+37 If you do things like groan, or intentionally sigh as a sign of disapproval towards someone, you're no better than a non-behaved child. amirite?

by Carmen54 3 months ago

These are primal emotional cues which set in when a person's vocabulary has reached its limit.

by Fabulous-College4768 3 months ago

Not true. I've seen it moreso as the first form of communication.

by Carmen54 3 months ago

First form as in low-IQ primal? How are we disagreeing?

by Fabulous-College4768 3 months ago

Bro got mad

by Marc28 3 months ago

no kiddin?

by heathaltenwerth 3 months ago

Sometimes theres no point or nothing to argue about

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No, groan, sigh, silence etc are a form of communication too. If you don't get it then you're the problem. People don't have to repeat themselves for certain things and they should definitely don't need to over communicate on simple things. Grow up and learn how to deal with rejection

by Anonymous 3 months ago

First off, I rarely do this, but if I do there's a good chance I'm doing it to be intentionally disrespectful because they pissed me off and I'm just trying to return the favor. Is it childlike? Yeah, probably. But it works like a charm!

by AffectionateCatch709 3 months ago

If someone has a position of power over you, it's not like you can oppose them (Eg, parents, boss). Also I'm a people pleaser so yeah I'll just get over my past trauma magically yayyy

by Anonymous 3 months ago

True. I was thinking more of people on an even footing.

by Carmen54 3 months ago

I'd say if this is exclusively a SO, then it's entirely correct. Communication is key in a relationship.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If I find you to be a detestable individual and have no intent on being cordial, you're gonna get the sigh or groan. and instead communicate your concerns If you're getting the sigh/groan with any regularity it is likely you're not an individual that is receptive to this kind of thing and the complaints here are moot.

by No-Board5229 3 months ago

I don't know man. I'm always exhaling cuz I'm in pain or relieved

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by bwilkinson 3 months ago