+41 Drugs arent cool, amirite?

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

If you don't like alcohol and weed, that's totally fine. If you do, that is also fine.

by KeyRealistic 3 months ago

I mean yeah it's fine but it's not great. One of my best friends is a stoner and while I'm chill with it I just think it's useless

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Okay, but then the problem is on your end. Or, I mean the judgment. It seems like the right position is people should be allowed to do it or not do it, it's fine either way. But in this scenario it's you who's judging. Yes?

by KeyRealistic 3 months ago

No I said I very seldomly do that and my main focuses are Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. Tbh tho I don't see this as an argument, it's just a discussion we're having about drugs

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Air soft and video games are pointless

by Think_Context 3 months ago

Airsoft is usually my cardio after working out and yes video games are pointless

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

So are plenty of other things lol

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I feel honored

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Drugs are bad mmmkay

by vmoore 3 months ago

Wow it's like I said that

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Wow I was mocking you 🤣

by vmoore 3 months ago

What no way I could've never guessed that

by Ok-Day 3 months ago


by vmoore 3 months ago

Good so we agree 😃

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Looks like someone didn't get the reference I mean you wouldn't know anyway it's not a Christian friendly show

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Don't argue with an idiot they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience

by vmoore 3 months ago

Arguing with idiots is more fun than what ever OP is doing with his life.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Right arguing with idiot is so fun like I'm glad I'm able to talk to you

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Ur right I wouldn't have gotten it because it's Christian friendly show how could I ever

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Some people like to have fun every know and then and not take life so seriously Karen

by TopCartographer 3 months ago

Wow sum one a lil angry☺️

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Okay Nancy Reagan

by Kwatsica 3 months ago

Medically prescribed thc is okay because it's medically prescribed and those are usually to help treat soldiers with ptsd. My issue is with taking it recreationally

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

So your saying because someone has the medical card to "prove" the reasoning, you are fine with it. But if someone's self-medicating, your not okay with it? Like I agree that drugs aren't "cool" but that's not why the vast majority of people use them, lol. Their using them to either eleviate pain (physical or mental trauma), or they are simply addicted to them. I also believe that some people can absolutely get addicted to marijuanna.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Drugs are inanimate objects. People who can't shut up about using drugs aren't cool, regardless of which side of the issue they're on.

by Alia94 3 months ago

You're just moralizing. Everyone has an escape. As long as neither involve hurting others, one is not better than the other.

by Alarming_Weakness 3 months ago

You are right we all gotta take addy xanny and fent right NOW

by hilma01 3 months ago

Fallout and Halo are a waste of time and an escape. Your problems are still there, and now you've wasted your time. Not gonna defend heroin, but c'mon now.

by Mervin26 3 months ago

I seldomly play those games tho. Since you looked at my profile I'm pretty sure you'd notice that I also Olympic weightlift and powerlift. Those are my main hobbies and I put those first and if I have time I might play videogames, or most of the time I draw lol

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

So. You can lift heavy things? And? Everything we do can be reduced down to 'so what'.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean that's a nihilistic stance on looking at it but personally I lift so I can closer to my god and through that be a better Christian. I also lift because it's a skill worth investing in and I have a potential future in it

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

What if people take drugs to get closer to God?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The Bible calls us to be of sound mind and I've seen this argument before. If that's how you think you can be closer then ig try it but I it's also important to remember that you open yourself up to other influences and a misreading of the scripture. Which also could lead being deceived from god while you still believe you are following him

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

The Bible also teaches to avoid vanity and not to trust in our own strength, exactly what powerlifters obsess in.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I don't trust in my own strength lol. I put faith whenever I get on the platform and surrender everything to him so that I'm able to gratify his grace. Everything I do is for him and without him I'd be nothing

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

I ate a mushroom and God told me I should wear more green, and he didn't authorize any scriptures.

by Mervin26 3 months ago

That… doesn't sound like him lol

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Cuz heaven forbid Im a Christian and weightlift lol

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Say syke right now

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Ok-Day 3 months ago

I remember writing essays when I was 13, too.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ur right im 13 and this is my first time on the internet how could you tell

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

You're being facetious but I did come here to ask this. How old are you

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No one who tries crack, hates crack

by Anonymous 3 months ago

why all the judgement? live and let live

by PercentageNeat 3 months ago

I feel more rewarded with stuff like just being out in nature on alone on a hike, working out for three hours, or playing with my dogs. Congratulation, now try imagining if none of that did anything for you. That's usually what happens to people before they start to dabble in drugs. People believe that drugs push out the normal joys of life when quite often people are simply looking to find that feeling again through drugs.

by InsuranceNo 3 months ago

I've seen more articles with devastation made by professional lifters who take steroids more than weed has. And I still have yet to see an actual article about weed harming someone

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Wow no way it's almost like steroids are a drug

by Ok-Day 3 months ago

Read again

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh no how ever will I manage😂😂

by Ok-Day 3 months ago