+43 Not everything you don't like needs to have the word culture in front of it, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Dont get me started on Monday culture.

by AccomplishedRadio286 3 months ago

Tell me why?

by Moses10 3 months ago

Ain't nothing but a heartache

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Tell me why

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ain't nothing but a mistake

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I never wanna hear you say

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Because it stinks!

by Own-Measurement 3 months ago

*after it

by annettejohnston 3 months ago

Culture club

by Tavares34 3 months ago

Thank you. Came here looking for this

by okontessie 3 months ago

Behind it 😏

by Chemical-Equipment 3 months ago

Microbiological culture

by robeltianna 3 months ago

Putting culture before it culture

by Orarogahn 3 months ago

Culture culture

by Chemical-Equipment 3 months ago

Isn't culture about social patterns? What do you propose they say, "social patterns regarding purity"?

by Maleficent-Sample 3 months ago

A social pattern can be anything I can talk about social patterns when it comes to walking that doesn't mean there's a walking culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There's also a "philosophy of" many things, but we just don't find it notable to talk about the "philosophy of walking." There is a culture to so many things, thats just the reality of it, just like there's a philosophy to many things. We find it notable to talk about many of them because there is an innumerable amount of them that we can find, pick apart, and analyze. Imagine now the sheer amount of "cultures" that we don't care about and you'll realize that we don't actually talk about many in the grand scheme.

by Maleficent-Sample 3 months ago

There actually is. Power walking in particular is a popular activity that people form groups and even competitions around.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

so that's actually AFTER the word. hope this helps! help culture

by ihowe 3 months ago

shoulda paid attention in school culture

by ihowe 3 months ago

Yeah that's prefix/totherightix culture for ya.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Because why would something on the right be in front?

by Ok-Blacksmith 3 months ago

Do you read right to left and speak backwards?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm Egyptian so yes that's originally how I spoke

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Carry on then.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

i'm deceased

by Chemical_Shock_1420 3 months ago

Bro actually does do that, how do you fumble this hard?

by Southern_Phase 3 months ago

OP is Egyptian

by Southern_Phase 3 months ago

You can just say you don't understand

by lora81 3 months ago

Honestly, that would've been a better approach here

by Sandyrenner 3 months ago

Brother, it isn't about a shadowy cabal pushing things as a part of some conspiracy, it's about how social expectations and norms reinforce or incentivize things, intentionally or otherwise. All three of your examples clearly demonstrate this, so I have actually no idea if this is an unpopular opinion or just a case of not knowing what words mean.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, and these people just make up what these norms are and the three examples are examples of this.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But there are thousands of examples of cultures that are not negative.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

I implore you to understand what the word culture means. Drinking culture exists, drinking games, unspoken social rules around drinking, the way that bars are run differently in different places etc. are all examples of culture that exist around drinking. Which you would then call drinking culture, or alcohol culture. It varies from place to place and group to group and is very observable

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This is not about language the word has a set definition I'm criticizing society and this recent trend

by Anonymous 3 months ago

But what are you criticising then? That society has a trend of pointing out issues with certain cultures? Like if you acknowledge that people are talking about cultures when using the word culture then I really don't see what your issue is here.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Crime doesn't exist in a vacuum, nobody is born a criminal. Nobody is born a Bible thumping evangelical either. Culture informs behavior.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Nah we need to create an individual blaming culture to start making people feel guilty about committing crimes otherwise we're just saying we have no will it's all up to chance and so people feel less guilty knowing they were destined to do it or it's society's fault

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm 21 and I have no idea what half those words you said are

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Anti punctuation culture

by BarnacleStrict3782 3 months ago

That's not at all what is happening. You are gaslighting yourself.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

delete your profile asap

by Fkoelpin 3 months ago

Nah, I'm good. Thanks though!

by ejaskolski 3 months ago

I agree. That struck me as...odd

by Sandyrenner 3 months ago

??? WHAT 😭these are different examples how tf did you use that to accuse me of anything?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If I said something like 'Im tired of people reading English translations of books instead of the original script. Mein Kampf, the Communist Manifesto, and the Bible all lose something when translated.' Would you not think that my hypothetical choices of examples would be kind of telling of some world views I might have?

by BarnacleStrict3782 3 months ago

Context is important I simply said that nobody's actively perpetuating or upholding these "cultures" no need to throw around terrible accusations

by Anonymous 3 months ago

In my example, I just said that books lose something when translated. How is your reply relevant to that?

by BarnacleStrict3782 3 months ago

Lol it's not to specifically complain, it's to create an umbrella for general stereotypes that follow a particular behaviour.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's definitely used to complain I know what it can technically be used for but nobody adds the word culture to talk about something they don't intend to critique

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean, I can say at one point I was partaking in hook up culture, I'd avoid a relationship just to hook up with people lol.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's just not true? It's often used in place of the word community, or just a word representing a broad system and the things that inhabit it. That's just what thr word means in this context, I'm confused as to what alternative you would use tk describe the examples you gave, such as purity culture

by Lanekonopelski 3 months ago

That's simply not true.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

So there is this "thing" people collectively do: it's called having habits, customs and traditions. They are cultures. Everything groups of people engage in is part of the "culture". This isn't an opinion, this is flat out linguistic ignorance. Absolutely anything a group of people do is "something something culture"

by bradmarks 3 months ago

Yeah I know what culture originally means but today people just add culture to words they don't like I know what it technically means and it still has that same meaning but it's used to complain about a group of people perpetuating an idea these days it's a trend you see

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You should really use like, any amount of punctuation if you're gonna double down this hard man

by Big-Candle-1017 3 months ago

People often resort to mainly criticizing punctuation when that's their best argument

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Bro hates punctuation culture 😔

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I don't think anybody's having a problem comprehending anything clearly you're not you know full well you don't like my opinion

by Anonymous 3 months ago

William could benefit from some grammar culture over here

by Big-Candle-1017 3 months ago

It's something only you see.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

Op doesn't know the difference between before and after

by Legitimate_Race1561 3 months ago

Tense culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah mb

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Complain culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Maybe all?

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Sandyrenner 3 months ago

All of these things definitely exist, I think OP just doesn't understand what people are talking about when they use these phrases.

by riverrowe 3 months ago

Depends on what you're talking about I guess. With apps like Tinder the term "hookup culture" makes sense. Hookups are really the main type of relationship that app pushes and it gathers people together for that, even if they don't outright admit it.

by FigNo4020 3 months ago

Just because something is bad, strange to you, etc. does not mean it's not culture. You could make anything have a culture go along with it, no matter how popular or niche. You can find it annoying, I do sometimes as well.. but it doesn't change the fact of the matter

by Longjumping_Wing 3 months ago

People are missing my point I'm not talking about how English words can be used and how the word culture can technically be put with every word I'm talking about how some people use these terms to make it seem like society is trying to perpetuate a bad behavior and so they criticize society for it as opposed to any individual person who does bad things

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Society is perpetuating bad things though. People want to hold individuals who did wrong accountable AND the society that let them get away with a growing radicalization of something before they did something big enough to warrant action. If you don't learn from patterns and see the societal cogs that lead to crime, history is bound to repeat

by BarnacleStrict3782 3 months ago

This is honestly such a small brain complaint to make considering the fact that these terms were coined by people in the social science fields. It's not some silly conspiracy you've made up and I'm wondering why you've only listed terms that typically impact women..

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That and also the word culture isn't in the front of the terms

by jadakiehn 3 months ago

Mate, I said ‘typically'. Not ‘only'.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I don't see it that way I see it as a problem that affects all of humanity for you to gender such a big problem is very sexist

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oof okay. So the problem here is that you don't fully understand the meaning of words you're reading... ‘Typically' and ‘Only' aren't the same thing

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Nah, social science never ever make assumptions in their studies. You're troll account who's really bad at trolling

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Nah this isn't true because I was once part of a social science study and they made an incorrect assumption about me

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Mycological culture

by Similar-District 3 months ago

Isn't the word culture behind it?

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Ah yes, you hate the culture culture

by Aubree63 3 months ago

Based on his responses, I'm starting to think OP just doesn't really understand the word "culture". English is not his first language.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

It's not about the literal word culture it's about the recent trend of how people are using the word

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Just because a word is trending doesn't mean people are misusing it

by Rhetttrantow 3 months ago

I know but I'm making the case that it's being misused

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm starting to think they're a troll

by josiannegibson 3 months ago

Eggplant culture.

by allan05 3 months ago

Iced coffee culture.

by Wonderful_Most_9182 3 months ago

Funnily enough Coffee culture is actually a thing

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Bitching on unpopular opinion culture at it's worst.

by Wonderful_Most_9182 3 months ago

its/it's mixup culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Candy Corn Culture?

by gusikowskisage 3 months ago

Or "agenda" after it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Don't forget about "the war against..."

by Few-Quantity5497 3 months ago

I think you mean put behind not put in front of it

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My apologies

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You're just participating in complaint culture...

by Odd_Bug689 3 months ago

So you're mad you just don't have a good argument

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Go take a sociology class and learn what this word means

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The word has a set meaning obviously I'm talking about the recent trend with how people today use it

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What's with this toxic unpopular opinion culture? :(

by Anonymous 3 months ago

olive culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Bad breath is a culturally constructed hygienic supremacy concept.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The whole "hookup culture" notion is so dumb because it's just an internet invention. People talk about sex and dating online, so it gives the illusion that everyone is hooking up with strangers left and right. When the reality is that most people don't hook up all that much. The norm is still serial monogamy, and human sexual behavior really hasn't changed that much from previous generations, it's just that we talk about it more. And the only people who really even talk about "hookup culture" are the Not Like Other Girls/Guys who rail against an imagined perception while casting themselves as being sooooooo different - when in reality, a ton of other people are doing the same thing that they're doing. Yeah, if something has -culture at the end of it, there's a good chance that the thing is at least somewhat overblown and not represented in reality.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Goes for a lot of positive things too. People use the word for anything people have interest in nowadays.

by SadGanache133 3 months ago

Yep everything is culture

by lwisoky 3 months ago

the word culture is almost always not in front though

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's the difference though. Culture comes in front of something bad (culture cancel), and after something good (i.e. occulture).

by Anonymous 3 months ago

In all of your examples, the world culture comes after the term, not in front of it.

by greenfeldertina 3 months ago

Not liking people using the word culture culture.

by Individual-Bar6753 3 months ago

Vape culture

by thielcamden 3 months ago

Policing language culture

by elody60 3 months ago

Not everything you don't like needs to have the word culture in front of it the word culture in front of it culture in front of it in front Ex: hookup culture Where is "culture" again?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

My fault I'm originally from Egypt

by Anonymous 3 months ago

mmmmmm yogurt yummy

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree; culture should come after the thing, not before

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No offense, but do you know what the word culture means? Culture arrises out of practically any human invention. Music culture, film culture, work-out culture Applying the word culture ro bad things doesn't inply any type of conspiracy, thats an illogical jump. In 2024, whenever someone wants to criticize something they dont understand, they will accuse the opposite side of believing in a massive unknowable conspiracy. Its so wack and anti-intellectual

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I know what it means for the millionth time I'm not criticizing the English language 🤦‍♂️

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree it's so much better to core everything. Hookupcore, complaincore, culturecore etc.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

can you imagine being so dumb as to not understand semantics (culture)

by New-Plate-4262 3 months ago

Petri dish culture

by Anonymous 3 months ago

lmao, they like to tack "culture" onto things because it's a buzzword. Without buzzwords they wouldn't know what to call things or even say. They also most likely believe that they themselves are being profound.

by Amiehermiston 3 months ago

Yes. Just replace "culture" with "behavior."

by Bbotsford 3 months ago

What about bacteria cultures? 🤔🤔🤔

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm fine with those

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If it's a misnomer, that implies there's a better name. What do you suggest?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree, I blame the victimhood culture.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's just one of those words that basically have no meaning anymore. I once asked what the culture part of 'hookup culture' meant and never got a straight answer. It's like 'toxic'. That word is thrown around so much that it's lost any sort of meaning that it may have once had.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

People didn't like something and labeled it as a culture I guess that's because people are so keen on hating cultures different from their own

by Anonymous 3 months ago