-33 Most ads only reach the people who are too broke to pay to turn off ads. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Or too poor to even need one. There are no ads in undeveloped countries

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But that means that ads don't reach those people.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What countries for example would that be?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It used to be Moldova 😔😔 but now they added ads on Youtube smh

by Bailey56 3 months ago

I live in my flat with albanians.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

In Albania? EVER been? Ask them when we got Spotify, if there are any spotify ads, and then ask about youtube ads. Obviously the younger they are the more ads they would've seen, duh

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Myself I haven't visited but my best bud's partner is from there and they visit her family regularly. So do my flatmates. They had Spotify from pretty much the get-go, same with social media, smartphone adoption, ChatGPT adoption etc. Same applies to the majority of India (Asia generally), arab countries etc. I live in student housing, where a majority of foreign students and researchers live, in the #1 ranked country according to HDI, Innovation Index and Freedom Index that has a lange Diaspora of Albanians (and balkans generally).

by Anonymous 3 months ago

hey now! Being dumb/lazy and being poor are one in the same! Otherwise, we'd only have a one party system.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Found the libertarian

by ExtensionGeneral6741 3 months ago

we already have a left twix vs. right twix one-party system

by Anonymous 3 months ago

5 seconds? That's way to much time. Can't see how psychologically you can peel you're eyes away - they're everywhere!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's pressing a button in chrome extensions you are actually disabled if you can't figure that out

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean yeah, people who dont know how to google stuff are probably not much online anyways and thus have no problem with ads

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Nuh uh youtube premium, you won't be bought

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This. You are advertised to so many times throughout your day without you even acknowledging it or being aware that it's happening.

by Super_Drive7233 3 months ago

You don't understand advertising lol, those ads target people who are easily separated with their money.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They don't have any money. They can't even afford Spotify.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's just one platform and absolutely doesn't mean ‘most ads'.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

So ironically they're probably too broke to buy the product as well.

by Personal_Divide 3 months ago

What about us cheapskates

by Significant_Note3715 3 months ago

If you're never buying did the ad affect you?

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Significant_Note3715 3 months ago

It impresses me more that platforms earn money from ads and from people that pay for no ads

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Thats why the expensive brands like ferrari n such dont use em :) different clientele

by Outrageous_Flow 3 months ago

And who knows what else. Exciting!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Totally wrong. I see people who simply don't care or instead find ads interesting.

by Difficult-Raisin2855 3 months ago

Rich people consume less media.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You'd be very surprised to learn what is actually an ad.

by Super_Drive7233 3 months ago

So capitalism is just a system of redistributing money from the dumb to the annoying?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Some actually like watching ads

by Anonymous 3 months ago