+30 Born a girl? Then you are a girl? Born a boy? Same, amirite?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

I shall return in an hour to view the active warzone

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Born a girl - girl. Born a boy - same, so girl.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

yeah, everyone is a girl according to OP lmao

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Does that make me a lesbian?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think we all are.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Why's that?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Read the rules and you should be able to tell why.

by Historical_Angle_665 3 months ago

Thanks for your answer

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

I was born a girl. I have a beard, adam's apple and flat chest. Everyone assumes I'm a man in public. Women do not want me in the women's bathroom. What should I do to reassure them that I belong in there? Pull my pants down and show them my vagina?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Honestly that is a power move.

by Street_Collection 3 months ago


by CanaryLongjumping 3 months ago

And if you do get dragged out, what then? Discrimination, Right?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

I don't care what you want to call it. 😂

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well let's just say I'll call you a pervert

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Even the trolls on X have better bait than this

by logan26 3 months ago

What is it I said that is being an ahole?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

facts :D

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This week on 'h8 b8 4 clickz'.....

by Legitimate-Gur-6921 3 months ago

Many people actually. Sex is not binary.

by Good_Platform3330 3 months ago

Explain it to me please

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

You're trolling and failing at it. There is no god damn way you are at this point in your mindset of transphobic bigotry and have never heard of hermaphroditism, also know as intersex.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They are anomalies. The exceptions. Not the rule.

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Well compelled speech laws and how my children are educated based on peoples feelings, ideologies and beliefs do actually affect us

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

You're fine, your kids will be fine. Kids can understand that different people think, believe and experience different things.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Out of curiosity - in your opinion, what about intersex people?

by macejkovicramon 3 months ago

Bold of you to assume they are that educated.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Anomalies. They are the exception, not the rule

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

1.7% makes it pretty uncommon by any statistical analysis

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

About as rare as red hair or green eyes

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

How many people with green eyes do you know? How many redheads do you see pass you by?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Very few

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Any village, or hamlet with 150 people or more has at least one intersex individual living in it. That means it exists in EVERY town and city. (Statistically) And every military base(statistically) and 1 or 2 in a national parliament or assembly.(statistically) every fortune 500 company, every casino, every cruiseship, every college campus...etc etc. It doesn't sound so uncommon.

by Legitimate-Gur-6921 3 months ago

There are a percentage of babies born with certain things underdeveloped or missing(limbs/organs etc) but we all know that healthy humans are born with two arms, two legs, a heart, a liver, etc. Just because of low percentage anomalies does not change biological fact

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Oof, you are going to get a lot of s*** for this, but be prepared to deal with some mental gymnastics.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What exactly is bigoted about what I said?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Amazing people like the op are so concerned about how others identify

by schimmelharriso 3 months ago

Amazing that there are people in this world are so concerned about how others identify them

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Yeah it shouldn't be allowed to be able to switch your gender

by Ayanacole 3 months ago

thats dumb

by Good_Platform3330 3 months ago

So you feel that other than genitals and other sex characteristics (ignoring for a moment that those can vary highly between individuals eg female can have a lot of body hair and men can have breasts,) that there are no differences between men and women? No self-perception, no "feeling" like one or the other, no trends in personalities and emotional characteristics, etc? Like if you put a female/woman's brain in a male's body, she would just be a man?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

What are you talking about?

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

You say being born a girl is what makes a girl, so is your opinion that there are no intangible factors to being a man or woman, nothing other than the physical body (which is all you have when you're born)?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Chromosomes and reproduction organs

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago

Ah, I see. Well, all I can tell you is that many people experience gender beyond their genitals. If you can wrap your mind around gender as part of the life experience, not just sexual experience, you might be able to imagine that someone's gender experience might "feel" inconsistent with their sex. So, although a person might be biologically female, they may want to move through life, experience life and be seen as a man. How you feel about that is up to you, but there's a lot of freedom in not caring so much about what other (often hypothetical) people do.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There's also a lot of freedom in not caring how others identify or perceive you

by Rich_Explanation_804 3 months ago