+46 Choosing the term "cis/cishet/cis male" to refer to those formerly referred to as "straight males" impedes social progress. amirite?

by Artistic_Rip_8830 3 months ago

Sure, absolutely fair. I have been a fly on the wall with groups of cis people who and I can see them start to dislike the LBGTQ movement BECAUSE of the cishet term. Like, if I'm trying to sell soap, and the focus group likes the brand name "SUDSY" better than "SLIPPYSISSY" why would you push the brand name "SLIPPYSISSY" To be fair, I have always fount etymology fascinating. I like to see how words evolved and how the emotions connected to some words end up adjacent to others.

by Artistic_Rip_8830 3 months ago

Maybe they need to likeā€¦get over it? It's like able-bodied people hating to be called able-bodied. That's what you are!

by Opposite-Try-7757 3 months ago

But...they don't share etymology, only a single syllable of consonant sounds, I think associating cis and sissy like this is a you issue. It's a bit of a stretch.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm sorry but I don't see you explaining how it impedes social progress?

by Imaginary-Worker 3 months ago

So in wanting more even playing field do you acknowledge that trans people are at a distinct disadvantage because they are a minority group and thus normalizing terms like cisgendered is actually beneficial to social progress because it reduces the negative stigma thus evening the playing field for them?

by Imaginary-Worker 3 months ago

I'm sorry you feel that way, and it saddens me that you do not seem to want to have an open discussion on the matter.

by Artistic_Rip_8830 3 months ago

Yes. I think they often don't know how to articulate it that way, so they fall back on "it's a slur." I think most people who don't like it just disengage with the discourse, which is sad, because then you only have the extreme views talking.

by Artistic_Rip_8830 3 months ago

I don't know how young you are, but if you didn't know this, people said literally the same thing about the words "heterosexual" and "straight" in the '90s. It's just language evolving with knowledge. You'll get over it like they did back then.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Did they really?

by Artistic_Rip_8830 3 months ago

"CIS" is like "LatenX" and is a term created by progressives to define a group that the group rejects. The greater the effort to normalize these terms the more resentment will grow, and the larger the backlash will be. I'm general, you can't expect people to accept your identity while forcing them to adopt an identity they reject.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They're not really so much forcing cis people to accept an identity they reject as they are proposing a term for that identity that they reject (at least some of them)

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Just so that we are aware, Cis is latin and just means of the same side of. Cisgender means you identify with the gender that is the same as your birth. It's not "defining a group that the group rejects". Or are you one of those weird people who think that CIS is a slur because you use Trans as a slur?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's more about rejecting the term rather than the identity. I would agree, though, that you can't force a group of people to like the label you give them. LatinX is especially off-putting to some because it's basically an attack on their language as well.

by Commercial_Way_1084 3 months ago