+40 The best dating advice for nuanced issues is to not listen to other peoples advice. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

... so ... I will not take this advice

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Is the issue 'other people's advice' or are you actually describing an issue with Internet-based dating advice for people on the apps? I agree that the latter is a complete bin fire of deeply transactional 'red and green' flags, and tips for being manipulative towards somebody you have barely met yet. However, you are suggesting that people who build a rapport trust their gut and move intuitively through it with their partner, and while I agree, I think an awful lot if the Internet dating tips are focused on rules to apply before that rapport has been established, as people meet through the apps now and approach dating as a tick box exercise rather than a meeting of souls.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Good opinion (+1) and I'll only add that I've known quite a few people who ended great relationships because strangers on the internet who didn't know them or their situation advised it. They later realized that they had made a mistake, but in some of the cases, it was too late. A tip for everyone in general when it comes to relationships: if they aren't in the situation that you want to be in, consider the source. That's next to impossible to know with strangers on the internet.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This is true. You can take some advice into consideration but other people's advice was made for other people. And you're you. And you gotta figure out your own rules.

by Anonymous 5 months ago