+39 You don't need ice for any non alcoholic beverage. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Without ice, it is not cold enough.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Put it in freezer longer it will be very cold. Enjoy without diluting

by Anonymous 3 months ago

With ice, the drink stay 0C for a long time as long as there is one little piece of ice. And it wouldn't go below 0C. It is exactly 0C. You won't get that effect with a freezer. You will either get -4C frozen slushy drink melt to 5C "literally still warm" drink. It is not precise. You can only make one variable constant. You want the concentration to be constant. I want the temperature to be constant.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

For coffee you can make ice cubes out of the coffee so that it won't dilute the drink. Doesn't work well for much else though.

by Exciting-Swimmer7801 3 months ago

That is an interesting take fs

by Anonymous 3 months ago

with ice, it also waters down and ruins the drink if you don't finish it quick enough

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Drink it how you like it. Don't tell me what I need. None of your business.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Do you mean ice coffee or frappes that are made with blended ice?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Either But I meant coffee served cold on ice

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Don't tell me how to drink my chicken soup.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What kind of climate do you live in?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Pretty hot

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yes I do. I do not like drinks without ice.

by Designer_Ocelot 3 months ago

Me too. The one exception is water. Sodas, tea, fruit drinks and such need ice.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Kind of difficult to drink iced tea or iced coffee without the ice

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Some people don't like warm drinks. And drink the drink fast enough that the ice hasn't melted much to dillute the drink. I know this was probably tough to find out. Your welcome

by Helenawalsh 3 months ago

I also hate warm drinks

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You must live in a mild climate part of the world. Good luck keeping anything cold for more than 1.5 minutes in a Arizona summer.

by Cute_Perception 3 months ago

Some fountain drinks factor in ice into their syrup ratios. McDonald's for example.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

"Iced" Tea

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Iced tea….by definition.

by Specialist-Wing 3 months ago

What about ice water?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Op is spot on! Ice is really only good in cranberry juice, beer and milk.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

without ice it'll get warm after a bit

by Primary_Read 3 months ago

Because I don't have room in my fridge for every beverage I might want to drink.

by Sharp-Code 3 months ago

I have taken to freezing my favourite bevarages in the ice tray of my fridge & using that as ice cubes when I want a chilled drink so I can enjoy max. drink without dilution

by Sherman 3 months ago

I want it diluted. If I drink juice, at least half of it is extra water. Adding water to soda doesn't taste good, but adding ice does.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You probably live somewhere it's warmer. Most people put ice in their drink to make it cold and then they usually drink it before the ice melts

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree. I like my Coke from the fridge, but without ice. Ice dilutes the Coke. I want my drink as strong as possible.

by Icy_Information_3303 3 months ago

it brings up an inner rage inside me, i normally set up little boxing rings out the front of stores and have fistycuff matches with those who choose to add ice into their drinks. I soon hope to rid the world of that plague.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

By the logic of not diluting the drink ice would only be used in water. Unless the ice is made from whatever drink you're having

by Overall-Ice 3 months ago

Iced tea. It's in the name.

by Moist_Common8315 3 months ago

You are 100% wrong on all counts, HOWEVER you are allowed to be wrong and do what you want in your own life. It is your right, to be wrong.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

i (generally) don't like ice in drinks because the cold distracts from the flavor, but i can see that some people like their drinks to be practically chilly.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think the opposite. It's ok for coffee or soda. But ice in alcohol kills the taste.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

People who drink spit-temperature liquids are actual psychos.

by Idickinson 3 months ago

I like to add ice to water. I don't mind if it gets diluted.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Gross! Diluted water is the worst!

by Rennertina 3 months ago