-28 Filet-O-Fish is the best menu item at McDonald's, amirite?

by providenci70 3 months ago

I don't eat McD's anymore but the filet-o-fish was always damn good. It's essentially the same thing as fish sticks and tartar sauce, just on bread with cheese. It gets so much hate for being "seafood at McDonald's" when many of the people who hate on it would likely eat fish sticks with no issue, presumably

by joeljacobson 3 months ago

You like fish sticks?

by Critical_Opening_951 3 months ago

Sure do

by joeljacobson 3 months ago

Are you a gay fish?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If I was a homosexual or a fish, I would know!

by joeljacobson 3 months ago

Bitch, are you a hobbit?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Obviously they are Kanye

by ForeignChildhood 3 months ago

South Park has single handedly ruined the fish stick industry

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Filet-O-Fish is the best food item in McDonald's and i'm willing to die on this hill.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But that Double Filet-o-Fish tho

by tommie23 3 months ago

Filet O Fish are good but a double is too much IMO. I'd rather get 2 regular and keep the filet/cheese/sauce ratio intact.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah I'll agree to this. Hmm next time I go to McDonald's I'll get it again, it's been awhile

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yep I'll go 6 fillets it's a school o'fish

by hoconner 3 months ago

The only item McDonalds has I like is limited to my country. It's a green/yellowish dille and herbs mayonaise. Give me all that sauce, they can keep the rest.

by Hot-Instruction-4288 3 months ago

Used to have it whenever I'd go to McDonald's with my mom after a piano lesson

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If you were my kid I'd be so proud of you <3

by providenci70 3 months ago

Go to Holland and eat the Mc Kroket. You will forget your fillet O whatever in no time..

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I just looked it up it looks fantastic!!

by providenci70 3 months ago

I got one by mistake once and I was surprised how good it was. After that, I'd get the filet o fish quite often. But not anymore

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Steak Egg And Cheese Bagel has entered the chat

by Distinct_Grand7462 3 months ago

Ahhh I wish!!! We don't have bagel options here in AUS :( we only have egg/bacon/sausage McMuffins, it boggles me that we've never embraced the bagels!

by providenci70 3 months ago

They come and go on the menu. They've recently been brought back😊

by Distinct_Grand7462 3 months ago

I got one last weekend, and I swear that bagel must have been sitting there since the last time they served them. Rock hard and dry as hell

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, they're a little rough. I don't think they sell many of them

by Distinct_Grand7462 3 months ago

Crazy that at one point fillet o fish were seasonal and only cost a dollar. Then McDonald's figured out what they had was worth charging more and making it permanent.

by Educational-Echo 3 months ago

That's interesting! I'm 24 so I can't say I experienced those glorious $1 times at my free will :3

by providenci70 3 months ago

Definitely too early for you. It was before and right around when they invented the "McDouble". It was only brought out during the lent season for obvious reasons. I think it was a loss leader for them like the McRib until it wasn't.

by Educational-Echo 3 months ago

My man you're speaking nonsense. The McDouble came about in 1997, but the Filet o Fish was permanent since the late 1960s nationwide, not seasonal. The one exception was when they reworked the fish sandwich for a year in 1996, but they brought the original back later that year.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I can't lie, it's my guilty pleasure. Even more so since I've disciplined myself to only having it a couple times a year.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ahhhhh lol I totally agree. It was Christmas Eve, 2008 and I was leaving work and starving and it was midnight and the only joint I could find open in my town was McDonalds. I do not know what came over me but I got to the drive thru window and said, "………two filet of fish please."

by njacobson 3 months ago

Merry Christmas ✨Santa came early that year

by providenci70 3 months ago

It's only good when it's fresh. If it was made like a couple hours ago and then you order it - it's a soggy mess and horrible.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ok I was following along until you mentioned the slice cheese. What the hell is wrong with you.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The only problem with the filet o' fish is the price. It's way better than their other sandwiches, but it's not "twice the cost of the 2 for $6 menu" good.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by rashadbernier 3 months ago

Revolting is so funny lol it's pretty good though, I'd rather easy on the cheese and heavy on the tartar sauce. I'd probably get a double if it had less cheese, so it's probably good that it doesn't.

by IntelligentOlive 3 months ago

I havent eat at McDonands in many years, but if I was forced to eat the the fish sandwich is what I would get. Sonic has a great fish sandwich. The best fast fish sandwhich. It is by far the best thing on their menu. Too bad it is only available during Lent. Burger King has a pretty good fish sandwhich as well. It is much better than McDonalds' fish also.

by Sweimann 3 months ago

Man I just need AUS to pick up their fast food game!! Sounds incredible!

by providenci70 3 months ago

I agree! I even get the double filet-o-fish sometimes.

by No_Row5192 3 months ago

Filet o Fish or chicken nuggets is the only item I'll eat at McDonald's. I'm used to eating absolute trash take out on the regular, but McD's beef is too gross even for me.

by Designer_Bar 3 months ago

That is revolting. Cheese and fish just don't mix.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Usually, absolute agree I'd never sprinkle cheese over ANY fish. But the formula just works for me 😅

by providenci70 3 months ago

Y'know, I kinda agree. It's too expensive though😭. Burger wise though, the veggie burger or the fillet-o-fish (UK menu) are definitely my go-to if I'm not paying.

by BetterBarracuda 3 months ago

I kind of agree and it is an interesting part of the history of Catholicism in the US.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm from Australia, I have no idea what you're referring to but I'd love to know more about this!?

by providenci70 3 months ago

It became a thing in the 60s after the catholic owner of a franchise in a catholic neighborhood noticed that his sales dropped on fridays during lent.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh wow that's so interesting ahah I had no idea! Thankyou :)

by providenci70 3 months ago

Correct, and you are correct to get the double.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

i love it

by vonchristian 3 months ago

You speaking my language. Only problem is I need 4 double fillet o fishes to feel remotely full and ol Mc Ds prices ain't kind for a long time now.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My Grandma ate 3 of these/day and then died.

by Anxious_Departure684 3 months ago

Seems like she went out with a bang, bless her 🫶🏻

by providenci70 3 months ago

Ain't no party like a McDonald's® Filet-O-Fish Extravaganza party.

by Anxious_Departure684 3 months ago

Can imagine the embarrassment in OP's voice as she orders it

by Anonymous 3 months ago

One time after being out clubbing me and my girlfriend went up to the counter and excitedly ordered our fish burgers and a bunch of kind of cute guys behind us screamed out "YOU'S ARE SICK" That's when I first realised it was an unpopular opinion. Ain't no shame tho 😂🫶🏻

by providenci70 3 months ago

It's on the regular menu, don't feel bad about ordering it. That's what restaurants are for

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

I've never tried it. I don't even trust what's in their burgers let alone what they're calling fish. I'll just take all your words for it that it's good!

by vlemke 3 months ago

They got the formula down pact, they use 1/2 cheese slice instead of a full :((((( ahah

by providenci70 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

It used to be my go-to every time.

by roobmadisyn 3 months ago

I worked at McDs for 5 years when I was younger. I'd say I still eat it at least a couple times a month. The only thing I never had was the Filet o Fish. Something about fash food fish... Hard pass thanks. Not to mention, as it's probably the most rarely ordered item outside of lent, it's more likely that it's been sitting for too long more than probably any other item

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If I send you $5 would you go try it for me? 🫶🏻

by providenci70 3 months ago

I appreciate the offer but no need. For you I will seriously consider it the next time I'm grabbing a meal, however

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Aw bless you <3 hope it's a very prosperous experience for you

by providenci70 3 months ago

Whoa whoa whoa you mean like a hamburger, but with the fish fillet, onions, pickles, mustard and tomato sauce?!? You're confusing me too!! Ahah

by providenci70 3 months ago

That's exactly right. Why weren't you manning the drive through when I went to McDonald's?

by Abject_Recover 3 months ago

That's WILD I will give it a try reluctantly, I don't think I'll ever forget this suggestion ahah thanks!?

by providenci70 3 months ago

How did you realize you enjoy a 1/2 slice of cheese extra rather than a full slice? have you checked that they break the slice in half, and do they charge you half for it?

by Intelligent-Slip4076 3 months ago

Oh no I definitely despise and see right through their greediness with that one but if a drug feels so good but you know it is bad for you, you just lower your standards a little right ahah

by providenci70 3 months ago

Must add tomato and sliced onion

by Anonymous 3 months ago

McDonald's has become too expensive for what it offers.

by sammygulgowski 3 months ago

Life is too damn short to save on not buying McDonald's once in awhile ☠️

by providenci70 3 months ago

Just go to a real restaurant

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Ufranecki 3 months ago

As someone who worked at McDonald's way way back in the day, I would have been extremely annoyed if someone rolled in at 10 PM and ordered a special order Filet. They were a pain to make when you were alone on the grill, and worse if you were really busy.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I could imagine! I used to work FOH at maccas but I never actually saw how kitchen made them, was it just in the hash brown deep fryer?

by providenci70 3 months ago

The hassle was that they were their own deep fryer, you had to steam a bun, and it was away from the grill. During Lent you definitely had more of them ordered, but our managers wouldn't let us make like 5 at at time in the evening because they might have to toss them. So every 5 minutes you had an order for a single filet, while you were still frying burgers, toasting buns, and adding condiments. (This was a small town, so you were alone on the grill after about 7 PM) It was further complicated when a school bus would roll in and you wanted to start cooking a bunch of food. Manager would say "no, wait and see. They might just be ordering sodas. ". So you ended up with a string of single orders rather than a nice efficient 12/6 turn or something.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh that's totally right! I remember it being the only bun that was steamed on the menu ahah Omg the school bus story sent me what a nightmare :') glad those days are over you've truely done your duty! Bless x

by providenci70 3 months ago