+30 Gatekeeping is a GOOD thing, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh Jesus. No.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Hi, old guard here. No one got kicked out for being one of the early adopters. Lots of people get kicked out for being gatekeeping assholes who prioritize their resentment and spite over being a decent person.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This is just a weird opinion. The only gate keeping to be done is not allow, creeps, racists, predators, bad faith members. (Not religion but people who start problems) The community needs to grow to survive

by ChoiceAncient 3 months ago

racists Tell that to all the college-aged white women putting themselves at the forefront of minority rights communities.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's not that rampant. Calling out racists isn't a bad thing. It's weird thing. Either you are involved in gaming or ttrpg

by ChoiceAncient 3 months ago

a lot of the old guard are kicked out I've never seen this happen with any of my hobbies. I've seen the perverts kicked out, sure. And the bigots. But most of us stayed around and were excited by the fresh blood.

by fabian23 3 months ago

Fresh blood can definitely be a good thing just as long as they're the same types of people as the people who originally founded the community.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What do you mean same type of people?

by ChoiceAncient 3 months ago

More bigots and perverts.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

A good example of this is gaming. Gaming used to be a relatively niche hobby, but now you'll see the same types of attractive, popular people who once said "video games are for losers!" refering to themselves as "gamers." Why do you care? Games are still something you play at home either by yourself or with your friends online. Doesn't matter if there's an entire category of OnlyFans users playing games without clothes on. How does that diminish your enjoyment? Not only that, but self-proclaimed "gaming journalists" who have never touched a video game in their life are now trying to decide the fate of the hobby. No one takes game journalists seriously. Ever since the Cuphead debacle, everyone knows their incompetency. They don't decide anything.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Why do you care? Games are still something you play at home either by yourself or with your friends online. Doesn't matter if there's an entire category of OnlyFans users playing games without clothes on. How does that diminish your enjoyment? Because I enjoy being a part of communities that have something to do with my hobbies and don't want to see them polluted by all kinds of cancer? No one takes game journalists seriously. Ever since the Cuphead debacle, everyone knows their incompetency. They don't decide anything. While that is true, they still hold a massive influence over the industry. I can name so many games that have been dumbed down or had to censor "offensive" elements because of them.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

How has gaming communities gotten worse in any way? I really dont see your issue here. Its not like casual enjoyers have a negative impact on a hobby.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This guy is 100% one of those "Miles Morales had made Spider-Man woke" gamers

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You sure sound like a Gamer.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

We're seeing this in the 40k community

by ChoiceAncient 3 months ago

A good example of this is gaming. Gaming used to be a relatively niche hobby, but now you'll see the same types of attractive, popular people who once said "video games are for losers!" refering to themselves as "gamers." Not only that, but self-proclaimed "gaming journalists" who have never touched a video game in their life are now trying to decide the fate of the hobby. I mean, who cares? Why does this matter?

by xgorczany 3 months ago

I mean, you could say this for pretty much anything.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No, you couldn't. Many things matter, video game journalism doesn't.

by xgorczany 3 months ago

Yes, but only where the integrity of the community matters - medicine isn't gaming.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm almost 45, and had a commadore 64 when I was a kid. Most of the people trying to gatekeep gaming weren't even born when I was playing games. Those people can take their own advice and "get off my lawn", everyone else, enjoy yourselves.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Of course the thing is good if you only draw attention to its benefits.

by Happy-Menu9637 3 months ago

You're pro gamer gate, aren't you.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

First, I think gaming is a terrible example. Just kekw, it's entertainment. It should have hardly any if any at all gatekeeping. But I do agree in principle for example in programming, physics, science, archeology. You absolutely should gatekeep these areas because you don't want idiots or bad faith actors come in and teach people bad information in programming, or silly garbage like the string theory or the 4th dimension, aliens, how blackholes will magically teleport you, the ancient white atlanteans roamed the world building pyramids. Yes, I do think gatekeeping is a MUST to, if needed, bully these idiots away. As a result everyone benefits because the information stays quality.

by madelyn20 3 months ago

If you think journalists decide the fate of gaming, you're not as well informed as you think you are on your hobby.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Welcome to life, everything changes. Perfect example of how egotystical gatekeeping can be.

by Shot_Let 3 months ago

When a community close on itself, it create mental and ideological inbreeding. It just become an echo chamber for people to become more and more entitled to their opinions and more and more unable to think outside their frame of reference. The simple fact you refer at "outsiders" and community members says a lot. You don't have to be an angsty redpilled basement dweller to enjoy video games or animes or whatever. People can even enjoy the same things as you without the need to be part of a "community".

by Hot-Error 3 months ago

And who are you to decide what is the original purpose? This is not an unpopular opinion, its a wrong opinion.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Pretty sure this is ragebait, First of all what a terrible example, gaming is a medium of entertainment like tv/ movies/ books It's like saying we should gatekeep reading, or watching TV. Ganing journalism?? Mate real 90% of "actual" journalism is a joke nowadays, Having a larger community for anything is always a good thing, the reason you feel like you're being forced out is probably because you are gatekeeping, If you just welcomed everyone you'd feel fine, and could still have your niche communities within the larger community anyway. Literally nothing good comes from gatekeeping. Sad

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I was bullied in middle school and high school for liking video games because my school was very sports centric. Even though I was on a sports team every semester I still got bullied for being a "nerd" Literally every guy who ever bullied me plays video games now either starting in college or later. And I'm happy for it, I might be "old guard" I guess but I like that playing video games is normal now for any person of any age group or social group. It's neat!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Gate keepers are buttholes, you don't own anything man. Get off of tiktok or whatever cancerous social media you're on and just enjoy your hobbies.

by Anonymous 3 months ago