+31 We should hope that there is only oblivion after death rather than heaven/hell existing, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You only need the concept of heaven or hell if you need fear as guidance in life, self-inflicted immaturity. It's just the belief that humans can't act humane or "just" without a higher power telling them what to do, it's not about death or what happens after.

by Due_Anxiety 3 months ago

Heaven sounds downright dull by most accounts. Hell's got plenty of different ideations, and I'm willing to roll the dice that the "eternity of endless torture" isn't the one we end up in. Too spooky, feels like a lie. Oblivion sounds even more dull than heaven.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Believing there is nothing after death is comforting to me, not scary. It also makes me value life, more.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Eternity in paradise is just another form of hell. It's the "eternity" part that's the problem. What would you do after a billion years go by? You've likely read every book, seen every movie, mastered every conceivable skill, and indulged in every possible vice and pleasure, now what do you do for the next trillion years, the next quadrillion, and the infinity of years after that? Repeat yourself until you become a brain-dead zombie who is numb to all input? People tend to forget that eternity isn't just a really long time, it is time without end. Infinity may be a hard concept to grasp for some, but all one needs to ask themselves is whether they have ever tired of something they enjoyed due to overexposure, and if the answer is yes (and it always is), how will they cope when they have grown tired of literally everything? Overexposure is a mathematical inevitability when dealing with infinite time.

by EntireCandle 3 months ago

What did we experience before becoming conscious? Nothing. What will we experience when we die? Probably nothing.

by Yasmeenklocko 3 months ago

We will never know, so just believe in whatever you want that makes you happier than otherwise

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Just before you die ask Jesus to forgive all your sins boom free pass to heaven.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Why is that the only form of afterlife you take into consideration? As not all religions teach the binary view of heaven and hell.

by Anonymous 3 months ago