+33 +1s for weddings are just a waste of money for the host and prevent the invited single guest from meeting someone at the reception. amirite?

by Fancy_Animator_8682 1 week ago

This is silly. I want to bring my partner to a social gathering.

by RipProfessional 1 week ago

The plus one is to ensure everyone truly has a good time at the event. The host sometimes cannot spend time with each invited guest to their liking. By the guests inviting a person they are comfortable with they can enjoy the event better especially if it's a couple hours long like a wedding. If you are an extrovert then your reasoning would make sense. Telling me to "make friends" to save the host money is low-key saying to me "just don't come" lmao. I know y'all extroverts don't see it that way. If you know anyone who is an introvert you would understand why allowing them to bring a plus one to an event is the nice thing to do if you personally won't be spending too much time with the guest. It ensures for a good time overall.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A plus one is optional, so I don't understand what your complaint is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah I agree. Plus with the cost of even a regular wedding these days it seems particularly entitled to expect a plus one. Some discretion allowed ofc… out of towners can get a plus one, someone who requests one for a specific reason, weddings that span a whole day or more, that sort of thing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You have your own wedding with no +1s and see what happens.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yea weddings are a place you should not be trying to get a date. I also wouldn't attend if I was not offered +1 on the invitation.

by dchamplin 1 week ago