+32 Hustle Culture is not cool, amirite?

by Only-Regret-3818 3 months ago

I agree that "hustle culture" has taken things too far and become toxic in many ways. Constantly pushing yourself to the point of burnout or health issues is not sustainable or healthy. We need rest and balance.

by Academic-Layer 3 months ago

You dont like your job? Why not work another job thats more fun? And flip boardgames on the side

by Jaedenebert 3 months ago

I always change jobs if I'm not happy

by Academic-Layer 3 months ago

Same. Why hustle and ruin myself?

by Jaedenebert 3 months ago

This country wants a hustle culture.

by Academic-Layer 3 months ago

Lots of people pride themselves on "hustling", till their health gives out. Not worth it

by BraveSlice 3 months ago

LOL you can hustle AND be healthy. Long term, probably more healthy because keeping busy is an important part of health.

by jgulgowski 3 months ago

No one's ever said they wish they would have worked more.

by Turbulent-Arm 3 months ago

Imagine going your whole life so worried about juggling ten jobs that you never even finish a book or game. Sounds terrible.

by Murazikterry 3 months ago

Hustle culture has gotten people nowhere. It's propaganda from the ruling class to squeeze productivity out of people and to brain wash them into thinking working like a dog is cool by calling it "hustling".

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That‘s not an unpopular opinion?

by muellerjulius 3 months ago

You absolutely need to hustle these days, doesn't mean just working your ass off, but also intelligently and strategically. The middle class is getting crushed. Anything less than having a highly skilled job that pays well is not gonna cut it. And that involves a lot of hustle. The coasts are in a different dimension, but even living in the Midwest, I scratch my head wondering how people are surviving for less than 100k. The idea of hustle culture carried to its extreme is toxic , and burnout is a dangerous thing, but infinitely less toxic than giving up and hoping for the best.

by Additional-Syrup 3 months ago

We don't hustle because it's cool. We hustle cause we live in Canada and it's the choice between the hustle or actually starving to death

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I get 10 paid days off a year for sick or personal, I never use them. The last time I used one was for my youngest sons graduation.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It sounds like you need a day off if you're proud of that.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What do you want, a medal?

by Candid-Mastodon-3417 3 months ago

No, What do you want? A kiss?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

depends on what the hustle is.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

When I was younger, it might've been something I would've been into. Make something of yourself and such. But now? It seems like it's more "Make something of yourself or else you're stupid and lazy.". The younger me at 16, I wanna work 10 hours a day five days a week and earn a lot of money. Fast forward to me now; no no no, kiddo, that's wasting your life and not seeing some of the amazing things the world has to offer. It does make me wonder in some ways...how much of this stemmed from old Puritan culture and their work ethics.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Hustle culture has allowed me to live a life I could never have dreamed of. It's allowed me to live comfortably, pay for my 3 kids education (including 1 doctor and 1 vet in school still) and I'll have a nice retirement. I busted my behind in my 20's to mid-30s working 70-80 hrs. I'd do it all over again. Last 15+ years has been less hectic (I'm 57 now). Meanwhile my brother who focused on partying, traveling and having a good time regularly asks me for money... which I give... because he's my brother. But I could never imagine having to ask for financial help as an adult.

by jgulgowski 3 months ago

Hustle culture has been great to me

by runolfsdottirro 3 months ago

Same. I'm convinced people who hate hustle culture simply failed at it.

by alverta07 3 months ago