-29 Walking away from a confrontation is not "weakness", amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Absolutely right. Only immature people think that your first reaction should be to engage in a fight instead of walking away. Only fight if absolutely necessary.

by Renneramara 1 week ago

Or if you're a boxer getting paid to promote the fight

by Anonymous 1 week ago

In fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, people tend to choose flight first, since it's the least risky option. If flight isn't an option, we go to fight. If that's not an option, we freeze, and if that still doesn't work, we fawn (attempt to calm down the other). It's easy to judge others and think "oh I would've destroyed that person following and harassing me", but we are just animals On a side note I was recently followed and harassed, and I'm glad I chose flight instead of fight, so I don't catch an assault charge over an asshole.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I choose to conceal and carry. I know this isn't a popular option, or it may shock some people or contradict what I to have said initially, but I do this because I have found myself in numerous situations where I'm pursued. Luckily I've never had to use deadly force on anybody, but there are a small percentage of people where I live who want to murder you for no reason at all. (The DC area) And they will force you into a corner.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm so glad I don't live in the US. I'd hate the fact that those around me could be armed -- but even more so that so many feel it's necessary to be armed. From an outside perspective, it's truly baffling that this is a thing in the developed world.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's not

by Fair_Ganache1584 1 week ago

It's important to understand that the power above is talking nonsense. Pursued, multiple times, where a firearm is necessary? Lol. I grew up in Detroit, and this level of constant peril wasn't even there.

by Ordinary-Outside 1 week ago

This is just it, our culture has idolized those who stand and fight and considered it shameful to retreat or deescalate, yet those who do prefer to fight as the first option are generally enslaved and condemned by the rest of society. The only reason people are called psychopaths rather than heroes is that they fought with the wrong people early in life and never made it into the military or law enforcement where their preference for fighting would be defended by the government.

by faustinoemard 1 week ago

Yep, even lions first retreat and observe when spooked. Why fight if one doesn't have to.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Freeze isn't an option that ppl pick lmao

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are uninformed

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is only unpopular in middleschool

by Anonymous 1 week ago

and a lot of adults are still stuck in middle school

by malvinareynolds 1 week ago

I once had a coworker that went off on me for some perceived slight. The look on their face when I told them, "If you can't act professionally, we're not having this conversation" and walked away… priceless. It really was like something out of middle school. Luckily, our boss was not impressed with their behavior (for this and many other things), and that ended up being the precipitating event that ended up forcing them to "retire" early. Nobody was sad to see said coworker leave.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think confrontation is fine provided it doesn't get physical. Getting into a fight can escalate into something fatal real quick.

by Reasonable_Run 1 week ago

Is this genuinely unpopular? Hard to live by for many and therefore fairly often honored more aspirationally than lived but while not universally held it doesn't necessarily strike me as unpopular. Maybe if we take the construction as absolute. Then I'd accept it is unpopular and would reject and absolute reading of it myself.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh no doubt there are many that reject the idea out of hand. I was probably too literal as in how popular or unpopular have to qualify. Of a significant portion of a population at least attempts to value it and another doesn't at what point does it become unpopular. Then I just realized Oh God I'm being that guy. My GF also will escalate situations like this where she is right. I can respect it but you absolutely have to make a judgement call and she can be a bit tunnel vision when it comes to witnessing bullying behavior. Which I respect but also situations can go extremely sideways extremely easily.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would suggest that people need to pick their battles. You should have the ability to stand up for yourself and deal with confrontation. However, there are cases where it is not worth it. If the confrontation is with someone who is relatively calm and rational then expressing your side might be a worthwhile endeavor if there is a reasonable chance your opponent is going to at least consider it momentarily. However, getting into a shouting match with some 6'4 250 lb bodybuilder who has the emotional fragility of a toddler is probably not worth it. Even if you win the intellectual argument, you will probably lose the physical one that comes after once he realizes he lost the debate. Just skip it and move on. That guy will eventually encounter someone who is 6'9 and 290 lbs who has even poorer emotional control and they can sort their differences out without you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not a bad take, good sir. Restraint shows strength of character, and to be honest walking away will probably make them even angrier. You get the last laugh.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A girl with 4 dogs offleash, two rushed me aggressively. But I know dogs and to not show fear and stand them down. I was proud of myself for telling her simply, it was not ok to have her dogs rushing people offleash, I love dogs too, I was mad. If i had my dogs with me (onleash), it would have been a dog fight. Many young children run around there too here and there. Just asking fornher dogs to attack someone. Pretty sure I bumped into her before at another park.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Damn right! I'm not about to fight some whacked out stranger when I can just relocate myself. Can't risk getting shot or have him bump his head and die during our fight. So much safer and easier to get tf away and go on about my day. Now, if I'm cornered or they impede my departure, it's a different story. But I'd much rather leave.

by jedediahcummera 1 week ago

Only immature people think this is a unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There seems to be a lot of immature people from where I'm standing on a daily basis

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I low key agree. Technically the goal should be descalation, but if that ain't possible then your number one goal should be to get out of the situation.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

LOL if i'm walking away from you silently that's to your benefit, because if i don't we are going to start throwing fists.

by pfefferconsuelo 1 week ago

Craig David was right all along.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People here are saying it's childish, but a lot of people when they get wronged just MUST get the last lick in and wrong them back. It's the same concept. Did your parents treat you badly when you were a kid/your bf cheated on you? Leave it alone. Drop them as a human being, believe me, going to pop their tires and getting a lawsuit is not the right answer here.

by waino72 1 week ago

"Everyone considered him the coward of the county"

by okeefevance 1 week ago

It is if you started the confrontation lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Same with arguments you have with some one. esp S/O. Most of the time it is better and smarter to calm down don't scream at each other, don't engage in a verbal fight and come to a fair conclusion the next day. But alot of people believe never to go angry or without a conclusion into the bed. Sometimes stepping away (in my case a few hours) IS the better solution.

by Brownkenny 1 week ago

Nobody who knows anything about self defense disagrees with this.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is unpopular? One of the main rules of fighting is to well… not get in it to begin with, and if you are, run away when possible.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's kinda fun to not react and watch them get more pissed.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Every legitimate martial art teaches you that the most effective way to fight is to simply not.

by rashawnbernhard 1 week ago

As someone that absolutely cannot give it up unless I am so upset I can't talk anymore, yep, I wish I could sometimes. That being said, I work in jobs that have contact with people and sometimes you just have to stand there, take it and nod. Oh but take it in the "in one ear and out the other" way

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What you mean to day is it protects the one who's being berated from making a dumb choice. The one who's infuriated is hoping you do something, that's the whole point they're making when yelling/screaming and confronting you. They're just waiting for you to scream back or get into a physical confrontation now. That now gets you in trouble and a court date

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree. Someone needs to tell this to Alec Baldwin, lol. That guy just can't walk away!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is that you J. Cole?

by maxwellkonopels 1 week ago

I understand better now what you mean. So, yeah, there's no need to hang around when some donkey is braying in your face.

by Knader 1 week ago

Well, I'd back away so they can't hit me in the back of the head, but yeah I agree.

by Jakubowskiashle 1 week ago

But if they're challenging your political views or opinions at a place of work then perhaps it's a company policy, or you're trying to keep your job because your political opinion might offend some people. This is the easiest way to get fired at these places despite having a high quality work ethic and good skills. What if I like where I work but I don't align with the majority of people politically speaking?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok you seem to be hung up on a specific scenario, whereas I've interpreted your OP as a blanket opinion

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well in my opinion quietly walking away is the most civil default option that applies to many scenario's in day to day life. It's a choice I live by to maintain peaceful standing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well I mean thats what I said, context matters. "Confrontation" covers such a broad spectrum of scenarios, it's not something you can just boil down to "yeah its fine to walk away from all of them", it's much more nuanced than that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Crazy people like to fight. Fighting with a crazy person, win or lose, is like screaming at a fire hydrant about its color. Nothing proved and something is always lost.

by Anonymous 1 week ago