+31 Women don't owe you sex, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Don't think this is unpopular

by Fun_Pineapple9703 7 months ago

someone who feels men are owed sex Those people are future to-be criminals.

by Hirthejonas 7 months ago

Not unpopular, and the same goes for Women: Men don't owe you sex either

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This isn't unpopular but I'm trying to work out how you got yourself into two separate situations where people were so angry that you wouldn't put out that they pulled a gun on you?

by Background_Pick 7 months ago

This isn't unpopular. It's just the crowd who feels entitled to it are very loud. I'm so sorry about your personal experiences though. Nobody should have to go through that. No means no,

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This better not actually be unpopular

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Re the threats of ballistic assault when you refused sex, I believe you even if others don't.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You're 100% correct. The only people who believe women owe men sex are incels and assholes.

by Jaquanschuster 7 months ago

Men don't owe you attention.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Was it implied otherwise?

by reagangerlach 7 months ago

Find someone else who is actually interested then. Don't force it on people who don't want it.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Best to stay away from people like that

by Olgasmith 7 months ago

I still owe me sex.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If you think this is unpopular, then I've got a bridge to sell you

by Slow_Cartographer590 7 months ago

You had a gun pulled on you twice? That seems a little hard to believe.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You had a gun pulled on you not once, but twice? What kind of guys were you dating? That might say more about you than us evil men.

by leschdameon 7 months ago

Yes and men don't owe women sperm for pregnancy as well. Let's separate 2 genders and live happily forever until voluntary extinction happen. South Korea might go first as it seems.

by Lost-Newt5517 7 months ago

Men kind of suck at going their own way, so there will be plenty of sperm available for women who wish to become pregnant.

by Leather-Background 7 months ago

Lol there are more male monastics than female by far. Wanna test?

by Lost-Newt5517 7 months ago

Wanna do five seconds research? That's how long it took me to prove you wrong, but I don't do labor for lazy men. Look it up yourself. Not that religious abstinence has anything to do with this discussion, but feel free to deflect anyway.

by Leather-Background 7 months ago

And then Japan.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Is that why you think there are population issues? Serious question

by reagangerlach 7 months ago

I'm needing a great deal of context here.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Boring and unoriginal

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Lmao. Nobody, literally nobody pulled a gun on you, because YOU turned them "down" Let alone twice, LMAO. They turned you down. If you are going to rage bait people, for the love of the lord, make it believable. Let us guess, there's "men" going around your city pulling guns on women now. They are not "punching" women now, they've escalated to pulling guns now. Moreover, you have not heard men complain women own them sex. "Cherry pie" lmfao . WHO HURT YOU. We understand Saturday nights can be lonely for nut job lunatics like you. But, for your own good stay off the internet if you are mentally ill. Get out of the house -

by ischultz 7 months ago

Is it the same as , " I never asked to be born "?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I agree if he's not your husband and he doesn't provide for you. The second a man is your trusted husband and provides and does not harm you then you owe him sex, otherwise it's not even a marriage and you're not putting up your end or giving him a release for his desires and a reward for his efforts. He's just your slave at that point, divorce these women is my advice to these men, they're old and undesirable, their youth and beauty has faded and you're a healthy man ideally and your youth lasts much longer, take care of your self and find somebody who actually puts up her end and and provide for her instead. Go let these women make other men miserable not you, they're a waste of time and effort they don't deserve you.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Jesus, you people are just outing yourselves

by reagangerlach 7 months ago

My wife will agree with me I am fully open on all my beliefs and she will align with my beliefs and give me sex, I owe her foreplay I can't just have sex either, but she doesn't choose to not have sex with me, unless she has a very valid excuse.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I wouldn't ever touch a woman, I've never laid a finger on a girl my entire life and I'm waiting for marriage only, only through marriage is sex and intimacy lawful.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

What about your claim of me being a predator to women and children? Can you elaborate on that?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

False. A man isn't owed sex just because he is married to a woman. That's such a ridiculous position. You think that without sex the effort put into a marriage vs what women put in would constitute the man being considered a slave? I assume you are a man, and it's men like you who make the rest of us ashamed.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

A woman's end of the marriage is not sex.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's a huge part of it. Would you say a man doesn't have to work or provide? Some things you are obligated to.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

A man's role isn't to work or "provide". A marriage is a partnership and every marriage has a different dynamic. The idea that a man must provide is such an outdated idea.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Okay you aren't a man to me then, and you don't want a woman. Go enjoy your 50/50 marriage without gender roles.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Enjoy your sexless marriage

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It might surprise you, but most women respond very well to not being treated like their only value is sex.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

No you would have to do foreplay, connect emotionally, communicate, bond well on every level, but when you call her to bed she shows up.

by Anonymous 7 months ago