+35 People who believe in the afterlife and have lost their husband/wife shouldn't remarry. amirite?

by Best_Site_852 8 months ago

Most marriages have a clause where the marriage ends if one party dies. However, I have heard of people swearing to be with their partners for eternity. My biology teacher has an 'eternity' ring on her finger so that, just in case there's a next life, they'll still be spiritually bonded. Marriages aren't always about undying love. They can be financially or culturally beneficial. They can be forced. But I respect your opinion that marriages should be about undying fidelity and should be about love anyway

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think more that itd be awks AF if yall all end up in the same place together

by camren89 8 months ago

"In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven." Matthew 22:30

by neoma01 8 months ago

so does that mean that our relationships we create on earth are somewhat meaningless? And what happens to the people in the past who werent exposed to christianity. Im from an asian descent and I believe the idea of god didnt even enter Korea till the 1900's. So essentially my entire family line is burning in hell by the logic that only those who accept jesus are accepted into heaven. BTW, Not trying to be disrespectful and I've just been curious or questioning a lot of things about the religion that I grew up in and cant help but notice the flaws

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think most religious scholars agreed that you wouldn't go to hell if there was nobody to teach you about Christianity

by Khalil02 8 months ago

Missionaries hate this one weird trick!

by Past-Elephant-483 8 months ago

"la la la! I can't heeear you!"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They certainly don't agree on that.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

yea i've seen pastors say that Jeffrey Dahmer and Hitler could be in heaven if they accepted christ. Kinda a wild concept considering that people who live a good life are worthy of hell in their words but a serial killer can be forgiven and that all sin is the same. Like nah, me stealing a little chocolate bar is not the same as murdering and cooking up human beings

by Anonymous 8 months ago

There is no sin so great that you can't be forgiven by God. You just need to earnestly repent. To think you can commit such a great sin that an omnibenevolent being will reject your sincere repentance is, itself, the sin of pride. So, conceptually, the most evil person can sincerely repent and be forgiven by God. It's really just up to whether you believe that person is capable of truly repenting. Not really any of your business, though.

by No_Smell 8 months ago

Lol. Interesting that you got so offended by what you read that you felt the need to lash out. Thank God insecurity isn't a sin. What can I say?

by No_Smell 8 months ago

Why do you assume I'm offended and lashing out? It was an offhand remark. The whole idea of forgiveness for even the greatest sins is honestly laughable. I'm quite secure with myself tbh.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think it's much more plausible that we just go unconscious forever.

by ybode 8 months ago

I guess you would just start loving everybody and above all you would love god... Also: fellow atheist here, so would be good to hear the canon Christian opinion in case there is one.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Love your fellow human? Absolutely. Love "God"? I'm good thanks.

by Ttreutel 8 months ago

so does that mean that our relationships we create on earth are somewhat meaningless? No, it means that religion is meaningless

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm not superstitious, I'm only a little stitious

by briahowell 8 months ago

Don't know that this is true, but I always felt it means that the love you feel for all of humanity in heaven will be so great it will dwarf even the most loving married couple. But that's not from anything I've read theologically.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

cant help but notice the flaws Funny that...

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I have no skin in the game because I don't really care about the afterlife. I don't believe relationships are meaningless, even if they change in the afterlife, but I also don't believe or disbelieve in it. I also don't believe in hell.

by neoma01 8 months ago

It also says in the Bible that it's better to never marry

by Same-Astronomer 8 months ago

Oh that depends. Under Christianity, good people or people with good/pure hearts all go to heaven. Even people who have done wrong, can ask forgiveness and go to heaven. Anyone who seeks salvation can get it. Afterlife isn't really tethered to whether or not you're aware or believe in the religion. I think it's more an Islam thing. For Muslims, all Muslims go to heaven. All nonmuslims go to hell

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Thanks, all I could think was, "Bro this was asked verbatim lol"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Which means what. That reads like a 'don't think about it too hard' maxim.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It means that, according to the Christian Bible, then Jesus said that people wouldn't be married in heaven. Just pointing that out because a lot of people who believe in the afterlife are Christians.

by neoma01 8 months ago

I'm assuming, if this is true, that the feelings change. It literally says they will be like angels, so they won't be like themselves anymore. Not like humans.

by neoma01 8 months ago

Sucks that we can't opt out of that.

by Adrain33 8 months ago

I never said I believed in any of that. I was simply giving a Bible verse to explain why, at least in Christianity, this particular unpopular opinion doesn't jive with that religion.

by neoma01 8 months ago

Yes, to the conclusion.

by Effective-Key 8 months ago

Anyone read those trippy Left Behind books? The final one shows the evangelical dream of a heaven on earth. One character literally remarks how it's so funny but he feels no desire to passionately love anyone but Jesus, and certainly no sexual desire for his beloved wife. They're just too busy being literally high on Christ and discussing said high's awesomeness to each other to have any energy for sexual urges. I wish I was joking. 🤦‍♀️

by OneCity8792 8 months ago

Lol, I read those as a kid.

by Adrain33 8 months ago

I'm assuming we're also reprogrammed against our will to miss God in hell, right?

by Adrain33 8 months ago

They just assumed that you would automatically miss him. After all, who wouldn't miss such a wonderful god?

by DistributionEven 8 months ago

You really expect much more?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Oh you sweet summer edgelord.

by neoma01 8 months ago

Interesting take

by andersonfadel 8 months ago

If you believe in an eternal afterlife, that's an incredibly meaningless vow.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

You know there is a span of time between "I do" and your death right? How is that meaningless? It's so weird how aggressive you are trying to pick a fight here.

by Icy-Bridge 8 months ago

Negligible in what context? It's not negligible for people alive. The same way I don't really remember the first 5 years of my life, those years aren't negligible.

by Icy-Bridge 8 months ago

But like, if you really, actually believe in an afterlife, you think you're immortal. If you think you get all the perks of a life and relationships after you die, why should the brief fleshy part be considered that important? You believe you get all the benefits and none of the drawbacks later.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The same way my childhood was important even though I barely remember it. I already answered. It's actually not that complicated. Even if you don't believe in an afterlife, which is totally fair tbh, that's like saying "if you live for 1000 years do you really care about the first 10 years of your life? That's not even 1%. The answer is yes, of course you do, that's still part of your life.

by Icy-Bridge 8 months ago

In the case of Christians, Jesus says there is no marriage in heaven. So remarrying for them is perfectly fine for the afterlife.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It is not about whether it is allowed, it is about the sentiment. If you truly love your spouse and you believe in an afterlife, it would feel like cheating.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's almost like people don't really believe in the afterlife and are just scared of dying so they're willing to believe in the concept of an afterlife but not really change any behavior in this life.

by Amiyamarks 8 months ago

I'm not exactly a conventional believer, I don't claim to know what the afterlife is, but I do believe in it. I wouldn't go as far as saying that people should or shouldn't, it's kind of a very personal thing depending on the couple, but personally I agree; my vows were forever, not until death do us apart.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't put any burden on my spouse for that, he thinks the same than I do, but it's up to him. I wouldn't ever want to find someone else because it would tarnish the love that I have for my husband. Even if he wasn't there anymore that love would still be there and it will be enough for me.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I can understand that :3 I was in a poly relationship for a while, and it made me think hard on love. It was hard, but I just want my other half to be happy. I'd be on your side though, of the memories and feeling of love being enough

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They said that it doesn't apply to you because you don't believe in the afterlife

by Anonymous 8 months ago

im talking about "obviously you can date/have a side piece/pay for sex as long as its not true love and matrimony"

by Mediocre_Yam9863 8 months ago

That wasn't about atheists, he was just saying that he doesn't think that if it's not marriage or meaningful love then it doesn't count.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I didn't say that?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I do think commitment is a good thing and it's hard to share people and that's not selfish—but maybe that is just for here. I just like to think of eternal true love

by andersonfadel 8 months ago

This is how I see things, too, and I'm not an atheist. I know that I will die years before the person I marry does. There's a potential time line where they will never remarry and carry on in our love. There's also the likelihood of them finding a companion for their remaining years. I am in for either outcome. What matters to me is the time we will have together while we have it. After that? Only their happiness matters.

by wymanzoe 8 months ago

This seems extremely contradictory and honestly this isn't a world I'd actually care to live in. If you can't feel jealousy (which is just as much a human emotion as love and happiness) then we're not human really we're much closer to automatons with that being the case

by Novel-Supermarket 8 months ago

That sounds awful, honestly. I'd rather there be jealousy than an eternity of free love hippy swinger perversions

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Without jealousy or possession you lose mankind, you lose personhood. By your own conception there is no being at heaven.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well you're suppose to lose your personhood to the heavens when you go to heaven. You become an angel and angels don't act like humans. They act however angels act like.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's very..that's a worse fate than I could conceive of. You're losing what makes you human. Why do people want this ?

by Novel-Supermarket 8 months ago

Why is mankind impossible without jealousy?

by keonblock 8 months ago

This I can actually agree with 🤷🏻‍♀️

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"Till death do us part" is the most common marital vow in the west. Man, people want to crap on religion and its influence but have no idea what they're talking about.

by Realistic_Review_939 8 months ago

In reality, your spouse wants you to be happy. If someone is able to make you happy after they left this world, they will be happy to share you in the afterlife

by AnywhereOk 8 months ago

This is something many people tell themselves. "They will be happy to share you in the afterlife" no absolutely not that's cope.

by Novel-Supermarket 8 months ago

Hahaha I always wondered this with people who believe in heaven and then also remarry after a death. Maybe you turn automatically poly when you reach your place in the sky

by Khalil02 8 months ago

If you think someone goes to heaven when they die, I don't understand why people are sad about people they love dying. Shouldn't they be stoked for them?

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

We can rejoice for others and be sad for ourselves.

by Aliokon 8 months ago

That seems selfish to me. Surely if it's what you believe in too you're overwhelmed by happiness and not grief?

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

I'm not sure about you, but my emotional life is much more driven by what I directly experience than what other people are experiencing. You can call it selfish, but I think that's just the default way human beings experience emotion - through the self.

by Aliokon 8 months ago

I'm genuinely trying to understand this- if you think your loved one has met God and gone to heaven and is an angel now- it sounds amazing! I don't think I could be sad about it at all

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

So if your loved one was suddenly whisked away on a permanent vacation to a tangible paradise, with no way of staying in contact and won't be available to you for likely multiple decades, you're just gonna feel singularly positive vibes about the situation? No grief for yourself over the loss of their presence and wishing you could've have more time with them before their departure? Think like a human about it

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's a game of make believe though- it's not a realistic situation. I can't empathise with something that is totally implausible.

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

You can't empathize with missing someone?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Someone I care about leaving indefinitely would at least occasionally make me sad, no matter where they went. They could get their dream job and move to their favorite city with their soulmate and preferred number of pets to a house they've always wanted and I'd still be bummed, even if all I had to do was hop on a plane or drive a few hours to see them again. You can be happy they're happy while still being sad for yourself. Atheists don't have a monopoly on missing people.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think death is different to someone moving away lol- I don't get three days off work if a parent moves town.

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

The funeral is for the living not the dead

by may68 8 months ago

I didn't mention funerals. You can feel sad and not go to the funeral. My question is if you really believe in an afterlife, why isn't the happiness for them overwhelming your own grief?

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

Because that's not how people work. If my father dies the fact that he's going to a better place doesn't mean I still haven't experienced a loss.

by may68 8 months ago

But if you think you'll see him again and you'll get ETERNITY together, what's the problem?

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

Have you ever experienced a loss or grief. Logic and emotions don't always go hand and hand. When your a child things that made you sad then seem trivial to us now. That doesn't make them insignificant. I imagine that's how this life will seem in the next one.

by may68 8 months ago

I'm an atheist so they're gone for good, for sure, no doubt. It's different to someone who believes in an afterlife surely

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

Perhaps it is different. However the vast majority of the world is religious and believes in life after death. And yet people of every culture have some sort of death rituals and grieving. Grief is hard on all people

by may68 8 months ago

Probably yes, but I'm just trying to understand the why , or what part makes people with a genuine belief in after life sad about it.

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

Because they're gone for the rest of your life. It's one thing to say "well, I'll be able to spend eternity with them", but humans can't comprehend what eternity really is. Time is entirely relative to a person, like a kid thinks a year is a really long time while an adult thinks a year is short. So even if I believe I'll see said person in the afterlife, I'd be crushed that I won't see them the next 10, 20, 30+ years because I have so little reference for that. It's kinda like saying goodbye to an old friend from highschool or college. You may see them again but you have no idea how long it'll be and there's always a chance you never see them again. I'd be sad and always remember them but I can still find solace in the fact they're liv their own life. It's not a perfect example but it does illustrate the idea

by althea22 8 months ago

I don't think reincarnation, heaven or hell are real things. Someone dies, that's it, you never see them or talk to them again ever. That's sad.

by ComfortDiligent335 8 months ago

Yeah that is fine I'm not advocating for anything in particular. I'm not religious. I just think if your partner dies there is no shame in another marriage

by FluidFalcon614 8 months ago

Nobody asked

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Mark 12: "18 Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 19 "Teacher," they said, "Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. 20 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married and died without leaving any children. 21 The second one married the widow, but he also died, leaving no child. It was the same with the third. 22 In fact, none of the seven left any children. Last of all, the woman died too. 23 At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?" 24 Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? 25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 26 Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? 27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!""

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well, people can do whatever they want. It's not your relationship.

by Beneficial_Range 8 months ago

Atheists can't apply, so they can't see the show!

by Ill_Impression8603 8 months ago

Too many people are glossing over the heart of the argument, which isn't that the traditional christian wedding vows end at the moment of death, but that a promise of a deep, romantic, monogamous commitment to another human would inevitably be cheapened by then having to choose one partner over another, should the afterlife prove to be true. You can believe in an afterlife without any religious affiliations, and if that's the case, it's not unreasonable to expect to continue a relationship where it left off. Bringing a second partner into the mix is asking for trouble if all three of you get there thinking you're going to be reuniting with your person, only to be shafted by the confines of a singular relationship

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well, if they believe in heaven, it sure is a contradiction to the functionality of heaven, unless heaven allows polyamory and everyone is forced to be ok with it.

by kerlukefrederic 8 months ago

Ok? Who is this even referring too

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Look at this photograph

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Username checks out

by New_Show8029 8 months ago

It says til death do us part, not until-afterlife-is-over do us part.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"till death do us part" or something.

by Huge_Wishbone2990 8 months ago

What about sex without love?

by SurePitch3171 8 months ago

I guess in this scenario it would still depend on whether their dead partner is chill with non monogamy on the basis of temporary separation?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'd be okay with it. We all deserve to get off.

by SurePitch3171 8 months ago

Yeah, that's fine. I'm one of the aforementioned atheists so this is all an imaginary scenario to me-I couldn't possibly believe I'll ever again converse with anyone who has died. In fact this is irrelevant to me two ways, because not only am I an atheist but I'm also unlikely to easily repartner should my partner die. We're all different and I hope we all end up fulfilled :)

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Guess they'll have to decide which of their spouses they married in life they wanna spend their afterlife with lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It is literally in the marriage vows bro. "Till death do you part" so I would say just remarry haha the line is there for a reason. If I died I wouldn't want my wife to forget me but I also wouldn't condemn her to a life of solitude. I'm dead so it isn't like I would be there to complain and vice versa

by FluidFalcon614 8 months ago

Guess the saying "till death to us part" flew over your head. Not to mention many people don't remarry because they can't get passed their deceased partner.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Till death due you part, everyone is single in the afterlife

by Educational_Cap 8 months ago

So a widowed Christian can have sex outside of marriage, even pay a prostitute to have sex but if they fall in love with another Christian and want to be married in their church, that is the immoral act? Marriage vows end in death. The general understanding is that once you're resurrected from death, the feelings that humans have for others changes to something selfless. If you're confused about how Heaven works with dead spouses I assure you the billions of people who reside there, according to your faith, have all been given the answers. You just have to wait your turn. (p.s. Hell doesn't exist.)

by Anonymous 8 months ago