-28 AAVE is hard to understand, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

AAVE also varies from place to place. You should hear how people in Jacksonville speak vs people in Cleveland.

by Designer_Ad3598 1 week ago

I went to the Netherlands in college, the Dutch students told us they found our English easier to understand than British English. So maybe standard American English is just easier to understand for foreigners? Idk, I speak pretty run of the mill American English like you see in most movies, but I grew up in majority black schools and now work at a majority black company, I have no issues understanding AAVE.

by Kind_Birthday 1 week ago

I'm a white cornbread midwesterner and grew up in a very diverse area. I used to be able to understand AAVE without issue until more recently. I grew up around it and have difficulty understanding it, I can imagine a non native English speaker would struggle more. I attribute AAVE in my mind as its own language. I live in a town that is predominantly black, so now that I'm around it more I've been able to keep up a bit better. I've lived in different parts of the USA and there are very strong language differences, and I had to learn those dialects and use them to be understood. To someone that isn't familiar with AAVE it is hard to understand, just like different accents and dialects.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This was my exact face reading this

by Ravenanderson 1 week ago

This is not unpopular, it's often true

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Alien vs Predator?

by Isidrokoss 1 week ago

AAVE is not harder to understand than any other type of English, you just have been around it less than whatever type English do you know and therefore haven't learnt it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not really an opinion, just a you problem right? I could go to the UK and complain that they're hard to understand. But the issue is really just that I'm foreign and didn't grow up around it. You could go to the Deep South and also probably wouldn't understand what a lot of white people are saying. It's an opinion I guess, different people have different dialects and ways of speaking lol. I think it's more that you don't understand it than it's hard to understand.

by Alert_Cattle 1 week ago