+33 Grandparents don't understand Let's Plays yet will gladly watch TV game shows and watch someone they don't know play a game. amirite?

by Parking-Part 1 week ago

Quickly googles "let's plays."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's where you watch someone playing a game and they interact with you or they just chat like you're there watching. My wife does this with me. She watched me play The Last of Us and Fallout 4. Now she loves the shows. She already knows Ellie's story. She sees that fallout stood true to its scenery and in game items. She gets it because she watched me play. She also helps me find things I may have missed. To her it's like a movie. I don't game much but when she's bored she'll ask me to put something on to watch me play. I usually put on an open world game so I have choices on what to do.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Did the main character in Fallout get ragdolled by explosions?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Damn right on the authenticity, right down to the Brotherhood scenes being the dullest part of the show.

by meta27 1 week ago

I mean a lot of people play along with jeopardy or wheel of fortune. I don't like watching people play video games and have never understood the intrigue.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

For the personality of the person playing it. Also, maybe people can't afford the games and still want to know what it's about. My sister used to watch me play games all the time when we were kids and loved it. People used to watch other people get high scores in arcades in the ‘80s. Watching other people play video games has always been a thing lol.

by Nadermyriam 1 week ago

This right here. Sometimes I'm interested in a game sequel but don't feel compelled to buy or play it. So I'll queue up a let's play, I can experience the game and then if it ever comes on sale or I want to jump back into the series on the next installment, I can.

by Handdomenica 1 week ago

Also time, too. I can skip around a lets play and finish it in a fraction of the time it'd take me to play it. Especially if I have to solve puzzles 😂

by Vstrosin 1 week ago

I'm a big weenie when it comes to playing horror games, but I love watching people play through Silent Hill or whatever so I can enjoy the story and lore without having to deal with the stress of playing it myself.

by PitifulClassroom 1 week ago

I watch a lot of farming simulator and enjoy watching it. I bought it and played for a little, but I find it more enjoyable to watch someone else play it. Some games I'll watch too see if it's a game I might like.

by Savings-Fly3719 1 week ago

Those game have a lot of grind to them. Let's plays often remove that part of the tedium

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A lot of games have complex and/or compelling narratives, and if I don't have the system to play the game, watching someone else consume it is a handy, free fill-in. Plus, my monkey brain finds it enjoyable to watch someone engage with media that I like.

by Bright_Society2412 1 week ago

You watch sports? Same thing

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't actually

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But do you at least understand why people enjoy it? That's a different question than "do you enjoy it?"

by Basic-Part-7469 1 week ago

Good for you. Here's your cookie 🍪

by Nadermyriam 1 week ago

I like how people are mad they can't use their already imagined gotcha moment on you by you being simply who you are.

by SignificantFan 1 week ago

Lol let them be mad I'm not too worried about it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

u are so cool

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I feel like despite their similarity there's a lot of people that watch one or the other

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What's your point?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Talking about watching, not doing

by ExcitingResearcher74 1 week ago

The reason people watch sports is because they can't do. Watching something I can easily do myself is stupid.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Plenty of people watch sports that they themselves play???

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Pretty sure they can play sports. They just like watching someone else do it better

by TruthMobile9030 1 week ago

What does any of that have to do with taking enjoyment in watching someone else play the game?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The fact that you can do it yourself so watching someone do it is stupid.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There are a lot of them you can't do yourself. For example I don't have a PS5, so I can't play any PS5 games (also you need to own the game as well). But even then sometimes you watch just to watch and learn from people that are much better than you. Just because I can go outside and play basketball whenever doesn't mean I'm not going to watch NBA. Similarly there are some people just much better than me at certain games so it's entertaining to watch and learn from their tactics

by Capable_Bug 1 week ago

I just like watching other people's reactions to the events of the game

by Intrepid-Molasses 1 week ago

I can't play competitive Tarkov, I lack the patience and time required to get good at the game. But it makes for great TV, the tense nature of the game makes for thrilling victories and crushing losses, I can critique the strategy and try and spot threats before they do. There's also the personality aspect, I would.watch the Neebs crew play almost anything and I've really bonded with Markiplier over his Resident Evil playthroughs. Sovietwomble is always worth watching too.

by Xdaugherty 1 week ago

I feel like people only watched Jeopardy to watch people troll Trebek. "I'll take 'The Rapists' for 500." "..that's 'Therapists'..." "I'm on to you, Trebek!"

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

They are far more popular than game shows these days. So you are in the minority there

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think you have the proof to back that up

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Playing a game with friends isn't watching someone play a video game...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Literally not the same if it's your turn next why are you arguing this? It's not even close to the same as watching a streamer.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Idk I've explained it to my grandma and she totally understands. My dad has considered streaming himself. I think it's just a question of how open to different ideas and experiences people are

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Parents don't understand it either. Source: I'm a dad and I don't understand it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's like when kids watch their siblings or friends play video games.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't understand it until I came across a streamer that was actually good at what he was doing. Josh from let's game it out for example

by Antique-Isopod 1 week ago

Dad here, I'm fully confused

by Alysa40 1 week ago

I was talking to an older gentleman one time and he asked what I do for fun. I said I play video games and his next question was if I stream. I told him that I do occasionally but only for fun, I don't get viewers. He then said "I don't understand why people watch other people play games. I mean I watch football but that's different."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Plenty of people on sports teams still watch others play that sport for fun. Your argument is invalid.

by Nadermyriam 1 week ago

You're still just watching though lmao

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean that's one route of many you can take, there are easier ways.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean, if you want to play video games you have to shell out hundreds of dollars so. Potato potato.

by ibeahan 1 week ago

Let's plays make good guides

by Katarinaschneid 1 week ago

I don't understand watching a full stream of someone playing but I can understand watching funny/entertaining highlights but that's about it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Video games are an interactive medium, they are meant to be actively played not simply watched. It's like going to the movies to only listen and not watch. That's fine if you like it, but you can't say its the same experience.

by OkEnthusiasm7834 1 week ago

Most game shows involve some aspect of mental exertion, whereas most video games rely on hand eye coordination. I can play jeopardy , or wheel of fortune, with the only difference being I don't get a prize. Watching someone else play video games is just waiting for my turn

by Elinormcdermott 1 week ago

I see it like watching sports. If you'd watch someone else play baseball why not a video game?

by zemlaknicolette 1 week ago

My mom would always say I was weird because I'd watch people play games and not actually play them. She then went to watch a hockey game on TV. Its the same thing mom

by Impressive_Summer 1 week ago

I like Let's Plays and I get their attraction but we're taking a syndicated tv game show with professional writers and hosts who are there to explain the rules and keep the action moving at an appropriate pace and comparing it to a streamer with a single camera angle that's often giving an unscripted monologue over gameplay. I think it's kinda fair for someone to have the opinion that tv game shows are the more entertaining option.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I only understand it for games I'm not able to play or don't have the patience for. That's why I watch a lot of hardcore games and tedious games. I occasionally use it in place of a review…if I can watch 15-20 min of a game and be interested, I'll probably enjoy playing it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I kinda agree with the grandparents. Game shows feel different than say watching the hot chick on twitch who is being exploited by her future ex to make money while she plays a video game.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think it's been all that hard to explain. It's not really that different from watching sports

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Grandparents might watch a show with a host,\ Where games are played from coast to coast.\ Yet Let's Plays, streams of game and chatter,\ Seem different, but it's similar matter.\ Understanding might just need a gentle boast!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is a very true statement! Video games are very unfamiliar to older people understandably by they cannot understand. Generations and their cultures!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People will watch someone else play sports on TV and then tell us they don't get why we would watch lets plays when we could just play the game ourselves

by Anonymous 1 week ago

With a lot of game shows, you can play along. We watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune as a family most nights. We all play along, answer questions, and make guesses as to the phrase or puzzle. I don't understand watching video games as it seems 100% unremarkable to me. See an athlete hit a 100 MPH fast ball, then seeing a diving catch in center field...that is impressive too me in a way that watching a video game never will be. Watching a RB accelerate through a gap, spin to make a tackler miss, then goes head to head with a DB to power the ball and player out of bounds. The athleticism is fun to watch. It is special. That said, I understand that I don't get it, so I am not hunkered down in my beliefs. Personally, I would rather play sports than watch them, so being a pure spectator is not a strong interest.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Pat Sajak doesn't have a blue mullet and the most annoying voice known to man. Let's Play culture is pretty weird and very grating.

by Anonymous 1 week ago