-29 Teachers SHOULD be held accountable. amirite?

by No-Bid-4313 1 week ago

Teaching is hard dude. People really can't teach themselves, and it is hard to teach the masses when a few of them actively disrupt the process. It's not like teachers don't want to help those who are struggling, but there is still a pace that the teacher needs to keep when it comes to covering the learning objectives. If a student is still struggling they can ask after class during lunch or after school or go see a tutor.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People can teach themselves. It's not middle age anymore. They have access to information I'm not trying to spit on the teachers here, i know it's an hard job. But the strugling people are the one for who teachers are there. The not struggling people could learn by themselves. So when i see teacher abandoning struggling students (and any responsability in their failure) i kinda wonder how useful they are

by No-Bid-4313 1 week ago

You don't know what you don't know. And if you think it's so easy, then go do it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Teachers are in a no win situation anymore and I feel bad for them. They can't even sneeze without being scrutinized. And now everything is political so they have to be mindful on what they say and do. They're held to higher standards with less pay honestly isn't fair to them.

by One_Guess 1 week ago

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

by MorningImaginary 1 week ago

I think it's a good argument. If you pay someone for a service, and he can't do it, or won't do better than a free application, what are you paying for? I don't know you, but for some people money is limited. You renounce to some stuff to pay these tax. You could at least expect they serve to something a bit better than a 2000$/month audiobook.

by No-Bid-4313 1 week ago

You reduce all educators to this one educator that you have in mind. I find your lack of rhetoric and overall demeanour to be the most compromising factor on your child's education. You clearly also do not have any math knowledge as you have not come to the conclusion that you pay basically nothing to that one teacher

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Teaching already has standards to hold teachers accountable. I'm not sure what more you want to happen. I take issue with the argument that YouTube, or an app, or a book can in any way replace teachers. Who will make sure that the kids are actually doing the work? Who will ensure the correct apps or videos are being used? When the information still doesn't sink in, who is then responsible? When parents complain that the head is empty, that is not only the fault of the teacher. The teacher can only deliver their lessons in a way that is accessible to the majority. They can't learn the lesson for the kid, or take an exam for the kid.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Pay teachers more.

by enolan 1 week ago

It's not a rant. I'm not angry. It's just an opinion of what a teacher job is

by No-Bid-4313 1 week ago

But you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. You are not in education, and you have no children. You're entitled to your opinion, but why do you feel so strongly about something you lack knowledge of that you are sharing that opinion in a public forum?

by Mysterious-Age-2790 1 week ago

I agree to some extent. I had teachers brag with the fact that "half of their students will fail their course".... and the issue was always seen with the students, acting like teachers can't ever be wrong. Once a teacher graded our tests really horribly and we went to a different teacher to get them looked (which is allowed), said teacher then sided with the first one and said she would have given us even worse grades. They were falsely corrected. In my experience teachers were hardly ever be held accountable for anything. BUT I disagree with the argument of taxes. They shouldn't be held accountable because of taxes but because they work with children and can heavily influence them - for the better or worse.

by opheliawiegand 1 week ago

I don't have any kinds in school anymore and since I don't my tax dollars that are taken to pay for schools should be returned. Let parents with kids pay higher taxes to pay for public school.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Same "reasoning" as "I don't have a car, so why should my tax dollars go for road repair?".

by Aggravating_Pop3366 1 week ago

Road repair majorly comes from gas tax, use more gas pay more tax I am ok with that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, here i'm not complaining about paying tax for other people kid. I am ok with that. What i complain about about is paying tax for teachers as useful as a free app. Not all teachers are like that of course. But a lot seem to believe they should be asked for more than being an audiobook. And to be honest, 2000$ per month is a pretty expensive audiobook

by No-Bid-4313 1 week ago

Yea $24,000 a year is so far bellow the poverty line and you want good teachers for that? Like go to college get a good education, go 80k+ in debt and we are going to pay you less than you can make working at McDonalds. And people wonder why the best teachers quit in under 5 years or shift to private schools.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

An abonnement to duolingo cost 69$ per year An abonnement to mathplus cost 50$ per year A buldle of history/litterature/geography audiobook cost maybe 500$ And a connected watch with the associated app maybe 100$ Cool so home school your kid then. If you think teaching is only about the information. What about being a bullet sponge to protect children from shootings? Like people wonder why the best teachers don't stay teaching...

by Anonymous 1 week ago