you drink. At clubs and cheap parties the alcohol they mix into the cocktail causes at least a headache in any amount. And in cocktails you can't really taste the quality of what is in there due to all the sugar.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would 100% agree; ever since I hit 30, my hangovers are two-day long ordeals. Drinking on a Friday night literally ruins my entire weekend. However, I recently bought these "hangover strips". You take one shortly before drinking and they're supposed to eliminate hangovers. I was skeptical, but they work pretty well. Normally, 2 or 3 cocktails would cause me to be groggy/dizzy the next day. If I take a strip before the two or three drinks, I feel virtually NOTHING the next day. I don't recommend drinking in general, but we all have vices. If you're going to drink, take a strip beforehand.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Have you tried getting less drunk and drrinking a ton of water.

by Delta37 1 week ago

Goodys BC powder man. It's ve never met a hangover that stuff didn't get rid of in ten mins flat. Not just no more pain, literally bright eyed and bushy tailed. The magic lies in just giving you a ton of caffeine, so there is a crash afterwards but in a pinch when you're expected to attend work or something that stuff never fails

by OrganizationNovel 1 week ago

It's worth it sometimes... but not often

by NoComedian3380 1 week ago

I'm in my 30s and definitely cant drink like I'm in my 20s anymore. I suffer the whole week

by LoudPotential5178 1 week ago

You can't just drink whatever you want and expect everything to be fine the next day The lower carb the better, they make zero carb seltzers, or you could make low carb cocktails with good quality vodka, significantly reducing chances and severity of a hangover. And eating healthy alongside that is just as important, you just shouldn't mix a bunch of sugar with alcohol, bad combo Taking a tums when you're done drinking or the next day can certainly help too

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by kuvalisjanice 1 week ago

Let me guess - born pre 1993?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The secret is drinking a ton of water before bed. Getting dehydrated while you sleep is what does it to you

by Anonymous 1 week ago

With age one learns how to drink excessively while not getting hungover. Also how to cure any hangover without relying on hair of the dog.

by Fast-Claim8702 1 week ago

As someone who handles alcohol exceptionally well and literally never really had a hangover from binge drinking, and then ended up abusing it, consider yourself lucky lol.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What's not worth it is the garbage alcohol u drink that makes u hung over

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Me and my wife ended up drinking until 7 am the day we met. That hangover was worth it.

by Perfect_Maize_3345 1 week ago

No hangovers gang, stand up! 🖐️ Beer and wine will always make you more hungover than hard liquor because of all the extra sugar. Waters always help, and so do electrolyte drinks like Gatorade, pedialyte or, my personal favorite, liquid IV. But for some reason, I'm a mutant and I can do none of these things and I always wake up feeling right as rain. (39M, been like this my whole life 🤷🏻‍♂️)

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I almost never get hangovers even during my heavy drinking days, all you have to do is hydrate.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not just you. I feel this. My guess is you're over 33. Regardless it just gets worse as you age. I only want to drink for events anymore. Otherwise it's just not worth it

by prohaskaagnes 1 week ago

I have gotten hungover like twice and that was in college. It's all about knowing your limits/what will put you into hangover territory. Do better

by IndependentAny 1 week ago

This is more a personal opinion and not an unpopular opinion.

by Tessiekessler 1 week ago

I've never really gotten hungover. Like I've been admitted to the hospital with alcohol poisoning and still didn't really feel too bad waking up. It's odd and dangerous because I can drink in excess and not experience any real consequences

by Longjumping-Fee 1 week ago

Most symptoms of a hangover are from dehydration. Your body can expel 4 times more liquid than the one alcoholic beverage you consumed. For every drink you have it's suggested to also have a drink of water. Even if not 1-for-1 you should make efforts throughout the night to consume glasses of water too. But drinking isn't everybody's thing do what makes you happy, if drinking isn't it than drinking isn't it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The older i get the worse the hangovers get. To the point where i wont have more than 2 or 3 beers as anything else will give me a hangover the next day.

by Many_Ice 1 week ago

Look up dr amen about drinking.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You just need to know how to minimize the effects or even neutralize it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Wait till you get older, it's really bad. I know exactly how much to drink and be fine the next day but their is the line where you know if you cross their is no coming back

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exactly why I no longer drink.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is why I usually vomit or induce vomiting after the night is over, 2 fingers in, and a morning and afternoon free of hangover (mostly).

by Natural-Category 1 week ago

For bad hangovers, get outside and do something active. Its super hard because you feel terrible, but it makes it go away 10x faster. I'm not particular outdoorsy, but I make sure to go do something outside every time I get a little too drunk.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Smoke weed instead!

by Ervinrath 1 week ago

Drink twice as water than you drank alcohol and you'll never have a hangover again.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A hangover is not just dehydration, that's a myth. It's a factor, as well as the way the alcohol interacts with the body.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Big reason I quit completely.

by Braundarius 1 week ago

I drink a berocca before I drink (with a meal most times), two beroccas in one drink before I sleep and then one when I wake up if I need it. I've never had a hangover since I started doing this.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

I totally agree and the anxiety it gives me the next day, no thanks

by WinterInformation848 1 week ago

The older I get, the more I prefer to just have a few beer and have fun rather than waste my money on getting drunk, puking it all up and regretting it all in the morning

by Anonymous 1 week ago

you can drink without drunk....

by Elenorasmith 1 week ago

Same. I get super sick and it lasts a long time. I smoke weed instead of drinking now and highly recommend the switch

by Hudsonbogan 1 week ago

Being drunk is not even worth it.

by octaviahamill 1 week ago

Idk man, I've had some pretty fun drunk nights

by CarpenterNecessary 1 week ago

I actually agree with you. Probably because we get brutal hangovers.

by pbailey 1 week ago

"Drinking is borrowing happiness from tomorrow"

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I quit drinking years ago. Maybe 10 drinks a year

by That-Aioli6768 1 week ago

Drinking water will help with most hangovers. Part of the hangover is dehydration due to your body processing the alcohol. Put a glass of water by your bed before you start drinking/go out. Since you say you have rather severe headache and hangover what are may not be as effective as it is with most people. The trick with drinking is to do it slowly. We only feel the good part of getting drunk as our alcohol level increases. Once you plateau it's all downhill feeling. So the longer you can maintain the increase in alcohol the better you'll feel. Pace out your drinking. And no you don't need to get blinding drunk. That my friend, is called alcoholism.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just take sips of water or buy one of those rehydration drinks and alternate between sipping those, a hangover is basically a dehydration so if you make up for it beforehand it wont happen or it wont be so bad

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Something tells me you're young. Yes, water does help but not as much as being young does. I'm always always drinking water and my drinks are rarely sweet. Still pretty miserable the next day

by Anonymous 1 week ago

you need electrolytes, not water

by EmotionalEchidna 1 week ago

Yeah, once I hit 30…almost overnight…my hangovers because SIGNIFICANTLY worse. Regardless of the amount of water I drink before or after. At this point, if I want to get drunk one night, I can almost guarantee I'll be useless for the next two days. Back in the day I could get hammered, smell nose candy til 5:00 in the morning, then wake up at 7:30 and pull an 8-hr shift in a kitchen all day…and be fine to do it all again the next night. If I did that now, I might be dead lol It really is mainly about age.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm 42 and as long as I'm not going for blackout drunk, water, a carb filled snack and gatorade have me waking up feeling 90% normal.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just drink less dummy

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have never had a hangover or vomited from being drunk. Whenever I tell people this they don't believe me lmao I just never get myself to that situation because I usually just feel bloated and lmy stomach can't take anymore liquid.

by Used_Gas1189 1 week ago

Do you typically drink beer? When I drink beer I find that it's very easy to get bloated.

by Expert-Kale6119 1 week ago