+41 I feel like being ugly can make you miss out on friends and even casual conversation, amirite?

by PenSilly 1 week ago

If people don't wanna talk to you cause you're ugly then are you really missing out on those people? Sounds like a blessing in disguise to me

by ExaminationSweaty873 1 week ago

This is toxic positivity man, let him loathe in his ugLy L

by narciso89 1 week ago

I didn't even know this is unpopular opinion there's very few real privileges in this world but pretty privilege is definitely one of them, especially for women for men. Its also pretty and tall privilege.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Okay but I'd rather talk to someone that found me interesting right away rather than needing context or explanation.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago

Usually if you're ugly people don't care enough to get to know whether youre interesting or not even if you are

by PenSilly 1 week ago

The people that care don't matter.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago

Most people don't care. You only think they do. If you base yourself worth off strangers, that's a you problem.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago

I mean it is a you problem. If you walk around feeling sorry for yourself or less than, then you're not going to be attractive to other people. I learned it the hard way.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago


by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

I was fat for most of my life. I promise it's all about personality lmao.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago

I'm still a fat kid inside lol

by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

If you're physically ugly usually your other characteristics don't matter to most people anyways And lets say for a second that someone might have been interested in your other characteristics.. it wont be long till they cheat on you for someone better looking and more popular anyways

by PenSilly 1 week ago

Yeah this is a you problem. I swear to you that most people don't care. If you're an interesting person, what you look like doesn't matter. If you make yourself the victim because of how you look well....that's your own probem.

by arnulfo80 1 week ago

physical appearance is definitely a huge factor for dating, but not really for friendships. Unless you're talking not just about your face, but overall appearance. People who aren't well put together and 'ugly' will come off as anti-social. Dress well, take care of body/teeth, and work on making conversation.

by EmbarrassedLeek 1 week ago

Do all the hygiene and I'm still called ugly and perceived negatively even if Im friendly.. other ugly people express this as well

by PenSilly 1 week ago

I think it's a feedback loop - if you aren't attractive, you may feel insecure and lack confidence - which makes you come across as awkward or even weird. And that's off putting. Some of the most charismatic people I know are not conventionally attractive. But they are (or at least successfully come across) as confident, secure, and fun.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

I can see it being difficult for sure. But some of the most busted dudes I know have soooo much better social skills than me haha so maybe the difficulty has a pay off in that you become more charming?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How can you be charming if your physical appearance makes people perceive you negatively and ignore you when you try talking to them? They may be below average But being genuinely ugly is being repulsive to where people avoid interacting with you and even disrespect you

by PenSilly 1 week ago

Depends on the person, most people aren't that shallow. One of my most busted friends was this guy from the place I played magic at. I have super pretty cousin who went the shop one night, every guy there was so gaga over her but only he was able to carry on a good conversation with her lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Look I would never want to talk badly on my husband but he is balding, has skin issues, big belly, short … many would see him as not attractive. But women hit on him constantly because he exudes confidence and that is sexy.

by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

OP please hear this

by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

But here is the question man, if you miss out on a conversation with someone who doesn't want to talk to you because your ugly, did you really miss out on anything? Are these people you really WANT in your life?

by Still-Watercress 1 week ago

This makes no sense. Some of the most "unfortunate" looking people I've known have been extremely popular. Likewise, I know people who are attractive but socially awkward and struggle. Being liked for friendship is all about charisma and what you bring to the table in those interactions.

by ltreutel 1 week ago

So if for example you've been constantly bullied and mocked for your appearance and disrespected when trying to fit in socially to the point you develop social anxiety and become untrusting of others.. how would you blame yourself for being socially awkward or lacking charisma when it's the mistreatment that made you that way?

by PenSilly 1 week ago

How old are you? This is not a thing that happens in the adult world.

by ltreutel 1 week ago

I'm 25 and it still happens adults mock people for their appearance all the time... If you're not ugly though it makes sense you think that , but us ugly people experience this often even into adulthood

by PenSilly 1 week ago

I am called ugly in public unprovoked... the people around me aren't any less insecure... most people just look normal so they aren't mocked for their appearance.. Even when I've felt good about myself and wasn't insecure I was Calle ugly and mocked... so it's not an insecurity thing I've been friendly, helpful, open and still been mocked and if you read the experiences of other ugly people they all express the same thing We've still seen weird, awkward pretty people still be accepted and forgiven socially due to the halo effect And when you're bullied for so long and isolate as a defense mechanism.. it becomes natural you become awkward which isnt' even your fault or something you really can control because it also depends on how people respond to you

by PenSilly 1 week ago

How ugly are you that people are actually saying it to your face in public? Like, I have literally never seen behavior like that. I've seen people tell "ugly" people that they are beautiful all the time. Never once have I witnessed someone being actually called ugly unprovoked. Even if you were deformed, people would probably try to be polite.

by ltreutel 1 week ago

nah i def see some mfs get roasted for looking ugly every now and then

by WinComprehensive4185 1 week ago

Wow, I have literally never seen this done by strangers without a reason (like someone was being an AH or drunk or something).

by ltreutel 1 week ago

some people are just wankers

by WinComprehensive4185 1 week ago

Look at OPs page. He has videos of himself he isn't ugly he's a troll

by Anonymous 1 week ago

He's lying and trolling. If you scroll far enough down his page you will see his videos unhinged as they may be he is a good looking guy looking for attention

by Anonymous 1 week ago

why do people complain so much about being ugly? own it!

by okunevademetriu 1 week ago

Because it's not easy to own being negatively judged everywhere you go, being disrespected, looked down on, openly mocked, and usually alone and unwanted.... Who could proudly or easily ever own that?

by PenSilly 1 week ago

physically yes but yikes that's just plain bullying at that point.

by okunevademetriu 1 week ago

Being "confident" when you're ugly usually gets you seen as arrogant and is usually mocked because people think it's undeserved.. and if youre constantly mistreated socially to begin with it makes since you wouldn't be confident.. but if you were confident about something else in your life.. people would demean you and not care if you're genuinely ugly

by PenSilly 1 week ago

Not being pretty is not the same as being ugly

by PenSilly 1 week ago

I'm sure most men would call me ugly, but I don't stoop to that level for myself. I know exactly what it's like to live life as an ugly person. You need an attitude adjustment.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Life is what you make it and you're doing this to yourself. I absolutely don't believe people see you on the street and go "haha ugly" that's not how real life adults function. I genuinely suggest therapy for you, it will help you work through these feelings. Good luck in life!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you choose not to believe a life experience that me and other people have who are considered to be ugly experience.. then that's you choosing to be ignorant to a very real reality.. but in that case it's good you're lucky enough not to experience that type of humiliation.. take care

by PenSilly 1 week ago

Hell yea brother

by Aware_Protection 1 week ago

It's true i don't like being friends with ugly people.

by roxaneschaden 1 week ago

It's not the ugly. It's the weird and creepy

by Similar_Equipment_93 1 week ago

This is probably one of the most popular opinions that I've ever read tbh. But I agree.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As a fellow ugly person, yea this is true.

by SuitablePen785 1 week ago

Are you talking about this in a romantic sense or a general friendship / acquaintance sense? Bc ofc in a relationship looks matter & if someone is not physically attracted to you they might not engage in convo when you display romantic interest. However, most people do not care what their friends look like, let alone their acquaintances or coworkers. Do you have examples of conversations you've had where you've been called weird or creepy? I'm wondering if you're lacking social awareness bc sometimes if a person is hot but awkward it can be cute but if they're uggo and awkward it can be creepy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Personality goes a long way

by Fair-Career 1 week ago

This is very unpopular lol most people on this website will say you can be the ugliest in the world and make friends as long as you're funny, outgoing, and interesting

by PenSilly 1 week ago

One thing is what you see on the internet and another thing is real life. We all know prettier people have easier in many things.

by Lessie66 1 week ago

Yeah.. no one talks about how hard ugly people have it though and they just sweep it under the rug

by PenSilly 1 week ago

It used to be virtually everyone saying that, but the tide is turning. I'd say it's closer to 50-50 now.

by Qmante 1 week ago

I wonder what's making it change .. I'm glad though at least people are acknowledging this rather than trying to pretend its not true and making you feel like its your fault for struggling socially when you're ugly

by PenSilly 1 week ago

It used to be that even if you were ugly you could still find a woman to marry you because you could provide her the stability that comes along with a good income. That, coupled with the fact that most people didn't meet as many other single people (or at least get exposed to them through dating sites/apps), meant that a below average looking guy could most of the time marry a below average woman, or perhaps an above average woman if he was rich. Nowadays, with "body positivity", woman empowerment, and social media/dating apps, women have developed a totally hyperinflated sense of self and as such have completely unrealistic expectations of the caliber of man they should be able to attract. This is why you see men rate pictures of women on a 1-10 scale with a more-or-less gaussian distribution centered at 5-6, but women's ratings of men are centered around 3-4. At this point, the phenomenon is near impossible ignore for young men. As isolation and hypergamy continue to increase you'll see this opinion becoming more and more popular until it's just accepted as reality.

by Qmante 1 week ago

probably true

by Andyfeeney 1 week ago