-33 "Big battles" are often the worst parts of movies. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Saving Private Ryan I would still say has the best opening beach invasion scene any movie has attempted.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's for bored little kids, apparently

by gabriellekirlin 3 months ago

To be fair, he said "often" instead of "always." To me it reads like it's occasionally a thing, but usually goes wrong. The Hobbit had some of the absolute worst battle scenes ever, imo. Took forever and was mostly totally meaningless timewasting if you understand that very little of it actually advanced the plot or even contributed meaningfully to how the battle was going.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Came to say this

by Impressive-Path 3 months ago

Sometimes it can be useful for characterization. In Troy, you learn a lot about Achilles by seeing how he disobeyed orders, acted wildly arrogantly, and was successful in what he set out to do.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Rohirrim who were at Helm's Deep and the Charge of Minas Tirith do not yield to this opinion.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

yes but for every one of these there is also the big battle in tenant that is as bad as OP describes and the army is fighting no one and shooting at empty buildings lol.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by imuller 3 months ago

If we had kept the charge and lost the rest, would the movie have been better or worse off? What does seeing Eomer killing Oliphants really add? Or the trio just slicing down orcs? It could realistically have been cut for the msot part

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Send your foul opinions into the abyss!

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It is fun to watch

by Odiecasper 3 months ago

Silence! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You must be fun at party

by devinrippin 3 months ago

Have you seen lord of the rings ?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I love LOTR. The fellowship of the ring is my favourite movie of all time precisely because it does action well. The other two movies are great but realitically the massive battles add nothing at all.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

How do they add nothing? They add tons of enjoyment. More importantly they actually show the threat that is facing the world.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Without the big battles we wouldn't have any concept of what was truly at stake. We wouldn't understand how powerful the bad guys are and how willing they are to slaughter innocent people. You can't show the threat facing middle earth without showing the massed might of Sauron's army there just isn't another way.

by ProudConstruction 3 months ago

If you haven't seen the show Shogun on Hulu yet, this really great series kind of spotlights your opinion here in a good way. It's a show essentially about war but shows practically no battle or war scenes at all. And it's masterfully done.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I was really happy with how they closed the series out particularly that last couple of sequences

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Shows how true war was fought. A whole bunch of political/military maneuvering and all the while trying to hold your petty band of lords together. Makes me think of The Anarchy period in Medieval Britian

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I do generally agree with that. But some big battle scenes are great.

by Sea-Pudding-917 3 months ago

Lord of the rings: the two towers entered the chat.

by Arohan 3 months ago

Nah man. As a writer, I disagree. Action is just as good as dialogue. It's just how you use it. If you don't find them the same level of entertaining, that just a you thing.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The thing is, everyone understands that unnecessary dialogue that does nothing for the plot sucks. Not everyone understands that a pointless fight scene is pointless.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No...no doubt. This sounds like a failure to connect. Certain types of action are harder to get invested in regardless of its importance to the story. Good Dialogue is a nothing phrase, you just don't care for action. It doesn't seem like it would matter how good the action is compared to the dialogue if...the story is bad.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I feel this but for the final exorcism in possession movies. They're almost always ridiculous af and the buildup before it all is much better than the actual exorcism.

by Big-Ganache3615 3 months ago

My problem with big battles is you can't have them without having the necessary inbetween shots of random people clashing, because not every moment can be important. So there's a bunch of filler, basically.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by mjones 3 months ago

I agree. I would add to that fight scenes and car chases as well

by Littlegabriel 3 months ago

Unless it's Shogun, there was no big battle. Anticlimactic

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There are so many examples of why this is so incredibly wrong.

by Murphytillman 3 months ago

Marvel fans getting called out.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, definitely an unpopular opinion. And for a good reason. Big battle scenes are awesome.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by tiaraheidenreic 3 months ago