-26 Skim Milk Tastes the Best, amirite?

by gaylordvelva 3 months ago

Skim is water that a cow looked at once.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's exactly the right amount of cow.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I would say it's very much not enough cow. I grew up on 3.5%, or just straight-up cream or custard.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Fun-Substance3009 3 months ago

Very good unpopular opinion that I'm inclined to agree with

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I tend to agree with this. My wife got me converted to Skim a LONG TIME AGO, and I never looked back.

by Mohreden 3 months ago

2% and almond milk at least has some flavor to it

by Maximum_Object 3 months ago

What do they put in your milk to make it thick? Ive never had thick milk and I get my milk from a local farmers (who only gets the bacteria out before he sells it)

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I used to think this until I heard skim has minimal health benefits compared to whole milk

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What do you rate your boyfriend's milk at 😂

by littellondon 3 months ago