+48 Constant fourth-wall breaks in media arn't clever or funny, they're just annoying, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Deadpool's character is known for 4th wall breaks

by Anonymous 3 months ago

"This is the hyper combo~!" He sings as he whacks his opponent with the game's health and super meters in MvC3...then screams as he gets KO'd, "You pressed the wrong button!"

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I would argue that's a critical part of his character.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It depends on what the property is. For Deadpool, a character famous for his fourth wall breaking, I'll allow it because it's a defining part of the character. If it was Wolverine who was making all the meta fourth wall quips, then it'd be a problem.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm aware of Deadpools history as a wall-breaker. I find it less obnoxious in the comics for some reason. I just hope the movie isn't wall-to-wall Kevin Fiege and Disney references, cause in the trailers that's all he seems to say. But hey, that's trailers. They might have chosen to cut it that way, they might not be as thick and fast in the fullness of the actual film

by Anonymous 3 months ago

All he seems to say? There was 1 feige/Disney scene.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Wants to already hate it.

by hanewarren 3 months ago

A Deadpool movie without frequent 4th wall breaks would be like a wolverine movie where he just does his taxes for 2 hours. It's part of the characters DNA.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If you want to get invested in the world? Sure. I'd say people just have nothing interesting to say or do with them anymore.

by Few_Satisfaction_639 3 months ago

I would say it's only funny if the situation calls for it and it pays off otherwise it's a waste

by Altruistic_Steak_750 3 months ago

Deadpool has been breaking the 4th wall for a third of a century now. There's nothing "these days" about it. If Deadpool didn't break the 4th wall, he'd be a fundamentally different character, which is a lot of what people didn't like about the character in XMen Origins Wolverine.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

How about the office or saved by the bell?

by Honest-Respect5516 3 months ago

Preference falls under the category of opinion

by vanessa66 3 months ago

But not unpopular

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I agree. It's not really been clever since Brecht. Deadpool is dull unless you're 12 years old and hearing the one repeated joke for the first time.

by Zealousideal-Art 3 months ago