+49 Most Mexican restaurants never have good beans and rice. amirite?

by TelevisionEntire3691 3 months ago

Where do you live to have such an extreme take on "most" Mexican restaraunts?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Phoenix, probably one of the best cites for Mexican food

by TelevisionEntire3691 3 months ago

op lives everywhere

by SongAffectionate4388 3 months ago

This is true, look behind you 👀

by TelevisionEntire3691 3 months ago


by SongAffectionate4388 3 months ago

For better beans and rice you need to go to better restaurants, they are everywhere

by susanna87 3 months ago

I go to lots of restaurants that have really good food, it's just the rice beans, and it's not that's the beans are that bad they're just not often that good

by TelevisionEntire3691 3 months ago

I never get rice, it's never good double beans. Most places are decent. But when you have had a Mexican mother in law cool beans for you, no restaurant is good at all.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Like I make better beans at home and it's not very difficult to do

by TelevisionEntire3691 3 months ago

You're right

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm Hispanic and I avoid getting rice from these restaurants. The rice is usually very bland.

by Ankundingkara 3 months ago