-36 Toast with peanut butter or jelly is considered breakfast food, but PB&J is considered a lunch food. amirite?

by Nharvey 3 months ago

Well sure, I've eaten spaghetti for breakfast and eggs for dinner many-a-time, but surely a certain meal comes to mind when you think of certain foods.

by Nharvey 3 months ago

That still surprises me, especially the fact that people out there don't like how it tastes. In the US, it feels like the majority of people that won't eat peanut butter are those that will straight up die if they eat it

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well, there is many countries sprinkled around the world that also do like it, Netherlands and Indonesia come to mind.

by Technical_Exit 3 months ago

I like my PB&J on toast for desert.

by Most-Dig 3 months ago

More importantly, "breakfast" food can be eaten any time.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I see big breakfast has gotten to you too

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's just food. Put in mouth come out butt

by eladioorn 3 months ago

I like the cut of your jib.

by Nharvey 3 months ago

Breakfast foods and lunch foods are largely interchangeable

by Egrant 3 months ago

Hm, for most of the people I've met, lunch and dinner are mostly interchangeable, but breakfast not as much.

by Nharvey 3 months ago

Breakfast foods are universal to all meals

by Egrant 3 months ago

I feel like people in places where peanut butter is less popular don't realize how protein and fat packed peanut butter really is. Jam on bread by itself would be pretty odd for lunch (and also mostly carbs at that), but peanut butter turns it into a properly filling sandwich

by Anonymous 3 months ago

And fried PB&J can only be eaten between the hours of 1am to 4am, otherwise the universe will implode into a supermassive black hole and spew narwhals into the 14th dimension

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, we had to ban those from the office because narwhal cleanup was getting a little expensive.

by Nharvey 3 months ago

When peanut butter is on a bagel you can have peanut butter anytime.

by HotFriendship 3 months ago

I've put peanut butter in my oatmeal for more protein.

by Embarrassed_Hand 3 months ago

Peanut butter on toast is normal enough. Jelly on toast is very popular. But peanut butter and jelly on toast seems weird.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Try it, it's pretty good (if you like peanut butter, jelly, and toast, that is)

by Nharvey 3 months ago

Cooking up a PB&J made with nicer ingredients like it's a grilled cheese is so damn delicious. I wish it was more common to make them that way

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Waiting for some asshole to come in and be offended you only offered sir and ma'am

by One-Piccolo-9505 3 months ago

It's all about the temperature.

by zacheryluettgen 3 months ago

Peanut butter toast for breakfast, yes. Toast butter and jelly for breakfast, yes. Peanut butter and jelly toast for breakfast, wtf you talking 'bout????

by Novel_Pollution 3 months ago

Nowhere outside of the US is this remotely true

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Not poor*

by One-Piccolo-9505 3 months ago

I'm from California. Pb&j was always an after school snack if I ever had it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think about this all the time lol!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Breakfast is exactly that you "break your fast" could be anytime and eating any food.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Any thing can be a dildo if you are brave enough.

by Krislavina 3 months ago